Sunday, December 20, 2020

BUSI502 Week 6 Exam 3

When does cloud computing make sense for a large corporation that already has an IS organization? Give an example of when cloud computing might make sense for a start-up company

BU490 Exam 1 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 (5 points)
Theoretical reasoning is reasoning about what we 
Question 1 options:

A)     actually do.

B)     actually believe.   

C)     should do.

D)     should believe.

Question 2 (5 points)
When making a decision, selecting the alternative that meets the minimum decision criteria is known as
Question 2 options:

A)     flipism.

B)     satisficing.

C)     normalcy bias.

D)     optimism bias.

Question 3 (5 points)
In an ethical decision-making process, moral imagination helps individuals make ethically responsible decisions. In which of the following steps is moral imagination critical?
Question 3 options:

A)     Considering the available alternatives 

B)     Identifying the ethical issues 

C)     Identifying and considering the decision's impact on stakeholders  

D)     Determining the facts 

Question 4 (5 points)
Which step follows comparing the alternatives of how a decision affects stakeholders?
Question 4 options:

A)     Making a decision 

B)     Identifying the ethical issues involved 

C)     Identifying key stakeholders

D)     Monitoring and learning from outcomes 

Question 5 (5 points)
Which of the following is a recommended approach for teaching ethics?
Question 5 options:

A)     Teachers should teach ethical dogma to a passive audience.

B)     Teachers should understand that their roles are to tell the right answers to their  students.

C)     Teachers should challenge students to think for themselves.

D)     Teachers should consider acceptance of customary norms as an adequate ethical perspective.

Question 6 (5 points)
Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are different from ethics because they're-________ in nature.
Question 6 options:

A)     clinical

B)     conjectural 

C)     descriptive 

D)     normative 

Question 7 (5 points)
Which of the following is considered a social role? 
Question 7 options:

A)     Librarian 

B)     Manager 

C)     Citizen 

D)     Student-body president 

Question 8 (5 points)
Organizational________refers to a corporation's set of identifiable values that establish the expectations for what's considered normal within the firm.
Question 8 options:

A)     code 

B)     policy 

C)     structure 

D)     culture 

Question 9 (5 points)
________establish the guidelines or standards for determining what one should do, how one should act, and what type of person one should be.
Question 9 options:

A)     Laws 

B)     Roles 

C)     Attitudes

D)     Norms 

Question 10 (5 points)
Which of the following is a power granted to the US Treasury secretary under the Grayson-Himes Pay for Performance Act?
Question 10 options:

A)     Specifying which employees are eligible to be paid bonuses 

B)     Reviewing how companies give their bonuses 

C)     Specifying what criteria must be considered when elevating people to upper-management positions

D)     Reviewing the constitution of companies' boards of directors 

Question 11 (5 points)
Within a business setting, individuals must consider the ethical implications of both personal and professional
Question 11 options:

A)     decision making.

B)     laws.

C)     self-interest.

D)     desires.

Question 12 (5 points)
No group could function if members were free at all times to decide for themselves what to do and how to act. Which of the following functions serves to organize and ease relations among individuals?
Question 12 options:

A)     Self-rule 

B)     Autocracy 

C)     Social contract 

D)     Personal norms 

Question 13 (5 points)
Free market economics is grounded in the________framework of ethics.
Question 13 options:

A)     rights-based 

B)     legal 

C)     utilitarian 

D)     principle-based 

Question 14 (5 points)
The omission known as change blindness occurs when decision makers
Question 14 options:

A)     are adamant on maintaining status quo due to a fear of change.

B)     fail to notice gradual changes over time.

C)     want to bring about a change on a whim.

D)     overlook a sudden change.

Question 15 (5 points)
Social sciences, including psychology and sociology, differ from ethics by
Question 15 options:

A)     giving directives about how people should act.

B)     being normative rather than descriptive.

C)     inquiring why people act the way they do.

D)     providing an account of how people should act.

Question 16 (5 points)
Which of the following statements is most accurate? 
Question 16 options:

A)     Ethics of principles is based on rules, whereas utilitarianism is based on consequences.

B)     Ethics of principles is based on human rights, whereas utilitarianism is based on self-interest.

C)     Ethics of principles is based on self-interest, whereas utilitarianism is based on human rights.

D)     Ethics of principles is based on consequences, whereas utilitarianism is based on rules.

Question 17 (5 points)
A rights-based framework of ethics would object to child labor because such practices
Question 17 options:

A)     violate our duty to treat children with respect.

B)     violate laws that are widely accepted in developed countries.

C)     aren't economically feasible in the modern era.

D)     run counter to the principles of most world religions.

Question 18 (5 points)
Which of the following conditions makes issue identification the first step in the ethical decision-making process?
Question 18 options:

A)     When the issue is presented from the start 

B)     When the stakeholders in the decision can't be determined 

C)     When the ethical predicament of the situation is hard to determine 

D)     When the responsibility for the decision lies with one person 

Question 19 (5 points)
________is the first step in making an ethically responsible decision.
Question 19 options:

A)     Comparing and weighing alternatives 

B)     Monitoring and learning from the outcomes 

C)     Considering the available alternatives 

D)     Determining the facts of the situation 

Question 20 (5 points)
Which of the following is considered to be an institutional role?
Question 20 options:

A)     Teacher

B)     Citizen 

C)     Sibling    

D)     Spouse 

BU490 Business Ethics- Graded Project

Graded Project


Example Selection

You should select a business ethics issue that either has occurred or might occur in a veterinary practice and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutions, using the concepts introduced in your textbook. You might pick one of the following:

  • A situation currently in the news
  • An ethics dilemma witnessed in a veterinary practice either as an employee or a client
  • A high quality hypothetical business ethics issue in a veterinary practice (either one you've seen in books or film, or one you create)

Be sure to choose an example for analysis that seems interesting, difficult, or complicated.

Project Process

Step 1: Select an example for your analysis as outlined above.

Step 2: Perform your analysis. Apply the recommended high quality, ethical decisionmaking process described in your course book. You'll want to consider the facts of the situation, the ethical lenses, legal, regulatory, and any other more specific lenses that might be applicable. Describe how the key concepts apply, and explain why the decision is difficult or complicated. Recommend the course of action you believe is 'best' taking all the relevant considerations into account.

Your textbook should be your primary reference. Your paper may also include independent and reliable sources (many of which you might access from your textbook's chapter notes). You should feel free to consult sources on the Internet. However, always make sure your work is original and well-documented. Notes from a website should include the source of the site. This is done to establish that the site is authoritative and not merely idle opinion.

Use APA style for citations and the Works Cited page. For information on APA style format see the Library.

Step 3: Write a first draft of your essay. Your paper should be written using a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program. Your analysis should be five to eight written pages. The essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs examining the key issues, your recommended course of action, and a conclusion that acknowledges arguments for and against your recommended decision. (Recommendation: Finish your first draft several days before you plan to finalize your paper. It's best to set it aside for a couple of days before moving on to the completion.)

Step 4: Complete your final draft. Carefully review your written essay, correct any errors, and submit your final draft to your instructor. (Recommendation: Read your essay out loud to yourself. Doing this will help make you aware of gaps, redundancies, and areas where the writing should be improved.) Include a title page and a bibliography of sources. The last page after the main body of the essay should provide a list of your reference sources.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

BU490 Business Ethics Exam 3 SCORE 90 PERCENT

Question 1 (1 point)
The doctrine of_______holds that employers are free to fire an employee at any time and for any reason unless a prior agreement specifies otherwise.
Question 1 options:

A)     constructive dismissal

B)     employment at will

C)     constructive notice

D)     estoppel

Question 2 (1 point)
The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) of 2008
Question 2 options:

A)     prevents employers from releasing genetic information about an employee to a public health agency.

B)     allows employers to collect genetic information from employees to monitor the biological effects of toxic substances in the workplace.

C)     excludes family medical history from one's genetic information.

D)     prevents employers from collecting genetic information in compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act.

Question 3 (1 point)
Consumer vulnerability occurs when
Question 3 options:

A)     a person has access to too much information about a product and the market exchange process.

B)     the consumer is treated as an end in itself.

C)     a person has an impaired ability to make an informed consent to the market exchange.

D)     there are too many manufacturers in the market.

Question 4 (1 point)
Marketing experts consider stealth marketing extraordinarily effective because
Question 4 options:

A)     the consumer's guard isn't down while accepting the message.

B)     consumers don't question the message as they might challenge a traditional advertising campaign.

C)     consumers seek out the communicator's vested interest.

D)     consumers don't see the communication as too personal and often tend to trust an advertisement or other marketing material much more than they would trust the communicator.

Question 5 (1 point)
Drug testing in the workplace
Question 5 options:

A)     requires employees to disclose all use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

B)     has had no legal issues relating to monitoring employees.

C)     tends to provide a productivity benefit for companies.

D)     allows employees to control their environment.

Question 6 (1 point)
The European Union's Directive on Personal Data Protection
Question 6 options:

A)     prohibits EU firms from transferring personal information to a non-EU country unless that country maintains "adequate protections" of its own.

B)     also is known as the European Union Safe Harbor Act.

C)     states that the United States is the only nonmember country that maintains "adequate protection" of personal data.

D)     encourages member countries to maintain myriad standards for information gathering and protection.

Question 7 (1 point)
In the context of the government-regulated ethics approach to health and safety, government standards
Question 7 options:

A)     prevent employees from facing the fundamentally coercive choice between job and safety.

B)     are set based on assumptions rather than best available scientific knowledge, and thus add to market failures that result from insufficient information. (Incorrect)

C)     address the "first generation" problem of the market-controlled approach to health and safety by focusing on compensation rather than prevention.

D)     favor individual bargaining between employers and employees as the approach to workplace health and safety.

Question 8 (1 point)
Critics in both industry and government argue that OSHA should aim to achieve the optimal, rather than the highest, level of safety.________analysis can be used to achieve this goal.
Question 8 options:

A)     Cost-minimization

B)     Cost-benefit

C)     Cost-utility

D)     Cost-effectiveness

Question 9 (1 point)
Which of the following is the ethical basis for implied warranty of merchantability?
Question 9 options:

A)     Consumers understand products fully, and they're free to choose not to purchase certain things.

B)     A prudent business will never seek to limit its liability by explicitly disowning any promise or warranty.

C)     Manufacturers wouldn't sell a product if they had reason to believe that their product would harm consumers during normal use.

D)     Consumers wouldn't consent to purchase a product if they had reason to believe that they would be harmed by it during normal use.

Question 10 (1 point)
Some companies have a/an________policy, under which an employer may refuse to hire a worker whose spouse already works at the same firm.
Question 10 options:

A)     conflict-of-interest (Incorrect)

B)     antinepotism

C)     antitrust

D)     antifraternization

Question 11 (1 point)
Which of the following is one of the challenges in the acceptable risk approach?
Question 11 options:

A)     It assumes an equivalency between workplace risks and other types of risks when there are significant differences between them.

B)     It treats health and safety merely as an instrumental value and denies its intrinsic value.

C)     It's a liberal approach to workplace health and safety that allows employees to recognize the risks they're likely to face.

D)     It involves the determination of relative risks, the calculation of which is a complicated process and not always reliable.

Question 12 (1 point)
When approaching an ethical issue in marketing, the utilitarian tradition would want to know
Question 12 options:

A)     the degree to which individuals freely participate in an exchange.

B)     the degree to which a transaction provided actual as opposed to apparent benefits.

C)     about the personal characters of the parties involved in the exchange.

D)     about other values that are affected by the exchange.

Question 13 (1 point)
The term "sweatshops" refers to workplaces where
Question 13 options:

A)     employee interests are protected from being subjected to utilitarian and financial calculations.

B)     employees lack even the most basic health and safety protections.

C)     employers constantly supervise and evaluate employees.

D)     employers treat employees well as a means of producing workplace harmony.

Question 14 (1 point)
Which of the following statements is true of the right to privacy?
Question 14 options:

A)     It isn't related to liberty and autonomy.

B)     It's provided only for certain sections of society.

C)     It can be legally protected by the Constitution.

D)     It isn't restricted by any social contract.

Question 15 (1 point)
The________approach holds that the only responsibility of a business is to provide a good or service at an agreed-upon price.
Question 15 options:

A)     merchantability

B)     caveat venditor

C)     implied warranty

D)     caveat emptor

Question 16 (1 point)
The issue of workplace bullying is more common in the service sector because that sector
Question 16 options:

A)     lacks the right of due process.

B)     has a strong hierarchy of authority.

C)     contains organizations that are mostly decentralized.

D)     relies significantly on interpersonal relationships and interaction.

Question 17 (1 point)
A behavioral psychologist is most likely to claim that advertising
Question 17 options:

A)     can control consumers' behavior by controlling their choices.

B)     can't create nonautonomous behavior in consumers.

C)     can't violate consumer autonomy by controlling consumer behavior.

D)     can control consumers' behavior by providing them with all the relevant information.

Question 18 (1 point)
Strict product liability laws in the United States
Question 18 options:

A)     are highly favored by the business community.

B)     hold a business responsible for any harm from product use, even if it isn't the result of business negligence.

C)     ensure that the government must pay consumers in situations where neither the producer nor the consumer is at fault.

D)     are similar to the strict liability standards adopted by the European Union.

Question 19 (1 point)
Manipulation focuses on which of the following?
Question 19 options:

A)     total control of direction or management.

B)     deceiving a person.

C)     guiding or directing behavior.

D)     taking total control over an individual's actions.

Question 20 (1 point)
Which of the following statements is true of the Hawthorne Effect?
Question 20 options:

A)     It occurs only when the mechanisms used to monitor employees are unethical.

B)     It holds that workers show poor performance when they know they're being monitored.

C)     It holds that managers shouldn't monitor their employees in any situations.

D)     It maintains that workers' productivity improves when they're singled out.

BU450 Exam

If the founder of the organization is a workaholic and control oriented, the organization is likely to be characterized as:
'the web' whereby the manager is in the center of an interconnected circle.
fast-paced decision making and centralized.

decentralized and open.

participative and supportive.

The High and Low Context model of culture addresses:
different cultural values.

differences in communication styles.

differences in leadership patterns.

the organizational cultural context.


The belief that leaders are born rather than made is part of which approach to leadership?


case study



Personality is best defined as:
a person's traits based on their genes.

a set of traits that make a person unique.

how people behave based on their values.

behaviors that make people different.

In __________ cultures, power bases are stable, and upward mobility is limited.


vertical power

high power distance

The contingency models such as Path-Goal all focus on:
how leaders use their resources.

the transaction between leaders and followers.

the relationship between leaders and followers.
behaviors that make people different.

The job of upper echelon leaders requires an equal focus on:



The concept of employee participation is party of many management and leadership theories. Which one of the following does NOT include the concept of participation?
Theory X and Theory Y
Leader behavior research
Contingency models

Trait approach

__________ refers to the process of providing support to assure the change becomes permanent.




__________ is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term change or evolution that occurs because of various learning experiences.




Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam SO24S Social Impact of Technology

SO24S : Social Impact of Technology
Question 1
If you embrace transition theory, you'd say the main factor in the reduction of death rates is:
expanded access to education.
preventive health care.
accessible pediatric care.
improved technologies in food production.

Question 2
The V-1 and V-2 rockets that rained down on London during the Blitz were first developed in:
Great Britain.
the United States.
the Soviet Union.

Question 3
In peripheral countries or regions all of the following are true EXCEPT:
they are all dependent on core countries for capital.
the term "peripheral" is necessarily synonymous with poverty.
most of the impoverished countries are in Africa.
there is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations.

Question 4
In a growing population, the rate of __________ increase equals the birth rate minus the death rate plus net migration.

Question 5
During World War II, which country sustained the highest percentage of fatalities?
Great Britain
The United States
The Soviet Union

Question 6
Four major rivers flow from the decreasing snow melt of the Himalayan mountains. If you are a resident of northern India, which of these four rivers is most likely to threaten food production?
The Indus
The Yangtze
The Mekong
The Ganges

Question 7
Four students are talking about the kind of energy that's fundamental to life on Earth. Thomas says it is electrical energy. Susan opts for solar energy. Lawrence argues in favor of chemical energy. Kimberly is sure it's mechanical energy. Who is correct?

Question 8
We find perennial grasses and flowering plants called forbs in __________ grasslands.
derived savannah

Question 9
Which of these technological advances is associated with the development of writing?
The domestication of animals
The development of agriculture
Iron smelting

Question 10
As an ecologist I've been patiently observing Grable pond and its surrounds to better understand the unique patterns of interactions between the flora and fauna that live there. In fact, I am studying a/an:

Ashworth Semester Exam SC160 Basic Biology

SC160 : Basic Biology
Question 1
Relative to prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are usually:
larger and more complex.
smaller and simpler.
larger and equally complex.
smaller and more complex.

Question 2
The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called:

Question 3
You find a cell of a type you have never seen before. The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall. Therefore, you conclude that it must be a __________ cell.

Question 4
Plants use photosynthesis to:
store chemical energy, and they use cellular respiration to harvest energy.
store as well as harvest chemical energy.
harvest energy, and they use cellular respiration to store chemical energy.
obtain carbon dioxide.

Question 5
Alleles are described as:
homologous chromosomes.
environmental factors that affect gene expression.
alternate versions of a gene.
alternate phenotypes.

Question 6
The process of making multiple copies of a gene by inserting it into a host genome and culturing the host is an example of:
gene cloning.
industrial genetic engineering.
gene amplification.
gene pharming.

Question 7
What type of reproductive isolating mechanism is described by a situation in which female fireflies only mate with males who emit light in a particular pattern?
Habitat isolation
Temporal isolation
Mechanical isolation
Behavioral isolation

Question 8
Mutualistic associations of plant roots and fungi are called:

Question 9
Ecology is the study of:
human effects on the environment.
interactions between humans and other species.
interactions between organisms and their environments.

Question 10
Populations of two coexisting species are both tertiary consumers in a community. What relationship may exist between these two organisms?

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...