Friday, December 25, 2020

BUSI544 Week 1 Marketing strategy proposal

Submit a two-page proposal for your marketing plan project by introducing your choice of small business for your marketing plan project, and the industry in which it competes. Explain why you chose it, and what your goal is for this business.

Review the Marketing Plan Expectations topic for full details. Criteria for "Selecting your Business" are provided in this topic. The topic is also located in the Start Here module in the Content area our course.

Research the industry and find 3 articles that speak to current trends in the industry; briefly summarize the main topic of each article. Define your business from both a 'product definition' and 'market definition' perspective. Refer to Table 2.2 on page 40. Essentially, this assignment will get you started with the Situation Analysis of the marketing plan.


BUSI544 Week 1 Discussion 2

Describe holistic marketing, in your own words. Think of a simile or metaphor that describes your vision of holistic marketing. In your description, make sure to address the dimensions associated with holistic marketing. Also consider the "new marketing realities," and how they relate to new consumer and company capabilities. Give an example not found in this week's readings, of a company that is leveraging new marketing realities.

In your opinion, why has holistic marketing replaced the more traditional marketing concepts of production, product, selling and marketing orientations? Give an example of how a holistic approach can inform a company's marketing strategy.


BUSI531 Week 5 Quiz 5 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 (2 points)
Which of the following statements is true of technology's influence on training and learning?
Question 1 options:

1)     New technologies have increased the administrative costs associated with delivering training to employees.

2)     New training technologies will totally replace face-to-face instruction.

3)     New technologies give employees access to and control of their own learning through relationships and collaborations with others.

4)     New technologies add to the paperwork and time needed for administrative activities.

Question 2 (2 points)
_____ allow synchronous communication in training.
Question 2 options:

1)     Live online courses

2)     Self-paced courses on CD-ROM

3)     Virtual libraries

4)     E-mails

Question 3 (2 points)
In a traditional learning environment, _____.
Question 3 options:

1)     Learning used to be a very dynamic process

2)     Communication on course content was primarily two-way

3)     Learning occurred primarily through exchanges with other learners

4)     Experts and resource materials were separate from the learning environment

Question 4 (2 points)
Which of the following is a disadvantage of online learning?
Question 4 options:

1)     Online learning lacks communication richness.

2)     Online learning is ineffective for training that emphasizes on cognitive outcomes.

3)     Online learning fails to link learners to other content, experts, and peers.

4)     Updating online learning is extremely difficult.

Question 5 (2 points)
_____ typically provides opportunities for learners to practice, ask questions, and interact with other learners and peers both face-to-face and online.
Question 5 options:

1)     Traditional classroom training

2)     Technology-based learning

3)     Blended learning

4)     Adventure learning

Question 6 (2 points)
To create a positive online learning experience, _____.
Question 6 options:

1)     Content that is unrelated to the learning objectives should also be included in e-learning

2)     The use of multiple types of media to deliver e-learning should be avoided

3)     Trainees should be allowed to skip over material that they are competent in

4)     Learning modules should be kept long and delivered continuously

Question 7 (2 points)
_____ refers to directly translating an instructor-led, face-to-face training program to an online format.
Question 7 options:

1)     Repurposing

2)     Rapid prototyping

3)     Self-directedness

4)     Webcasting

Question 8 (2 points)
In the context of maximizing the benefits of learner control, trainees should:
Question 8 options:

1)     Be allowed to practice on selected topics of their choice and not every topic covered.

2)     Be allowed to skip practice even on topics in which they are incompetent.

3)     Be allowed to control the sequence in which they receive instruction.

4)     Be allowed to control the amount of feedback they receive.

Question 9 (2 points)
_____ refers to the learner's involvement with the training material and assessing their progress toward learning.
Question 9 options:

1)     Repurposing

2)     Rapid prototyping

3)     Metacognition

4)     Self-regulation

Question 10 (2 points)
Online training is best provided:
Question 10 options:

1)     During the trainees' personal time.

2)     During breaks in the trainees' normal workday.

3)     At the employee's desktop without time away from the job.

4)     By using one- to two-hour training modules rather than a full-day training session.

Question 11 (2 points)
YouTube is a typical example for _____.
Question 11 options:

1)     Shared workspaces

2)     Shared media

3)     Microblog

4)     Online chat room

Question 12 (2 points)
The use of social media as a learning tool will be ineffective in a company that:
Question 12 options:

1)     Has a significant number of employees from the millennial generation.

2)     Requires substantial teamwork.

3)     Supports centralized decision making.

4)     Has geographically dispersed employees.

Question 13 (2 points)
In comparison to classroom delivery, blended learning has increased:
Question 13 options:

1)     Involvement of the instructors.

2)     Face-to-face interactions.

3)     Self-directedness among employees.

4)     Learner's dependency on the instructor.

Question 14 (2 points)
In _____ type of simulation, trainees are presented with a situation and asked to make a decision that enables them to progress through the simulation.
Question 14 options:

1)     Game-based

2)     Branching story

3)     Virtual lab

4)     Interactive spreadsheet

Question 15 (2 points)
In virtual lab type of simulation, trainees:
Question 15 options:

1)     Interact with a computer representation of the job for which they are being trained.

2)     Are given a set of business rules (usually finance-based).

3)     Enter their decisions into a spreadsheet that shows how the decisions affect the business.

4)     Are presented with a situation or a case and asked to make a choice or decision.

Question 16 (2 points)
What is virtual reality in training? 
Question 16 options:

Question 17 (2 points)
What are intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)?
Question 17 options:

Question 18 (2 points)
List an advantage, and disadvantage, to distance learning.
Question 18 options:

Question 19 (2 points)
What are Expert Systems used for in training?
Question 19 options:

Question 20 (2 points)
What is an LMS and how is it of benefit to training?
Question 20 options:

BUSI531 Week 3 Quiz 3 SCORE 100 PERCENT

2)    Identical elements
3)    Reinforcement
4)    David McClelland's need

Question 8 (2 points)
According to the _____ theory, models' behavior or skill that is rewarded is adopted by an observer.
Question 8 options:
1)    Information processing
2)    Social learning
3)    Expectancy
4)    Goal setting

Question 9 (2 points)
_____ is a person's judgment about whether he or she can successfully learn knowledge and skills.
Question 9 options:
1)    Self-efficacy
2)    Self-actualization
3)    Self-esteem
4)    Self-concept

Question 10 (2 points)
Logical verification to increase self-efficacy typically involves:
Question 10 options:
1)    Perceiving a relationship between a new task and a task already mastered.
2)    Trying out the observed behaviors to see if they result in the same reinforcement that a model received.
3)    Motivating trainees by having employees who have mastered the learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees.
4)    Determining the degree of support and negative consequences in the work setting for using newly acquired capabilities.

Question 11 (2 points)
Kenneth, an operations manager has been assigned to train a group of older employees in the logistics department. He has to train them to use the new computer software which was installed recently. He does so by reminding them that they were quick in learning to use the previous software. Kenneth is typically trying to _____.
Question 11 options:
1)    Increase the employees' self-efficacy
2)    Deter expectancies of the employees
3)    Create motor reproduction
4)    Raise the valence of the behavior

Question 12 (2 points)
Which of the following creates a learning orientation in trainees?
Question 12 options:
1)    Emphasizing trained task performance
2)    Emphasizing competition among trainees
3)    Ensuring trainees completely avoid errors and mistakes
4)    Allowing trainees to experiment with new knowledge and skills

Question 13 (2 points)
In expectancy theory, a belief that performing a given behavior is associated with a particular outcome is called _____.
Question 13 options:
1)    Valence
2)    Instrumentality
3)    Maintenance
4)    Generalizing

Question 14 (2 points)
According to the _____, transfer will be maximized to the degree that the tasks, materials, equipment, and other characteristics of the learning environment are similar to those encountered in the work environment.
Question 14 options:
1)    Theory of identical elements
2)    Stimulus generalization approach
3)    Cognitive theory of transfer
4)    Information processing theory

Question 15 (2 points)
Which of the following statements is true of closed skills?
Question 15 options:
1)     They require the trainee to adapt the general principles to fit a wide range of circumstances.
2)    They refer to training objectives that are linked to general learning principles.
3)    They refer to training objectives that are linked to learning specific skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on their job.
4)    They are more difficult to train than open skills.

Question 16 (2 points)
Please explain a Lesson Plan Overview.
Question 16 options:

Question 17 (2 points)
What is a request for proposal (RFP) and what purpose does it serve?
Question 17 options:

Question 18 (2 points)
Please describe Far Transfer and its importance in training.
Question 18 options:

Question 19 (2 points)
Please describe Near Transfer and its importance in training.
Question 19 options:

Question 20 (2 points)
What is the importance of management support to training?

BUSI531 Week 3 Dropbox Asignment 2

Write a paper on the topic described under "Application Assignments" located on page 243, and develop a design for an action planning sheet.

Design an action planning sheet that a manager and employee could use to facilitate transfer of training. Justify each category included in the action plan.


  • Your paper must be approximately 3-5 pages in length.
  • You must use APA or MLA style of writing.
  • Dropbox Assignment 2 is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. CT, of  Week 3.


BUSI526 BDE-Week 1 Case Study 1

Read the Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company (Dessler, Ch. 1). After reading the case, answer the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Make a list of five specific HR problems with which you think Carter Cleaning will have to grapple.
  2. What would you do first if you were Jennifer?

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position. See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.





BUSI526 BDE Week 6 Case Study 5


Read the Application Case: Enron, Ethics, and Organizational Culture (Dessler, Ch. 14).  After reading the case, complete the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Based on what you read in this chapter, summarize in one page or less how you would explain Enron's ethical meltdown.
  2. It is said that when one securities analyst tried to confront Enron's CEO about the firm's unusual accounting statements, the CEO publicly used vulgar language to describe the analyst, and that Enron employees subsequently thought doing so was humorous. If true, what does that say about Enron's ethical culture?
  3. This case and chapter had something to say about how organizational culture influences ethical behavior. What role do you think culture played at Enron? Give five specific examples of things Enron's CEO could have done to create a healthy ethical culture.

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...