Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam PS400 Cognitive Psychology

PS400 : Cognitive Psychology
All of the following researchers are associated with behaviorism, except

Question 2
Among the core concepts of cognitive psychology, which one provides the basis for all of our cognitive abilities?
Stages of processing
Hierarchical systems
Mental representation

Question 3
Blindsight is an important phenomenon because it demonstrates that
individuals can't identify objects not consciously seen.
visual consciousness is entirely dependent on retinal processing.
visual consciousness is partly dependent on processing in both the retina and the occipital cortex.
visual consciousness is entirely dependent on a functional optic nerve.

Question 4
When /p/ and /b/ differ continuously in voice onset time, we hear an abrupt transition; this is called
phonemic restoration.
verbal transformation.
categorical perception.
conversation implicature.

Question 5
The _______ , located in the temporal lobe of the brain, is critical in storing new information into long-term memory.
corpus callosum

Question 6
Remembering a period of time in one's life and tying it to upper-level recollections of a job or place of residence is
an autobiographical memory.
a figurative memory.
constructed recall.
dependent recall.

Question 7
WordNet is based on which of the following approaches?
Object concepts
Rule-governed concepts
Semantic networks
Feature lists

Question 8
The eye-mind assumption is most directly related to
information processing during reading fixations.
bridging inferences.
idiographic writing.

Question 9
What is one disadvantage of a heuristic approach to solving problems?
It may yield a wrong answer.
It takes sufficient time and effort to solve the problem this way.
It's too random
Remembering heuristics takes up too much working memory.

Question 10
In syllogistic reasoning, a valid conclusion is __________ true, given that the premises are true.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam PS370 Research Methods in Psychology

PS370 : Research Methods in Psychology
Question 1
Which of the following is an example of inductive thinking?
Reasoning that a man will be able to hit a golf ball further than a woman because men generally have greater muscle development than women
Assuming that the sun will rise tomorrow morning because we know that the earth will continue to rotate and the sun will not burn out for billions of years
Assuming that there is something that we name intelligence because we notice that problem solving measures show differences between people that seem to be consistent over time
None of the above

Question 2
A researcher hypothesizes that criticism and aggression increase among coworkers when frustration increases. Workers are assigned to one of three groups (no frustration, moderate frustration, high frustration). For each group, verbal criticism and aggression are measured. In this example the independent variable is:
frustration level.
verbal criticism and aggression.
number of people in a group.
amount of work completed.

Question 3
The American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human Participants:
guarantees a research participant payment for participation.
guarantees a research participant the freedom to withdraw at any time from participation.
guarantees that there will be no deception or concealment.
expressly forbids research on children or persons with impairments.

Question 4
Which of the following is an accurate statement?
The variance is a better measure of variability than the range.
The range is a better measure of variability than the variance.
The range is a better measure of central tendency than the mode.
The variance is a better measure of central tendency than the range.

Question 5
A researcher wants to measure the relationship between age and test taking enjoyment (high, extremely high, insanely high, etc.). The most appropriate statistic would be the:
chi square.
sign test.
Pearson product-moment correlation.
Spearman rank-order correlation.

Question 6
Independent variables in differential research are __________ independent variables.

Question 7
Suppose a psychoanalyst studies enuretic children seen in her private practice. She observed that each child suffers from Oedipal conflicts and thus concluded that all enuretic children suffer from such conflicts. This conclusion illustrates a problem with what type of validity?

Question 8
When would you conclude there is a causal effect in an experiment?
When the systematic variance is high and error variance is low
When both systematic and error variance are low
When the error variance is greater than the systematic variance
When the error variance has a positive effect on the mean of the experimental group

Question 9
Assume we are carrying out a study involving children between the ages of 6 months and 2-1/2 years. We are looking at the effects of sudden noise on behavioral response. The most important variable to match the groups on is:
birth order.
eye color.

Question 10
Which of the following is NOT an example of a typical dependent measure in program evaluation?
A questionnaire given to people served by the program, as well as people in the community, asking about their satisfaction with the program
A measure of politician's commitment to continued funding of the program
A measure of actual change in the community (e.g., rate of unemployment for a community with a job training program)
A measure of change in the individual (e.g., a measure of malnutrition for people who receive food stamps)

Ashworth Semester Exam PS350 Biological Psychology

PS350 : Biological Psychology
Question 1
An IPSP will be produced when a ligand:
closes a sodium channel.
opens a sodium channel.
opens a potassium channel.
closes a calcium channel.

Question 2
In order to cross the synapse between two cells, a substance called ___________ is released from the first cell to activate or inhibit the second cell.
a neurotransmitter

Question 3
Damage to the substantia nigra would be expected to produce:
difficulty in color perception.
changes in appetite leading to anorexia.
difficulties in visual tasks.
Parkinson-like motor symptoms.

Question 4
A __________ section made through the human brain is parallel to the ground, and a __________ section through the spinal cord is parallel to the ground.
transverse; horizontal
horizontal; transverse
sagittal; midsagittal
frontal; coronal

Question 5
The infusion of ________ into the brain will destroy neurons through the process of overstimulation.
kainic acid

Question 6
Which of the following is a physical dimension of sound perception?

Question 7
Gametes are unique reproductive cells that:
secrete an anti-Müllerian hormone.
contain more than 23 pairs of chromosomes.
carry half the genetic information of the different types of cells of the body.
are formed by the union of an egg and a sperm during fertilization.

Question 8
Impulsive aggression may reflect __________, which can be treated with __________.
overactivity of prefrontal neurons; fluoxetine
amygdaloid damage; GABA releasers
impaired serotonin prefrontal activity; fluoxetine
serotonin hypothalamic activity; fluoxetine

Question 9
Individuals with phonological dyslexia have difficulty:
reading aloud.
in silent reading.
reading unfamiliar words.
reading for comprehension.

Question 10
The major affective disorders are also known as ________ disorders.

Ashworth Semester Exam MA260 Statistical Analysis I 2020

Question 1
Is Drug B superior to the currently used Drug A in treating pancreatitis?
Case-controlled observational
Double blind experiment
Single blind experiment

Question 2
Research shows that 14% of 6th graders in K–6 schools have tried cigarettes and 61% of 7th graders in 7–9 middle schools have tried cigarettes. What is the absolute increase, to the nearest percent?

Question 3
Consider the following exam scores. 76 72 87 96 99 75 84 85 84 94 92 What is the range of the scores and what would be appropriate bins to place them in?
76–92; Bins: 70–80, 80–90, & 90–100
72–99; Bins: 70–75, 76–80, 81–85, 86–90, 91-95, & 96–100
72–99; Bins: 70–75, 75–80, 80–85, 85–90, 90–95, & 95–100
76–99; Bins: 70–75, 75–80, 80–85, 85–90, 90–95, & 95–100

Question 4
A bar graph in which the bars are arranged in frequency order is a:
pie chart.
line chart.
pareto chart.

Question 5
Amtrak trains from Chicago to Portland arrived at Havre, MT, where they make a crew change, the following numbers of minutes late: 26, 17, 245, 19, 38, 42, 11, 0, 14, 44 Find the mean number of minutes late at Havre (to one decimal place).

Question 6
Which one of the three variables below is most likely to be normally or nearly normally distributed? A. The results of throwing a die 1000 times B. The lengths of randomly selected white pine needles C. The number of people standing in line at five cash registers
None of the above

Question 7
The advertising for a cold remedy claimed that no other cold remedy acted faster. In an experiment to compare that remedy with another one, it did act faster on average, but the result wasn't significant. What does this mean?
The difference was so small that it could have happened by chance even if the remedies were equivalent.
The difference was so small that it could have happened by chance even if the remedies weren't equivalent.
The probability of the observed difference occurring by chance if the two remedies are equivalent was less than 0.05.
The population mean response times are different, but the samples didn't show it.

Question 8
There are 318 teachers at a college. Among a sample of 115 teachers from this college, 67 have doctorates. Based on this sample, estimate the population proportion of teachers at this college with doctorates.

Question 9
The standard score for a two-tailed test is 2.0. What is the P-value?

Question 10
The _______ hypothesis states that the variables are independent (there's no relationship between them) and the _______ hypothesis states that there's a relationship between the two variables.
population; sample
alternative; null
sample; population
null; alternative

Ashworth Semester Exam MA24S College Algebra

MA24S : College Algebra

Question 1
Solve the following equation. Determine whether the equation is an identity, conditional equation, or an inconsistent equation: 7(x - 4) = x + 2
{-7 ,conditional}
{7, Identity}
{5, conditional}
{2, inconsistent equation}

Question 2
Solve the following equation. Determine whether the equation is an identity, conditional equation, or an inconsistent equation: 7x + 13 = 2(2x - 5) + 3x + 23
Ø; conditional equation
Ø; Inconsistent equation
Ø; identity equation
{-1}; Inconsistent equation

Question 3
Determine the value of A so that the line whose equation is Ax + y - 2 = 0 is perpendicular to the line containing the points (1, -3) and (-2, 4).
– 3/7

Question 4
Find the horizontal asymptote as x --> 8 and then describe what this means in practical terms. F(x) = 150x + 120/0.05x + 1; the number of bass, f(x), after x months in a lake that was stocked with 120 bass.
the number of bass, f(x), after y months in a lake that was stocked with 130 bass
the number of bass, f(x), after x months in a lake that was stocked with 120 bass
the number of bass, f(x), after x months in a lake that was stocked with 140 bass
the number of bass, f(x), after x months in a lake that was stocked with 150 bass

Question 5
Log4(3x+2) = 3
Solve the following logarithmic equation. Be sure to reject any value of x that is not in the domain of the original logarithmic expressions. Give the exact answer. Then, where necessary, use a calculator to obtain a decimal approximation, to two decimal places, for the solution:

Question 6
2x+5y = -2
3x-4y = 20
Solve the following system:
{(4, -1)}
{(1, -3)}
{(4, -2)}
{(1, -5)}

Question 7
Solve the following system of equations using matrices:
{(t, t 1, t)}
{(t, t 0, t)}
{(t, t - 2, t)}
{(t, t - 1, t)}

Question 8
3x+y-2z = -3
2x+7y+3z = 9
4x-3y-z = 7
Solve for x only using Cramer's Rule.
x = 7
x = 9
x = 2
x = -3

Question 9
X2 25 + (y-2)2 /36 = 1

For the following ellipses determine location of its foci.
foci at (0, 2 + v11), (0, 2 - v11)
foci at (0, 5 + v21), (0, 5 - v21)
foci at (0, 3 + v25), (0, 3 - v25)
foci at (0, 1 + v36), (0, 1 - v36)

Question 10
You are taking a multiple-choice test that has five questions. Each of the questions has three answer choices, with one correct answer per question. If you select one of these three choices for each question and leave nothing blank, in how many ways can you answer the questions?
198 ways
290 ways
243 ways
364 ways

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam EN120 English Composition I - 2nd attempt

EN120 : English Composition I
Question 1
The single key to writing the first draft of an essay is to:
use a variety of sentence types.
engage your readers' emotions.
appeal to your readers' spiritual leanings.
use as many words as possible.

Question 2
When sentences mesh in a clear and logical order, a paragraph has:
sequential order.

Question 3
Which of the following is NOT a transitional expression used in an illustration paragraph?
For example
In another instance
A case in point is

Question 4
It's important to use the same __________ throughout a sentence or paragraph.
verb tense

Question 5
The most common English sentence is a/an:

Question 6
Which pair of sentences does NOT show contrast?
Chase is athletic, but Hayden isn't.
Several of the children played with Legos.
Karen likes music, while Sarah prefers to bake.
The older of the two gentlemen smoked a cigar; the younger one abstained.

Question 7
Proper nouns are __________ capitalized.

Question 8
_________ is the final step in the writing process.

Question 9
Which sentence contains an incorrect use of an apostrophe?
The boy's mother picked him up from camp during the summer.
Brandy, my pet dog, always knows when it's time for dinner.
Is this anyones' umbrella?
It was three o'clock in the evening.

Question 10
When __________, you must exchange an author's words for your own words in your own writing style.

Ashworth Semester Exam EC440 Creating Learning Environments

EC440 : Creating Learning Environments
Question 1
An example of a closed-ended material would be a/an:
bucket of seashells.
supply of art materials.
25-piece animal puzzle.
box of buttons in assorted colors, shapes, and sizes.

Question 2
Carly walked by the book center just as Emilio ripped a page in the book he was reading. A logical consequence for Emilio would be:
to help Carly repair the page with tape.
dismissal from the book center for the rest of the day.
a note home to the parents explaining that Emilio ripped the page.
None of the above

Question 3
Which scenario shows that the teacher understands the philosophy of early childhood education?
Kyle sets up her classroom with learning centers, and on Mondays and Thursdays she focuses on science activities.
Tyesha believes children should set the schedule based on their interests, so everyday looks different in her classroom.
Davis does not teach science and social studies as separate subjects but instead incorporates them into learning centers.
Monica believes children thrive in structure and has established a set routine of 30 minutes for math, 30 minutes for language, 30 minutes for science, and 30 minutes for social studies in the mornings before lunch since that is when the children are most likely to be engaged.

Question 4
Keisha wrote a descriptive, detailed narrative about Joseph while he played in the block center. She was using __________ as an assessment technique.
running records
time sampling
anecdotal records
frequency counts

Question 5
Alea is developing a classroom for the infants she cares for who are ages 6 weeks through 8 months. Which of the following centers would be appropriate to include?
A block center with wooden unit blocks
A physical center with pull up railing
An art center with watercolor paints
All of the above

Question 6
Since the advent of the computer, Billie wonders if it is necessary to still promote handwriting. Which of the following statements is most accurate?
Handwriting is no longer necessary since most people now use a computer or another electronic device to communicate.
Handwriting is important because this is a traditional subject and it is important to honor traditions.
Writing is not important since typing results in more brain activity than writing.
There may be an underlying neural network that is used for both fine motor and reading and math skills. Therefore, handwriting is important.

Question 7
Which of the following demonstrates an adult appropriately intervening in children's play in order to sustain dramatic play?
Offering assistance if needed
Asking, "What will you do next?"
Using nondirective statements to describe what the child is doing
All of the above

Question 8
Moving from the random scribble stage to the controlled scribble stage occurs when children begin:
holding the pencil correctly.
to use their wrist.
to imitate older children and adults.
adding shapes and details.

Question 9
An obstacle course to dribble a ball through, a foam noodle to bat at a beach ball, and paper airplanes for throwing and catching would all work on __________ skills.
None of the above

Question 10
We can assist to keep playgrounds safe through using S.A.F.E. This stands for which of the following?
Structured games, adult modeling, fall surfacing, equipment maintenance
Structured games, adult modeling, fun activities, educational toys
Supervision, age appropriate, fall surfacing, equipment maintenance
Supervision, age appropriate, fun activities, educational toys

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...