Saturday, July 24, 2021

BUSI544 Week 7 Marketing Plan - Final - Indian Restaurant


The finished complete version of your marketing plan is due due Sunday by 11:59 pm CT this week.

It should include all sections of the Marketing Plan Report Template, including the appendices and references.

Marketing Plan Report Format

·         Cover Page: Must include the name of the business, your name, the course number and date submitted.

·         Legal Page:Template is provided at the end of this document; fill in blanks and instructor will sign to ensure confidentiality.

·         Table of Contents:Must include a complete listing of all report sections and appendices, and appropriately aligned page numbers

·         Marketing Plan Content: Report must conform to the proper format. See outline below.


Marketing Plan Formatting

All MP submissions should conform to the following:

·         Writing Style: First person (you are writing this marketing plan as though you will be presenting it to management in the organization)

·         Font: Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman; 12-point font size

·         Margins:1 inch left/right and top/bottom margins

·         Spacing

·         Single space the body of the report

·         Double Space (1 blank) between paragraphs

·         Triple Space (2 blank) between major headings and the first line of a new section

·         Headings

·         Major Headings: Bolded, underlined 14pt type and left justified

·         Secondary Headings: Bolded, underlined 12 pt type and left justified

·         A minimum of three lines of copy at the bottom and top of pages

·         Pagination

·         Upper or lower right hand corner or center bottom, including landscaped pages

·         Include page numbers of all appendices pages

·         APA style citations

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