Sunday, August 23, 2020

MGMT305 Unit-2 DB

There are multiple Internet browsers available today, and many people choose which to use without giving it consideration. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to each for your Discussion Board consider:

  • Which is the better software tool: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome?
  • Supplement your argument with evidence, and indicate whether or not you changed your position based upon the discussion. Why or why not?

MGMT305 Management Information Systems Unit-1 DB

While information systems has one meaning, it can be used in different ways for companies to keep a competitive edge on the marketplace. Compare and Contrast two distinctly different organizations on how they use information systems in their organizations.

Include in your post the following:

  • Research the 4 competitive strategies and briefly describe them.
  • From the 4 strategies, pick 2 and provide an example of a company that uses each strategy.
    • How do they implement the strategy?
    • Provide examples of how the companies use the strategy, and do not simply write the description.
    • Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.

Properly reference the companies in your post if required using APA format.


MCQ Strategic mgt Set-5

The __________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of performance.

A. portfolio analysis   

B. capabilities assessment   

C. financial analysis   

D. SWOT analysis   

Question 2 of 20

Which of the following is included under the product functional strategies?

A. Marketing   

B. Management   

C. Supervision   

D. Leadership   

Question 3 of 20

__________ strategies are the short-term goal-directed decisions and actions of the organization's various functional areas.

A. Competitive   

B. Functional   

C. Corporate   

D. Business   

Question 4 of 20

__________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing goods and services.

A. Production-operations   

B. Marketing   

C. High-performance work practices   

D. Information system   

Question 5 of 20

An organization that's first to bring a new product or innovation to the marketplace is a(n):

A. primary competitor.   

B. first mover.   

C. early adopter.   

D. innovator.   

Question 6 of 20

Which of the following is a possible production-operations management strategy?

A. Selective specialization   

B. Inventory management systems   

C. User positioning   

D. Database marketing   

Question 7 of 20

Which are the two biggest factors in marketing?

A. Competitors and pricing   

B. Product and competitors   

C. Customers and competitors   

D. Pricing and customers   

Question 8 of 20

The geographic segmentation variable for consumer markets could include factors such as:

A. region, metropolitan area, and population density.   

B. social class, lifestyle, and personality.   

C. occasions of product use, benefits, and user status.   

D. purchasing function organization, power structure, and purchasing criteria.   

Question 9 of 20

The four Ps in marketing are:

A. product, price, promotion, and place.   

B. production, placement, personnel, and place.   

C. promotion, price, positioning, and perception.   

D. perception, perspective, promotion, and price.   

Question 10 of 20

Human resource management strategies regarding employee separations include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. downsizing.   

B. hiring freezes.   

C. organizing for efficiency or innovation.   

D. preferential or nonpreferential rehiring process.   

Question 11 of 20

The strategic decisions associated with the organization are the choice of a system and the choice of type of system needed for which system type?

A. Marketing   

B. Human resources   

C. Information   

D. Financial-accounting   

Question 12 of 20

Designing which of the following systems involves making sure we have the information we need, when the information is needed, and in the form needed?

A. Marketing   

B. Human resources   

C. Information   

D. Financial-accounting   

Question 13 of 20

Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using __________ and __________ performance measures for each area.

A. functional; quantitative; qualitative   

B. marketing; quantitative; qualitative   

C. management; financial; quantitative   

D. research and development; quantitative; qualitative   

Question 14 of 20

The __________ analysis points to the strategic issues decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high performance levels.

A. functional   

B. SWOT   

C. competitive   

D. organizational   

Question 15 of 20

The process of creating goods and services in which organizational resources are transformed into outputs is called:

A. production-operations.   

B. manufacturing-operations.   

C. product-production.   

D. organizational performance.   

Question 16 of 20

Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using specific performance measures-qualitative and quantitative-for each functional area.

A. organizational   

B. operational   

C. functional   

D. production   

Question 17 of 20

When a group of individuals from various functional departments work together on product or process development, it can be in a:

A. technical environment.   

B. cross-functional team.   

C. global organization.   

D. matrix organization.   

Question 18 of 20

Which of the following is NOT one of the three functional concerns of organizations?

A. People   

B. Technology   

C. Support processes   

D. Product   

Question 19 of 20

A(n) __________ system is a system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating any and all information that managers need to operate a business.

A. database   

B. reporting   

C. support   

D. information   

Question 20 of 20

__________ at the functional level involves using specific performance measures quantitative and qualitative – for each functional area.

A. Management   

B. Reporting   

C. Performance evaluation   

D. Strategy evaluation   

MCQ Social Sc

An example of a post and lintel system is:
A. A Greek temple
B. A painting by Artemisia Genteleschi
C. The sculpture of the Seated Scribe

Pieter Breugel's, The Harvesters is unusual in what way?
A. It is a representation of a scene from the French Revolution.
B. It is made in the difficult technique of fresco.
C. It is a genre called landscape and relates to the Protestant Reformation.

The proper term for sculpture that is fully finished all around and free from a background is:
A. Relief
B. In the round
C. Ionic

Can we apply standards of beauty in art from one culture to another?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Only during Leap year

Which of the following is an art object used for funerals?
A. Bayeux Tapestry
B. El Anatsui, Sasa
C. The Greek Krater

Assyrian power was often depicted in which art form?
A. Relief sculpture
B. Oil painting
C. Life sized marble figures

Which of the following aided the illiterate to learn their religion in the Middle Ages?
A. County Fairs
B. Stained glass
C. Elementary school

What does the term historic context mean?
A. It is a term used for the understanding of objects within their time period, culture, and social conditions.
B. It is a term used for the content found in academic paintings.
C. It is a term used for the images found on Chinese and Japanese art scrolls.

Baroque art in Italy did which of the following?
A. Used Landscapes to convey religious messages
B. Was exemplified by Michelangelo's Creation of Adam
C. Used opulence and dramatic settings to bring the faithful back to the Church

A set of orders is:
A. The rules used for making an oil painting in Egypt
B. The Greek system consisting of base, column, capital, and entablature
C. A repository for Holy relics

Manuscript is a term for which of the following?
A. An early book made of animal skins and often illuminated
B. An important relief carving depicting royalty
C. The process for making bronze sculpture

Which of the following is true about academies?
A. An academy is a school that trained male artists.
B. Women artists could belong, but not take lessons.
C. It is both of the above.

Which of the following is particular to a Gothic building?
A. Pointed arches, buttresses, stained glass
B. Domes and rotundas
C. Ionic, Doric, or Corinthian columns

The word Renaissance means which of the following?
A. It means the rebirth of the piety of the Middle Ages.
B. It is the philosophy known as the Age of Enlightenment.
C. It is the rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas and culture.

Since humanism was a Renaissance focus, how might we see it represented in art?
A. Works of art may contain references to the Industrial Revolution.
B. Works of art may reflect the Philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment.
C. Works of art may have a focus on rendering the figure as individualistic.

The Death of Marat contains what references?
A. Marat has been depicted as a Christian martyr.
B. Marat is being associated with the French Revolution.
C. It is both of the above.

What change in art took place in Roman sculpture?
A. The Romans invented equestrian sculptures.
B. The Romans created Hellenistic sculpture.
C. It is both of the above.

The interior of San Vitale is decorated in which of the following?
A. Large scale Greek marbles
B. Intricate and glittering mosaics
C. Frescoes

The plan of the Romanesque church of Sainte-Foy contains a new innovation. What is it for and what is it called?
A. It is a flying buttress and it is to help stabilize the tall walls.
B. It is an octagonal central plan and it is designed to represent the cycle of life.
C. It is an ambulatory and it offers more space for pilgrims to view relics.

Which of the following ideas can be attached to Botticelli's Birth of Venus?
A. This is the first time we see an artist use his wife as a model.
B. The painting represents Neo-Platonistic thought.
C. The painting is a fresco based on work by Michelangelo.

MCQ Science-20

1. Which would contribute most to your annual radiation exposure? (Points: 5)
Living at an elevation 1,000 m above sea level
Having a dental X-ray
Living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor
Taking a coast-coast trip on a commercial flight

2. Which is a common characteristic of both nuclear and conventional electric power plants? (Points: 5)
Smoke stacks
Fuel rods
Water cooling systems

3. Which of the following is used to bathe the control rods and fuel bundles of the nuclear reactor? (Points: 5)
Primary coolant

4. The core of the nuclear reactor consists of: (Points: 5)
fuel pellet.
fuel rod.
fuel assembly.
All of the above

5. Due to the nuclear accident of the Ukraine in the 1980's, children in the nearby country of Belarus have suffered from: (Points: 5)
heart disease.
juvenile diabetes.
thyroid cancer.
ear infections.

6. Which of the following radiation is without particles, mass, or electrical charge? (Points: 5)

7. Which of the following radiation exposure is from human-related sources? (Points: 5)
Diagnostic X-rays

8. Storage or disposal of Uranium-238 waste is more difficult than other types of waste due to its toxicity and its: (Points: 5)
extreme mass.
quick decomposition into other isotopes.
long half-life.
value to smugglers.

9. All of the following are potential risks associated with nuclear-powered electricity, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
Black lung disease
Reactor meltdown like Chernobyl
Leakage of stored HLW into aquifers and soil
Enriched uranium used as weapons by terrorist organizations

10. What is a device that converts electrical energy to chemical energy? (Points: 5)
Galvanic cell
Electrolytic cell
Electrochemical cell

11. The __________ produces electricity by "burning" hydrogen with oxygen without a flame and with relatively little heat and no light being produced. (Points: 5)
storage battery
fuel cell
galvanic cell

12. What is the positive electrode of a battery where reduction takes place called? (Points: 5)
Electrochemical potential

13. The rate of electron flow is: (Points: 5)
the size of the cell.
the current.
the voltage.
electrical energy.

14. Which of the following is mainly considered for use in electric vehicles? (Points: 5)
Hydrogen fuel
Methanol fuel
Proton exchange membrane
Platinum based fuel

15. All of the following are drawbacks to hydrogen-powered vehicles, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
cheap generation of hydrogen fuel.
toxic emissions from hydrogen combustion.
safe storage of highly reactive hydrogen gas.
cheap and effective transport of hydrogen fuel.

16. Which of the following has revolutionized communication and computing in the last 20 years? (Points: 5)
Sandwiches of n- and p-type semiconductors.
Formation of hydrogen from endothermic methane reactions.
Expanded electronic storage of data.
Privatization of telephone utilities.

17. What kind of energy is primarily used to bring electricity to remote areas that are far from power lines? (Points: 5)
Solar electric units
Electrical network

18. Whenever a substance is oxidized: (Points: 5)
it is called the oxidizing agent.
some other substance must be reduced.
it gains electrons.
hydronium ions are produced.

19. What condition must be met for a battery to be rechargeable? (Points: 5)
Either its anode or its cathode must generate a gas as a result of the electrochemical reaction.
It must generate electricity via an acid-base reaction rather than via an oxidation reduction reaction.
The battery must be open to the outside so that it can vent any internal pressure that builds up from gases within it.
The electrochemical reaction of the battery must be reversible.

20. Very small mercury batteries have been made and used in a multitude of applications. Why have they been replaced by other kinds of batteries for most applications? (Points: 5)
Mercury has become far too expensive to use in batteries.
Mercury is poisonous and difficult to dispose of.
These batteries cannot generate enough current for any modern devices.
Though they may be made very small, they are far too heavy to use in most applications.

MCQ Mngt 25

1. The approach to selection decision making that involves a qualitative review of all data on applicants is the: (Points : 4)
        clinical approach.
        qualitative approach
        subjective approach.
        statistical approach.

2. The process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization is known as: (Points : 4)
        environmental scanning.
        cultural auditing
        human resources planning.

3. Major responsibilities of HR managers include: (Points : 4)
        direction or daily supervision of employees.
        giving advice and counsel to supervisors, managers, and executives.
        making sure each employee progresses on a retirement track.
        working long hours.

4. Managing diversity means: (Points : 4)
        Recruiting and hiring more minorities
        Being aware of characteristics common to employees and managing them as individuals
        Tolerating differences
        Accommodating differences

5. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employees from discrimination against: (Points : 4)
        the chronically ill.
        compulsive gambling.
        those who use illegal drugs.

6. Offshoring is the practice of moving jobs overseas (Points : 4)

7. "Managing diversity": (Points : 4)
        is a set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and continuous improvement.
        means being aware of the characteristics common to all employees, while managing them as individuals.
        is developing an affirmative action plan.
        is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve radical improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.

8. The desired outcomes of training programs are formally stated as: (Points : 4)
        training goals.
        learning objectives.
        instructional objectives.
        learning goals

9. The term "Human Resources" implies that _________ have the capabilities that drive human performance: (Points : 4)

The various types of employment interviews differ primarily in:
(Points : 4)
        amount of structure.
        methods for establishing rapport.
        the degree to which body language is studied.

11. Professional organizations such as SHRM and HRPS conduct ongoing studies of the most pressing competitive issues facing firms. One of the issues that has been around for the last decade or so is: (Points : 4)
        family concerns.
        employee rights.
        privacy issues.

12. One of the benefits of downsizing is: (Points : 4)
        higher customer satisfaction.
        improved efficiency.
        a more loyal and productive workforce.
        that it is a recruiting edge.

13. A factor that appears to have influenced the growth of EEO legislation is: (Points : 4)
        the changing attitudes of society at large
        the postwar baby boom
        shortage of qualified labor
        an influx of illegal immigrants

14. Which of the following is the most effective source for recruitment? (Points : 4)
        executive search firms
        help-wanted advertisements
        employee referrals
        private employment agencies

15. In many fast-growing economies, it may be easier to access money and technology than to find good people. (Points : 4)

16. Effective HRM balances the competing needs of: (Points : 4)
        competitive challenges and employee concerns.
        production and marketing.
        business and government.
        rare and organized talents.

17. According to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, it is not illegal to: (Points : 4)
        require pregnant women to resign.
        deny sick-leave benefits for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        deny to all employees sick-leave benefits including those for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        provide medical benefits that do not cover pregnancy-related medical costs.

18. Disabilities that are less publicized and generally unprotected by EEO laws include: (Points : 4)

19. Strategic human resource management is the process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization. (Points : 4)

20. Technology, transportation, communication, and utilities industries tend to spend the most on ________. (Points : 4)

Which of the following is not a problem frequently associated with job descriptions?
(Points : 4)
        They tend to broaden the scope of activities of the jobholder
        They may be vague or poorly written
        They include illegal specifications
        They require frequent updating

Outsourcing refers to employing workers in their homes rather than within the traditional office environment.
(Points : 4)

23. The employment of individuals in a fair and nonbiased manner is called (Points : 4)
        affirmative action
        equal employment opportunity
        civil rights policy
        uniform guidelines

24. Around 70-85 percent of the U.S. economy today is affected by international competition. (Points : 4)

25. An employee alleging discrimination can sue both the manager (or supervisor) of a company and the company itself because: (Points : 4)
        the company provided EEO training to the manager
        the manager or supervisor perform their job as agents of the company
        EEO law provides for it
        the employee can sue the company, but not the manager or supervisor

MCQ Lifescience

1                    If one group is given some medicine that may cure a disease and the other group is given a sugar pill, the group who got the medicine is the:

a.       Hypothetical group

b.      Scientific group

c.       Control group

d.      Experimental group

2                    Which of the following is NOT true of cell membranes?

a.       They are composed of four carbohydrate layers.

b.      They contain protein molecules.

c.       They regulate movement of some substances into and out of the cell.

d.      They contain phospholipids.

3                    Aerobic cellular respiration requires the use of:

a.       N2

b.      O2

c.       H2

d.      H2O

4                                           describes how a cell makes a protein from the protein coding sequence of a gene.

a.       Transcription

b.      Gene expression

c.       Translation

d.      Gene phrasing

5                    A gene that can be masked by another gene is called:

a.       a pleiotropy

b.      dominant

c.       incompletely dominant

d.      recessive

6                    Hybrid plants are produced by:

a.       Cloning

b.      Asexual reproduction

c.       Vegetative reproduction

d.      Sexual reproduction

7                    Many kinds of disease-causing bacteria are resistant to the standard antibiotics that we use to control them. This is because:

a.       When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they mutate.

b.      There is genetic variety within the species and those that already have genes for resistance are the ones that reproduce.

c.       New species of bacteria have evolved that are resistant to antibiotics.

d.      When the size of the population of a species of bacterium is reduced, genetic variety decreases.

8                    A food chain always begins with:

a.       Sympathetic decomposers

b.      Photosynthetic autotrophs

c.       Pathetic instructors

d.      Heterotrophic consumers

9                    Most microorganisms reproduce:

a.       Sexually

b.      By parthenogenesis

c.       Asexually

d.      By meiosis

10                The normal flow of blood would be:

a.       Heart? Capillaries? Arteries? Veins? Heart.

b.      Heart? Arteries? Capillaries? Veins? Heart.

c.       Heart? Veins? Capillaries? Arteries? Heart.

                  d.   Heart? Veins? Arteries? Capillaries? Heart.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...