Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam SO24S Social Impact of Technology

SO24S : Social Impact of Technology
Question 1
If you embrace transition theory, you'd say the main factor in the reduction of death rates is:
expanded access to education.
preventive health care.
accessible pediatric care.
improved technologies in food production.

Question 2
The V-1 and V-2 rockets that rained down on London during the Blitz were first developed in:
Great Britain.
the United States.
the Soviet Union.

Question 3
In peripheral countries or regions all of the following are true EXCEPT:
they are all dependent on core countries for capital.
the term "peripheral" is necessarily synonymous with poverty.
most of the impoverished countries are in Africa.
there is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations.

Question 4
In a growing population, the rate of __________ increase equals the birth rate minus the death rate plus net migration.

Question 5
During World War II, which country sustained the highest percentage of fatalities?
Great Britain
The United States
The Soviet Union

Question 6
Four major rivers flow from the decreasing snow melt of the Himalayan mountains. If you are a resident of northern India, which of these four rivers is most likely to threaten food production?
The Indus
The Yangtze
The Mekong
The Ganges

Question 7
Four students are talking about the kind of energy that's fundamental to life on Earth. Thomas says it is electrical energy. Susan opts for solar energy. Lawrence argues in favor of chemical energy. Kimberly is sure it's mechanical energy. Who is correct?

Question 8
We find perennial grasses and flowering plants called forbs in __________ grasslands.
derived savannah

Question 9
Which of these technological advances is associated with the development of writing?
The domestication of animals
The development of agriculture
Iron smelting

Question 10
As an ecologist I've been patiently observing Grable pond and its surrounds to better understand the unique patterns of interactions between the flora and fauna that live there. In fact, I am studying a/an:

Ashworth Semester Exam SC160 Basic Biology

SC160 : Basic Biology
Question 1
Relative to prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are usually:
larger and more complex.
smaller and simpler.
larger and equally complex.
smaller and more complex.

Question 2
The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called:

Question 3
You find a cell of a type you have never seen before. The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall. Therefore, you conclude that it must be a __________ cell.

Question 4
Plants use photosynthesis to:
store chemical energy, and they use cellular respiration to harvest energy.
store as well as harvest chemical energy.
harvest energy, and they use cellular respiration to store chemical energy.
obtain carbon dioxide.

Question 5
Alleles are described as:
homologous chromosomes.
environmental factors that affect gene expression.
alternate versions of a gene.
alternate phenotypes.

Question 6
The process of making multiple copies of a gene by inserting it into a host genome and culturing the host is an example of:
gene cloning.
industrial genetic engineering.
gene amplification.
gene pharming.

Question 7
What type of reproductive isolating mechanism is described by a situation in which female fireflies only mate with males who emit light in a particular pattern?
Habitat isolation
Temporal isolation
Mechanical isolation
Behavioral isolation

Question 8
Mutualistic associations of plant roots and fungi are called:

Question 9
Ecology is the study of:
human effects on the environment.
interactions between humans and other species.
interactions between organisms and their environments.

Question 10
Populations of two coexisting species are both tertiary consumers in a community. What relationship may exist between these two organisms?

Ashworth Semester Exam SC14S Elements of Chemistry

SC14S : Elements of Chemistry
Ozone is considered an air pollutant in the __________ but is a valuable protective layer in the __________.
troposphere; stratosphere
stratosphere; mesosphere
stratosphere; troposphere
mesosphere; stratosphere

The periodicity of the properties of elements is chiefly due to the:
numbers of electrons in the atoms of the elements.
distribution of electrons in the atoms of the elements.
numbers of neutrons and electrons in the atoms of the elements.
Both the numbers of electrons in the atoms of the elements and the distribution of electrons in the atoms of the elements.

The carbon cycle refers to:
the mechanism by which carbon dioxide causes global warming.
the frequency of light energy that affects the rotational energy of carbon dioxide.
the oxidation of glucose to form carbon dioxide and water.
the movement of carbon through living organisms, the atmosphere, the sea, and the earth.

Thermal energy:
decreases as the temperature of a body increases.
is characterized by the random motion of molecules.
is the only form of energy that can be transformed into work with 100% efficiency.
causes the mass of a body to increase.

Which statement concerning groundwater is correct?
Any water found above ground that needs treatment to remove contaminants
Any water found above ground that is usually free of contaminants
Any water pumped from wells that have been drilled into underground aquifers that needs treatment to remove contaminants
Any water pumped from wells drilled into underground aquifers that is usually free from harmful contaminants

Fission is the process of creating energy by:
combining small nuclei to form a larger, more stable nucleus.
combining small nuclei to form a larger, less stable nucleus.
splitting large nuclei with bombarding protons.
splitting large nuclei with bombarding neutrons.

A polymer is a large molecule:
held together by hydrogen bonds.
made up of long chains of atoms covalently bonded together.
made up of large lattice structure held together by ionic bonds.
always made up of identical monomer units.

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, described making a "tea" that was effective against fever by boiling willow bark. Years later the active ingredient was isolated and chemically modified to produce the drug we now know as:

With respect to diet, which statement is correct?
It is possible to be overweight and malnourished.
If a person is malnourished, he/she would have to be anorexic.
It is possible to be undernourished and not anorexic.
If you meet your daily caloric intake, you can be undernourished.

The human genome is organized into:
50 chromosomes.
23 pairs of chromosomes.
1 Y chromosome and 1 X chromosome.
23 chromosomes.

Ashworth Semester Exam S06V Social Psychology

S06V : Social Psychology
Question 1
Behaviorists believe that all learning is a result of
reinforcement and punishment.
Gestalt principles.

Question 2
From across the room, J.T. sees his mother sigh, and he approaches to give her a hug in the hopes of cheering her up. In this case, J.T.'s behavior is an example of a(n) ________ social influence attempt.

Question 3
If you were to design a program using rewards to increase motivation, what type of rewards would it be the best to use, according to the authors of your text?

Question 4
Research demonstrated that physical sensation can activate metaphors that influence our judgments about unrelated topics. If you wanted students to take your petition seriously, you should present the information about it
on a piece of paper they can take with them.
on a heavy tablet.
on a light clipboard.
verbally rather than written.

Question 5
Research by Petty, Cacioppo, and Goldman (1981) found that when students are not involved in an issue, their opinions are influenced more by the ________ than by the ________.
quality of the arguments; credibility of the speaker
credibility of the speaker; quality of the arguments
quality of the arguments; surface characteristics of the message
content of the message; expertise of the speaker

Question 6
Research shows that conformity is not always required of group members. If a member of your group occasionally deviates from the group and the group doesn't impose negative consequences, the individual has used some of his or her
idiosyncrasy credits.
descriptive norms.

Question 7
Under what conditions will groups tend to make better decisions than individuals?
When the conditions are stressful
When cohesiveness is high
When they rely on the person with the most expertise
When there is a strong directive leader

Question 8
Because of the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, people who express that they are madly in love are likely to report that they feel
physically ill.
confused and dizzy.
euphoric and high.
that they cannot think.

Question 9
______ theory would be most likely to mention such factors as social approval and increased self-worth as motivations for prosocial behavior.
Social exchange
Norm activation
Question 10
Researchers use a person's reluctance to get too close to a person from another group as a measure of discrimination. This is known as
micro aggression.
social distance.
social identity.

Ashworth Semester Exam S04V Human Growth and Development II

S04V : Human Growth and Development II
Question 1
In Jamar's culture, the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, and religion is referred to as which of the following?
Marriage gradient
Cross-cultural factor
Gender replication

Question 2
When Bobby was eight years old, he was sure he wanted to grow up to be a fireman. But just a year later, Bobby told everybody that when he grew up he wanted to be an astronaut. Still, a few years passed and when he was around 11 years old he changed his mind again and wanted to be a professional basketball player. According to Ginzberg, Bobby is in the __________ period.
career consolidation

Question 3
The desire to have independence and a sense of control over one's life is called:

Question 4
Sally's adolescent classmates call her and the other 125 members of her advanced computer software group "nerds," meaning she is part of a:
peer group.

Question 5
Which body part continues to exhibit growth in both size and weight during early adulthood?
Chest and arms

Question 6
The loss of near vision in middle adulthood is referred to as:
visual acuity.

Question 7
Which of the following are most likely to experience feelings of loneliness and increased physical and mental health problems?
divorced women over the age of 40
divorced men in general
divorced women under the age of 25
divorced women in general

Question 8
During a geriatrics conference, discussion focused on internal aging, specifically, brain size and cognitive decline. Which of the following summaries is most notable for this discussion?
The brain will remain the same size and cognitive function can remain the same if the
Brain structure and cognition will decline slightly.
Brain structure will drastically be reduced and cognitive functioning will decrease.
The brain becomes smaller and lighter with age but will retain its structure and

Question 9
Amad does not need continued care. However, he does receive care during the day in the form of meals and medications. What type of facility does Amad attend?
Drop-in facility
Skilled nursing
Assisted living
Adult day-care

Question 10
According to Kübler-Ross, when people protest and have objections to either learning about their impending death or the manner of their impending death, this is called:

Ashworth Semester Exam S03V Human Growth and Development I

S03V : Human Growth and Development I
Question 1
A biological universal event that occurs at relatively the same time throughout all societies is an example of:
young adulthood.

Question 2
Genes are arranged in specific locations and in a specific order along _______ chromosomes.

Question 3
What is the term for a period of deep depression following the birth of a child that affects approximately 10 percent of all new mothers for months or even years?
Postpartum depression
Infant mortality
Crib death

Question 4
A form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its association with positive or negative consequences, is called:
operant conditioning.
classical conditioning.

Question 5
Name the principle: Simple skills typically develop separately and independently but are later integrated into more complex skills.
cephalocaudal principle
proximodistal principle
principle of the independence of systems
principle of hierarchical integration

Question 6
Baby Nicholas watches as his mother leaves the room, but he does not cry because he understands that his mother still exists even though he cannot see her. This is an example of which reaction concept?
Substage 2: First habits and primary circular reactions
Substage 1: Simple reflexes
Substage 3: Secondary circular reactions
Substage 4: Object permanence

Question 7
Mary is planning to take a year and a half leave from her job because she wants to stay home and care for the needs of her newborn. Mary believes that during the first 18 months of a child's life it is critical that she make herself available to her child to meet his needs and give him the attention he needs. What does Erikson call this stage of development?
The critical attachment stage
The trust-versus-mistrust stage
The autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt stage
The temperament behavior stage

Question 8
In its most extreme form, _________ parenting results in neglect.

Question 9
At what age can both boys and girls judge and intercept directions of small balls thrown from a distance?
7 years old
8 years old
10 years old
12 years old

Question 10
Which of the following plays a big role in how girls experience early maturation?
How the mother and daughter get along and communicate
Cultural and community norms and standards about how women should look
How the father and daughter get along and communicate
ow much attention the girl receives from boys

Ashworth Semester Exam S02V Introduction to Psychology II

S02V : Introduction to Psychology II
Question 1
Which of the following statements is true of formal reasoning?
In formal reasoning, the information needed for drawing a conclusion or reaching a solution is specified clearly.
In formal reasoning, many approaches, viewpoints, or possible solutions may compete, and you may have to decide which one is most "reasonable."
Formal reasoning involves dialectical reasoning.
Formal reasoning uses heuristics, or rules of thumb, to try to reach a solution.

Question 2
_________ is the tendency to falsely attribute human qualities to nonhuman beings.
Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking

Question 3
Casey was visiting a friend in New York City on September 11, 2001, the day of the attack on the World Trade Center. To her, that day seems frozen in time. She remembers exactly where she was, what she was doing, and what she felt as the morning transpired. This vivid recollection is known as
source misattribution.
a flashbulb memory.
a serial-position effect.
a frozen memory.

Question 4
A long-lasting increase in the strength of synaptic responsiveness is called:
deep processing.
long-term potentiation.
parallel processing.
state-dependent memory.

Question 5
What property of some brain cells led scientists to call them mirror neurons?
They only fire when a person or animal looks in a mirror.
Their cell membranes contain a protein that makes them reflect light.
Their structure perfectly mirrors the structure of a neighboring neuron.
They fire when a person or animal observes others carrying out an action.

Question 6
To psychologists, motivation refers to
a state of tension resulting from the deprivation of physical needs, such as those for food and water.
a process in which an individual sets goals to increase his or her competence and skills.
an inferred process within a person or animal that causes that organism to move toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation.
movement through a hierarchy of needs, beginning with survival needs for sleep, food, and water and reaching needs for self-actualization.

Question 7
_________ is the distress that most children develop when their primary caregivers leave them with strangers.
Insecure attachment
Separation anxiety
Contact discomfort
Avoidant attachment

Question 8
________ is a fundamental personality dimension that describes the extent to which people are anxious and impulsive.
Agreeableness versus antagonism
Extroversion versus introversion
Neuroticism versus emotional stability
Openness to experience versus resistance to new experience

Question 9
Research has indicated that
to experience a generalized anxiety disorder, a person must have lived through a specific anxiety-producing event.
It's normal for an individual to feel anxious, be in a general state of apprehension, or experience psychological tension for a period of time.
the majority of people who live through a traumatic experience continue to have posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms for many years.
if loss of interest in familiar activities and a sense of detachment from others persist for two weeks after a trauma, then posttraumatic stress disorder is diagnosed.

Question 10
Psychologists who practice behavioral therapy focus on the client's
unconscious anxieties.
relationships with parents.
methods of coping with inescapable realities of life.
current behavior and attitudes.

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H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...