Tuesday, April 28, 2020

BIS221T Apply Week 1 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

•  How are bus lines measured?
•    Gigahertz
•    Height
•    Megahertz
•    Width

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Who can modify Linux?
•    Programmers
•    Anyone
•    No one
•    Only the original coders

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Which memory coordinates, tracks, allocates other memory?
•    RAM
•    Secondary
•    Primary
•    Virtual

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What does the acronym HTTP mean?
•    Hypertext Tenth Protocol
•    Hypertext Transfer Protocol
•    Hypertext Table Protocol
•    Hypertext Tenable Protocol

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What is the table of contents to a hard drive?
•    Database Register
•    Disk TOC
•    HD TOC
•    FAT

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What is a separate window that opens a browser without user interaction?
•    Frame
•    Popup
•    Frame Area
•    Ad Blocker

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Which operating system is free of cost?
•    Mac OS
•    Windows
•    UNIX
•    Linux

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Which type of memory is primary storage?
•    Hard Drive and Cloud Drive
•    Hard Drive
•    RAM
•    Cloud Drive

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Which is not a major OS in business?
•    Borland System Platform
•    Windows
•    Mac OS
•    Linux

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TCP/IP breaks file into what?
•    Packets
•    Virtual Text Files (Cookie Derivative)
•    Swap Files
•    Temporary Text Files

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A computer connected to a server is called what?
•    Network Connection
•    Hub
•    Client
•    Peripheral Device

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What is software designed to damage a computing system?
•    Web Bot
•    Bot
•    Damage Bot
•    Malware

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What is the least used topology?
•    Star
•    Backbone
•    Ring
•    Star (pre 1998)

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What is a common name for a hierarchy of directories?
•    Folder
•    Tree and Roots
•    Tree
•    Root

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A microprocessor's speed is measured in what?
•    Hertz
•    Mega Rate
•    Clock rate
•    Megahertz

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What are "rules" called when referring to a network?
•    Procedures
•    UDR
•    Protocols
•    TCP

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What was the Internet's original name?
•    World Wide Web
•    AOL
•    NetScape

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What are text files used for tracking a WWW user?
•    Text
•    Bots
•    Web Bots
•    Cookies

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Who developed the earliest Mac OS?
•    Gates
•    Gates and Allen
•    Gates (from Jobs)
•    Jobs and Wozniak

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What is it called when a computer runs more than one process at a time?
•    Multi Programming
•    Multitasking
•    Metatasking
•    Meta Processing

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Data and information that leaves a computer is called what?
•    Input
•    Information
•    Data
•    Output

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TCP/IP and UDP break large files into what?
•    Swap Files
•    Temp Files
•    Text Files
•    Packets

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A printer or scanner connected to a network is called what?
•    Peripheral Device
•    Soft Connection
•    Hard Connection
•    Hardware Connection

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What are the most common types of cables in a network?
•    Ethernet
•    ArcNet
•    Single Copper
•    Twisted Pair

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What is the only real language a computer understands?
•    ASCII
•    Programming
•    UniCode
•    Machine Code

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Who is the person responsible for a network's smooth operation?
•    Network Administrator
•    Software controls the network
•    Human Resource Director
•    CIO

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What is it called when a computer performs a task?
•    Process
•    Dormant Task
•    Active Task
•    Program

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What are the most common graphic files on the WWW?
•    GIFs
•    GIFs and JPEGs
•    JPEGs
•    Vector Files

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What is the most common topology?
•    Linear
•    Backbone
•    Star
•    Bus

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What is the chassis commonly referred as?
•    Case
•    The "Box"
•    Cloud Case
•    Circuit Guard

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