Thursday, April 30, 2020

BM380 Lesson 3 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1
What are some of the problems associated with traditional telephone interviews?
Question options:

a)     Mistakes in administering the questions

b)     Insufficient call back for not-at-homes

c)     Dishonest interviewers

d)     All of the above

Question 2
What is NOT a unique advantage of using person-administered surveys?
Question options:

a)     Feedback

b)     Rapport

c)     Quality control

d)     Speed

Question 3
Which is TRUE regarding a disadvantage of self-administered surveys?
Question options:

a)     Because interviewers are not present, evaluation of the interview is impossible.

b)     The primary burden of respondent understanding is placed on the questionnaire.

c)     The primary burden of respondent understanding is placed on the field editor.

d)     Respondents feel anxious because they control the administration process.

Question 4
Which of the following will increase mail survey response rates?
Question options:

a)     Use of color

b)     Stamps, rather than preprinted postage paid on the return envelopes

c)     Use of a recognizable brand name

d)     Use of an alert letter

Question 5
Which of the following answers represents the four guidelines of question wording?
Question options:

a)     Focused, simple, complete, crystal clear

b)     General, simple, brief, crystal clear

c)     Focused, simple, brief, crystal clear

d)     Focused, elaborate, brief, crystal clear

Question 6
A typical computer-assisted questionnaire design program will assist the designer by offering computerized menus for design issues such as which of the following?
Question options:

a)     The type of question format

b)     The number of response categories

c)     Whether multiple responses are to be used

d)     All of the above features are typically offered.

Question 7
Age, income, gender, and interest in buying product X would all be considered __________ of the consumer, or object.
Question options:

a)     descriptions

b)     properties

c)     subjective descriptors

d)     objectives descriptors

Question 8
Adaptability refers to the ability to react to respondent differences. Which survey method is best suited for adaptability?
Question options:

a)     Computer-administered surveys

b)     Self-administered surveys

c)     Drop-off surveys

d)     Person-administered surveys

Question 9
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer-administered surveys?
Question options:

a)     Ability to develop rapport with the respondent

b)     Speed

c)     Error-free interviewing

d)     Use of pictures, videos, and graphics

Question 10
Which of the following scale types best defines a scale measure in which respondents are asked to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric continuum for each of a series of statements?
Question options:

a)     Semantic differential scale

b)     Nominal scale

c)     Likert scale

d)     Bipolar scale

Question 11
Which type of interview technique offers the advantages of cost, quality, and speed?
Question options:

a)     In-office interview

b)     Telephone interview

c)     Mall-intercept interview

d)     In-home interview

Question 12
Validity is best illustrated by which of the following?
Question options:

a)     Accuracy or truthfulness of the measurement

b)     The extent to which the reliability coefficient approaches 1.0

c)     The ability to repeat measurements

d)     Tendency to respond in the same manner to different questions

Question 13
If the distance between 2 - 3 and 6 - 7 on a scale are equal, the scale would likely be at least:
Question options:

a)     nominal.

b)     ordinal.

c)     interval.

d)     ratio.

Question 14
Some of the major advantages of using online surveys are:
Question options:

a)     easy-to-use SPAMBOTS to collect email addresses, lowering cost and increasing speed.

b)     real-time access to data and availability of many respondents attained by sending out randomly selected emails.

c)     low cost, speed, and sample representativeness.

d)     low cost, speed, and real-time access to data.

Question 15
Which of the following is the MOST accurate statement regarding the importance of the questionnaire in the research process?
Question options:

a)     Relatively speaking, the questionnaire is unimportant in the marketing research process.

b)     Not only is the questionnaire a very important ingredient, but its design affects the quality of the data collected; even experienced interviewers cannot compensate for questionnaire defects.

c)     The questionnaire is tied with the written report as being the most important item in the marketing research process.

d)     Not only is the questionnaire a very important ingredient, but its design affects the quality of the data collected, though experienced interviewers often compensate for questionnaire defects.

Question 16
One disadvantage of mall-intercept interviewing is that:
Question options:

a)     mall-intercepts, because they require the cooperation of all stores in a mall, are difficult to implement.

b)     turnover rates are high.

c)     mall shoppers may not be representative of the target market population.

d)     interviewers in mall-intercept studies are often distracted by mall activities.

Question 17
Which single characteristic is unique to a nominal type of measurement?
Question options:

a)     Description

b)     Order

c)     Distance

d)     Origin

Question 18
Questionnaire organization refers to:
Question options:

a)     the way questionnaires are organized in a filing system.

b)     the sequence of statements and questions that make up a questionnaire.

c)     organizations mainly existing to construct questionnaires.

d)     determining if the question looks right.

Question 19
A leading question is one that:
Question options:

a)     is used to begin the questionnaire and must be carefully worded for ease of response and also for interest.

b)     is used to begin the questionnaire and should address the key issue of the research project in case respondents refuse to answer further questions.

c)     is worded in such a way that gives the respondent a clue as to how to answer and should be avoided.

d)     is worded in such a way that gives the respondent a clue as to how to answer and should be used to help the researcher achieve the desired results.

Question 20
Which type of scale measure takes into account the values and personality traits of people as reflected in their unique activities, interests, and opinions toward their work, leisure time, and purchases?
Question options:

a)     Intensity series scale

b)     Lifestyle inventory

c)     Semantic differential scale

d)     AIO scale

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