Monday, January 27, 2020

Exam 500472RR - Organizational Behavior and Individual...(HR)

Exam: 500472RR - Organizational Behavior and Individual Characteristics

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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a pagebreak, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. _______ refers to companies going beyond their bottom line and economic interests to engage inactivities that promote social well-being and environmental sustainability.
A. Organizational behavior
B. Sustainability
C. Globalization
D. Corporate social responsibility

2. Which of the following is not typically considered among the levels of analysis in the field oforganizational behavior?
A. Medium-sized groups
B. Large groups
C. Small groups
D. Individual

3. Lisa's ability to recognize her moods, emotions, drives, and their effect on others represents a highdegree of
A. self-worth.
B. social awareness.
C. cognitive skill.
D. self-awareness.

4. Personal integrity, cultural mindset, and global sustainability are all key elements of
A. the ethical environment.
B. liquid modernity.
C. transactional values.
D. diversity awareness.

5. An important step in developing self-awareness is _______, through which we develop a personalnarrative about who we are, what we value, what we stand for, and what our personal mission is.
A. decision making
B. self-disclosure
C. reflection
D. learning from experience
6. According to a 2013 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up 47 percent of theworkforce, but only _______ percent hold leadership positions.
A. 4
B. 10
C. 15.2
D. 3

7. According to the MBTI, _______ tend to be pragmatic, independent, and even-tempered.
A. rationals
B. artisans
C. idealists
D. guardians

8. A leader's role in shaping organizational culture involves several functions, including
A. maintaining hierarchy, making impersonal decisions, and preserving top-down structure.
B. identifying problems, taking corrective actions, staying up-to-date on activities.
C. role modeling, hiring decisions, and strategy and structure.
D. setting objectives, organizing tasks, and developing employees.

9. Which of Hofstede's cultural dimensions describes the extent to which assertiveness and independencefrom others is valued?
A. Uncertainty avoidance
B. Power distance
C. Individualism
D. Masculinity

10. While studying the Big Five dimensions of personality, Liza discovers that _______ is most stronglycorrelated with job performance.
A. agreeableness
B. emotional stability
C. introversion
D. conscientiousness

11. While examining the cultural dimensions of the GLOBE model, Alicia learns that countries with a high_______ value fairness, kindness, generosity, and caring.
A. humane orientation
B. gender egalitarianism
C. power distance
D. in-group collectivism

12. Logical thinking, decision making, creativity, and reasoning are all important _______ skills relevant tomangers.
A. interpersonal
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. theoretical

13. Which of the following is not one of the levels of culture?
A. Group
B. Ritual
C. National
D. Organizational

14. Upon assuming his new managerial post in the marketing research department of a breakfast foodsmanufacturer, Hector becomes responsible for performing liaison functions and integrating the work ofvarious units within the organization. Which managerial role function do these responsibilities involve?
A. Interpretation
B. External awareness
C. Representation
D. Coordination

15. Someone who relies on his or her ability to show empathy and express his or her emotions to win his orher employees' trust and build cohesion is a good example of a _______ leader.
A. socially aware
B. self-managed
C. self-aware
D. socially manipulative

16. In the 2010 IBM Global CEO Study, 60 percent of those interviewed named _______ as the singlemost important attribute for leaders in the next five years.
A. creativity
B. integrity
C. research
D. global thinking

17. The emergence of social media and its impact on local and global affairs represents a dramatic increasein the _______ of today's global society.
A. stability
B. resilience
C. cultural mindset
D. connectedness

18. One of the challenges Michelle discovers in her role as a manager of a large consumer promotionsdepartment is negotiating conflicts between the _______ employees, who value hard work and respect forauthority, and a larger group of _______ employees, who place more value on balancing work and personallife.

A. Baby Boomer, Millennial
B. Baby Buster, Traditionalist
C. Traditionalist, Generation Xer
D. Baby Boomer, Baby Buster

19. Hard work, frugality, patriotism, and the Protestant work ethic reflect the dominant value system of the_______ generation.
A. Traditionalist
B. Millennial
C. Baby Buster
D. Baby Boomer

20. According to Hofstede's cultural dimensions, _______ refers to the extent to which individuals orclosely knit structures, such as the extended family, are the basis for social systems.
A. power distance
B. masculinity
C. uncertainty avoidance
D. individualism

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