Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam PS350 Biological Psychology

PS350 : Biological Psychology
Question 1
An IPSP will be produced when a ligand:
closes a sodium channel.
opens a sodium channel.
opens a potassium channel.
closes a calcium channel.

Question 2
In order to cross the synapse between two cells, a substance called ___________ is released from the first cell to activate or inhibit the second cell.
a neurotransmitter

Question 3
Damage to the substantia nigra would be expected to produce:
difficulty in color perception.
changes in appetite leading to anorexia.
difficulties in visual tasks.
Parkinson-like motor symptoms.

Question 4
A __________ section made through the human brain is parallel to the ground, and a __________ section through the spinal cord is parallel to the ground.
transverse; horizontal
horizontal; transverse
sagittal; midsagittal
frontal; coronal

Question 5
The infusion of ________ into the brain will destroy neurons through the process of overstimulation.
kainic acid

Question 6
Which of the following is a physical dimension of sound perception?

Question 7
Gametes are unique reproductive cells that:
secrete an anti-Müllerian hormone.
contain more than 23 pairs of chromosomes.
carry half the genetic information of the different types of cells of the body.
are formed by the union of an egg and a sperm during fertilization.

Question 8
Impulsive aggression may reflect __________, which can be treated with __________.
overactivity of prefrontal neurons; fluoxetine
amygdaloid damage; GABA releasers
impaired serotonin prefrontal activity; fluoxetine
serotonin hypothalamic activity; fluoxetine

Question 9
Individuals with phonological dyslexia have difficulty:
reading aloud.
in silent reading.
reading unfamiliar words.
reading for comprehension.

Question 10
The major affective disorders are also known as ________ disorders.

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