Sunday, August 23, 2020

MCQ Science-20

1. Which would contribute most to your annual radiation exposure? (Points: 5)
Living at an elevation 1,000 m above sea level
Having a dental X-ray
Living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor
Taking a coast-coast trip on a commercial flight

2. Which is a common characteristic of both nuclear and conventional electric power plants? (Points: 5)
Smoke stacks
Fuel rods
Water cooling systems

3. Which of the following is used to bathe the control rods and fuel bundles of the nuclear reactor? (Points: 5)
Primary coolant

4. The core of the nuclear reactor consists of: (Points: 5)
fuel pellet.
fuel rod.
fuel assembly.
All of the above

5. Due to the nuclear accident of the Ukraine in the 1980's, children in the nearby country of Belarus have suffered from: (Points: 5)
heart disease.
juvenile diabetes.
thyroid cancer.
ear infections.

6. Which of the following radiation is without particles, mass, or electrical charge? (Points: 5)

7. Which of the following radiation exposure is from human-related sources? (Points: 5)
Diagnostic X-rays

8. Storage or disposal of Uranium-238 waste is more difficult than other types of waste due to its toxicity and its: (Points: 5)
extreme mass.
quick decomposition into other isotopes.
long half-life.
value to smugglers.

9. All of the following are potential risks associated with nuclear-powered electricity, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
Black lung disease
Reactor meltdown like Chernobyl
Leakage of stored HLW into aquifers and soil
Enriched uranium used as weapons by terrorist organizations

10. What is a device that converts electrical energy to chemical energy? (Points: 5)
Galvanic cell
Electrolytic cell
Electrochemical cell

11. The __________ produces electricity by "burning" hydrogen with oxygen without a flame and with relatively little heat and no light being produced. (Points: 5)
storage battery
fuel cell
galvanic cell

12. What is the positive electrode of a battery where reduction takes place called? (Points: 5)
Electrochemical potential

13. The rate of electron flow is: (Points: 5)
the size of the cell.
the current.
the voltage.
electrical energy.

14. Which of the following is mainly considered for use in electric vehicles? (Points: 5)
Hydrogen fuel
Methanol fuel
Proton exchange membrane
Platinum based fuel

15. All of the following are drawbacks to hydrogen-powered vehicles, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
cheap generation of hydrogen fuel.
toxic emissions from hydrogen combustion.
safe storage of highly reactive hydrogen gas.
cheap and effective transport of hydrogen fuel.

16. Which of the following has revolutionized communication and computing in the last 20 years? (Points: 5)
Sandwiches of n- and p-type semiconductors.
Formation of hydrogen from endothermic methane reactions.
Expanded electronic storage of data.
Privatization of telephone utilities.

17. What kind of energy is primarily used to bring electricity to remote areas that are far from power lines? (Points: 5)
Solar electric units
Electrical network

18. Whenever a substance is oxidized: (Points: 5)
it is called the oxidizing agent.
some other substance must be reduced.
it gains electrons.
hydronium ions are produced.

19. What condition must be met for a battery to be rechargeable? (Points: 5)
Either its anode or its cathode must generate a gas as a result of the electrochemical reaction.
It must generate electricity via an acid-base reaction rather than via an oxidation reduction reaction.
The battery must be open to the outside so that it can vent any internal pressure that builds up from gases within it.
The electrochemical reaction of the battery must be reversible.

20. Very small mercury batteries have been made and used in a multitude of applications. Why have they been replaced by other kinds of batteries for most applications? (Points: 5)
Mercury has become far too expensive to use in batteries.
Mercury is poisonous and difficult to dispose of.
These batteries cannot generate enough current for any modern devices.
Though they may be made very small, they are far too heavy to use in most applications.

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