Monday, September 30, 2019

BUSI504 Week 3 Dropbox Assignment 1...Resigning

Read Case 2-4, "Resigning From the TV Station," on pp. 50-51 of the text. After you have read the case, prepare an essay answering Questions 1-4 at the end of the case. Your answers to the questions should be original, thoughtful, and well-reasoned, demonstrating your insight regarding the case and the questions presented. Your essay should be between 4-6 pages in length, double-spaced, using a 12-point Times New Roman or similar business font. You should answer the questions in the order presented. Style, and any use of citations, should follow the 6th edition of the APA Manual.


Resigning From the TV Station

 Jane Rye is a student of advertising at the local state university and will graduate at the end of the next term. She has a part-time job in the sales department at a local television station. When hired, Rye thought she was very lucky to have a job there, not only for the money but also for the work experience. Pat Trent, the sales manager who hired her, was Rye's immediate supervisor. Rye was doing a very good job and received considerable support from Trent. In fact, the sales manager had nothing but praise for Rye's work when reporting to top management. Trent often told her direct report that her work was exceptional and Trent would like to hire her on a permanent basis after graduation to head a new media research department for the station. The job seemed to promise a challenging and rewarding career. While Rye was flattered by the offer, she was not interested in the position because she found her present job unsatisfying. However, she never told Trent her feelings about the job or the possible appointment. Because Trent had trained Rye and had promoted her to everyone, Rye had become very loyal and grateful to her sales manager. Thus, Rye thought she would betray Trent if she were to refuse the job. After six weeks, however, Rye decided to quit and work part-time at the university, but she did not know how to approach her boss. Rye, feeling unable to say anything unpleasant to Trent, let time pass until the day she was ready to quit to start her new job. When Rye got to work that day, the sales manager was scheduled to leave town later that morning. Rye was forced to go into Trent's office while two other people were there discussing another matter. Trent asked Rye what she wanted, and Rye replied, "I am resigning." The sales manager was taken completely by surprise, asked Rye why she was resigning, and wondered what was to be done with the project Rye was handling. Rye apologized for such short notice. Rye explained that she was taking a part-time job at the school starting tomorrow. Trent, very disappointed in her direct report, said, "If you had told me sooner, I could have transferred the project to someone else—now I'm in a bind."



How should Rye have handled her resignation?

Where, when, and how do you think Rye should have resigned? Do you think Trent would have understood under different circumstances?

How did Trent foster Rye's reluctance to communicate?

What are some possible long-term repercussions of the way Rye handled her resignation?







BUSI504 Mid Term Exam ...strategic management

Question 1 (2 points)
 Research shows that about 93 percent of a message comes from nonverbal communication.
Question 1 options:
    1) True
    2) False

Question 2 (2 points)
One of the more serious problems associated with collaborative writing is dealing with conflicts that arise.
Question 2 options:
    1) True
    2) False

Question 3 (2 points)
Face-to-face communication is almost always the best way a manager should deliver a message.
Question 3 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 4 (2 points)

Four concepts that help to understand the use of mediated communication are: bandwidth, perceived personal closeness, feedback, and the symbolic interactionist perspective
Question 4 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 5 (2 points)

An attempt to use empathic listening is often enough to open communication.
Question 5 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 6 (2 points)

Active and passive are two types of listening.
Question 6 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 7 (2 points)

An appropriate strategy for negative situations is the indirect one.
Question 7 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 8 (2 points)

A report writer should gather data before developing solutions or action items.
Question 8 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 9 (2 points)

An organization's culture can encourage or discourage information flow.
Question 9 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 10 (2 points)

Managerial communication behavior represents ritualistic responses to the need to appear competent, intelligent, legitimate, and rational.
Question 10 options:
    1) True
    2) False

Question 11 (2 points)

The way in which managers communicate messages is influenced by the type of authority they are perceived to have.
Question 11 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 12 (2 points)

The communication process consists of an exchange of messages that are comprised of words.
Question 12 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 13 (2 points)

Diversity issues are found in the areas of gender, culture, age, and education.
Question 13 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 14 (2 points)

The most likely audience question when reading written communication is "What is the purpose of this message?"
Question 14 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 15 (2 points)

Ethics in business is constantly evolving to match emerging norms and values and varies from country to country.
Question 15 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 16 (2 points)

The groundwork or preliminary effort a report writer makes before the report is written often takes more time than actually writing the report.
Question 16 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 17 (2 points)

When nonverbal signals contradict verbal ones, the verbal ones are usually the ones to trust.
Question 17 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 18 (2 points)

Attire is an important part of the first impression we form when meeting others, and is often the key to initial credibility.
Question 18 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 19 (2 points)

Managers should discourage their subordinates from listening to the grapevine because the information is usually false.
Question 19 options:
    1) True
    2) False
Question 20 (2 points)

The difference between positive and negative wording is more a matter of content than emphasis.
Question 20 options:
    1) True
    2) False

Question 21 (5 points)

Major factors affecting communication contingencies are ___________________
Question 21 options:
1)     product quality, diversity, subordination, and competition
2)     ethics, diversity, product quality, and competition
3)     time, diversity, ethics, and competition
4)     competition, creative analysis, product quality, and ethics

Question 22 (5 points)
Which movement has been shown to positively influence the flow of conversation?
Question 22 options:
1) mimicry
2)     affect display
3)     illustrating
4)     striding
Question 23 (5 points)

Contemporary managerial communication stresses the importance of which of the following?
Question 23 options:

1)     listening
2)     keeping written records
3)     giving orders
4)     maintaining discipline
Question 24 (5 points)

Which of the following is not a strategy for emphasizing a main idea?
Question 24 options:
1)     repeating it
2)     highlighting it in boldface
3)     using the "you" viewpoint
4)     being indirect
Question 25 (5 points)
Which type of internal correspondence may be in either direct or indirect order?
Question 25 options:
1)     form memos
2)     requests for action
3)     announcements
4)     guideline memos
Question 26 (5 points)

The most frequently used medium of communication within an organization is the
Question 26 options:

1)     letter
2)     memo
3)     brochure
4)     bulletin board
Question 27 (5 points)

Managers must take the following into account when sending a message.
Question 27 options:
1)     the receiver's relationship and status differences with the manager
2)     the receiver's interest and emotional state
3)     the receiver's knowledge and communication skills
4)     all of the above choices are correct
Question 28 (5 points)

Nonverbal behaviors used during conversations to signal to a partner to slow, stop and even "wait your turn" are known as _____________
Question 28 options:
1)     regulating
2)     contradicting
3)     accenting
4)     substituting
Question 29 (5 points)
 All of the following are common purposes for managerial communication except ________
Question 29 options:
1)     to gain information
2)     to share information
3)     to achieve status
4)     to persuade
Question 30 (5 points)

The information transmission capacity of the available sensory channels is known as ____________
Question 30 options:
1)     capability
2)     perspective
3)     sensuality
4)     Bandwidth
Question 31 (5 points)
 Organizational communication focuses on ___________________
Question 31 options:
1)     internal behavior
2)     two or more people exchanging perceptions
3)     formal and informal meetings
4)     how a group of tasks is linked to complete a job
Question 32 (5 points)
 Letter reports differ from memo reports according to
Question 32 options:
1)     format, tone, and audience
2)     introduction, body, and conclusion
3)     direct, neutral, and indirect order
4)     all of the choices are correct
Question 33 (5 points)

The contingency approach to management communication requires managers to _________
Question 33 options:
1)     see the interdependence of various aspects of jobs, organizations, and communication
2)     use the same communication approach at all times for consistency
3)     use creative analysis only in times of emergency
4)     not let the situation determine the method of communication
Question 34 (5 points)

A memo report
Question 34 options:
1)     always uses direct order
2)     employs headings
3)     always includes bulleted lists
4)     does not include visual aids
Question 35 (5 points)
 Strategic managerial listening requires paying attention to _____________________
Question 35 options:
1)     the spoken words
2)     the nonverbal cues
3)     the total environment
4)     all choices are correct
Question 36 (5 points)

The manager who wants to understand someone's internal frame of reference should use which type of listening?
Question 36 options:
1)     casual
2)     factual
3)     sympathetic
4)     empathic

Question 37 (5 points)
 The type of listening most common in business meetings and conferences is
Question 37 options:
1)     casual
2)     factual
3)     empathic
4)     sympathetic

Question 38 (5 points)
 How short should most routine e-mail messages be?
Question 38 options:
1)     One sentence
2)     One screen
3)     One paragraph
4)     One word

Question 39 (5 points)
The team leader in a collaborative writing group is responsible for ________________
Question 39 options:
1)     setting the guidelines for the group
2)     coordinating the team's collaborative efforts
3)     resolving conflicts among individuals and functional departments
4)     both coordinating the team's collaborative efforts and resolving conflicts among individuals and functional departments

Question 40 (5 points)
Common problems with technology include ________________
Question 40 options:
1)     sensory overload
2)     narrow bandwidth
3)     reduced opportunities for feedback
4)     all of the above choices are correct

Question 41 (8 points)
Provide an example in which technology has changed a person's job.

Earlier, bank clerks used to maintain ledger in register. After computer was introduced in banks, they needed to learn operating computers, and using software. Now, same person is making entry in computer and retrieving data much faster.

Question 42 (8 points)
How can a writer de-emphasize the negative in messages?

The writer should use positive language to de-emphasize the negative. He should carefully choose words that do not offend or blame.

Question 43
What are some typical strategies for empowering employees?

Some strategies for empowering employees include: autonomous work groups, self-leadership, work-out groups, quality circles, involving employees in decision making, sharing organization's vision with employees.

Question 44
What are the four things a manager should do to become physically and psychologically prepared to listen? Discuss each of these.

Four things that managers should do to become physically and psychologically prepared to listen are:
1. Be relaxed
2. Sleep properly the night before
3. Do not listen with a bias
4. Maintain positive attitude

Question 45
What are the most common benefits of enterprise social networks?

Enterprise social networks provides a platform to employees to interact with each other. Enterprise social networks are useful tools for communication and collaboration.

Question 46
According to the discussion presented in this chapter, what is the difference between interactive and active listening?

Active listening refers to hearing and paying attention, showing understanding of what was said, and asking relevant questions. Interactive listening moves beyond active by involving the listener and incorporating what was said into further questions, suggestions, and actions.

Question 47
What are two examples of internal noise and two examples of external noise that can damage a listener's competency at work?

Two examples of internal noise can damage a listener's competency at work are: hunger, jet lag.

Two examples of external noise that can damage a listener's competency at work are: other people speaking , hum of a loud fan

Question 48
You are trying to indicate interest in the other person while listening. What should you be doing with your eyes, head, trunk, and hands?

To indicate interest, I will gaze at the speaker; nod or tilt my head; lean towards the speaker; and use my palms to indicate receptiveness.

What purposes does the transmittal document serve?

The transmittal document extends goodwill, and reminds reader of purpose of document.

Question 50
What are four strategic advantages of written managerial communication?

Four strategic advantage of using managerial communication are:
1. Writing is usually more economical than making calls, and travelling to have face-to-face meeting.
2. Writing is efficient because the manager can work independently and use words selectively. The readers can read the communication (such as letter or email) at their convenience.
3. Writing allows the managers to have more control over words, and message organization than oral communication.
4. Writing provides an official record of the communication that can be retained for future reference.

BUSI502 Week 8 Research Paper - Using Information Systems Straegy to Create Sustainable Competitive Advantage


Using the approved topic you submitted in Week 2, you will write a research paper on that topic.

The length of your paper should be a minimum of 10 full pages, double-spaced. You may not include the cover and bibliography in the page count, but both are required.  There are penalties for papers that are short of the required length of 10 pages. You may include an abstract, but you may not include it in the page count.  Images should be limited and must be of a reasonable size with conservative spacing.

You must cite from 7 or more references. If you use an internet source, it must have a valid URL associated with it. You may not use your textbook as a reference.


BUSI502 Week 8 Dropbox Assignment 13 Ethical Decision Making

Read the Case Study 13-1, Ethical Decision Making: Situation 3. Then, answer the following questions:

  • What should Essex do?
  • What, if any, ethical principles help guide decision-making in this situation?
  • What management practices should be in place to ensure proper behavior without violating individual "rights"?
  • Apply the normative theories of business ethics to this situation.

You must submit your answers, using the Assignment Template, to the appropriate Dropbox folder by Saturday at 11:59 pm CT.  Before submitting, make sure to thoroughly read your assignment to ensure you understand all the details required to successfully submit the assignment.

BUSI502 Week 8 Article Review 4 IT Project Management


Read the following article:

IT Project Management

Submit your Article Review in the appropriate Dropbox folder.

BUSI502 Week 7 Dropbox Assignment 12 Business Intelligence

Read the Case Study 12-2, Business Intelligence at CKE Restaurants. Then, answer the following questions:

  • How does the Business Intelligence System (BIS) at CKE add value to the business?
  • What are some tips for developing and using the BIS described in this case?
  • Was the introduction of the Monster Thick burger a good idea or an example of information leading to a wrong decision?

You must submit your answers, using the Assignment Template, to the appropriate Dropbox folder .

BUSI502 Week 7 Dropbox Assignment 11 Traffic Jams in London

Read the Case Study 11-2, Dealing with Traffic Jams in London. Then, respond to the following questions:

  • Assess the risks of this project.
  • Given your assessment of the project complexity, clarity, and size, what management strategies would you recommend?
  • What, if any, of these strategies, were adopted in this project?
  • Describe the development methodology that was applied to this project. Was this the most appropriate approach? Provide a rationale for your response.
  • When a project is outsourced, who should manage the project—the internal group or the outsourcer? Why?


Thursday, September 26, 2019

BUSI502 Week 6 Dropbox Assignment 10Crowdsourcing at AOL.

Read the Case Study 10-1, Crowdsourcing at AOL. Answer the following questions:

Is crowdsourcing as used by AOL a form of outsourcing? Why or why not?

What steps do you think Maloney might have taken to ensure that the crowdsourcing would be a success for the inventory project?

What factors should be considered when deciding whether or not to crowdsource a particular part of a business?

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing.

Student response:

Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

Write a short essay question which could appear on an exam that covers this concept.  Think of another way to ask this question.

BUSI502 Week 6 Article Review 3

Read the following article:

Moving the Needle toward a Data-Driven Health Care System-Optimizing the EHR through Information Governance

Then review the grading criteria for the Article Reviews and review the article provided in Week 6's Content area. For this review, you must create a Narrated PowerPoint.

Your review should include:

  • An initial identification of the article (author, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, and other details that seem important, e.g., it is originally a French edition), and an indication of the major aspects of the article you will be discussing.
  • A brief summary of the range, content, and argument of the article. You may occasionally summarize section by section, but in a short review (1,000-1,500 words) you usually only pick up the main themes. This section should not normally take up more than one-third of the total review.
  • A critical discussion of 2-3 key issues raised in the article. This section is the core of your review (50-60%). You need to clarify the author's own argument before you criticize and evaluate it. You must support your criticisms with evidence from the text or from other writings. You may also want to indicate gaps in the author's treatment of a topic, but it is seldom useful to criticize a writer for not doing something they never intended to do.
  • A final evaluation of the overall contribution that the article has made to your understanding of the topic (and maybe its importance to the development of knowledge in this particular area or discipline, setting it in the context of other writings in the field). How can this help small businesses?

BUSI502 Week 4 Assignment 7 Case Study 7-2, Sony Pictures

Read the Case Study 7-2, Sony Pictures: The Criminals Won. Answer the following questions:

  • Setting aside the political issues between North Korea and the United States, is there a reasonable way to respond to an anonymous threat found on the Internet somewhere?
  • What accessUp and data protection controls would you recommend Sony use to provide better security for unreleased digital films and e-mails?
  • If you were a hacker, what approach would you have used to break into Sony's system?  
  • What do you think the most important SETA elements would be to prevent future hacker attacks against Sony or other media firms?

Student response:

Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

Write a short essay question which could appear on an exam that covers this concept.  Think of another way to ask this question.

BUSI502 Week 4 Assignment 6 Case Study 6-1, Enterprise Architecture

Read the Case Study 6-1, Enterprise Architecture at American Express. Answer the following questions:

  • What are the key components of the architecture American Express has created?
  • Why was it important to standardize so much of the architecture? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a standard EA for American Express?
  • Describe how the new architecture supports the goals and strategy of American Express.
  • What types of future payment products and services should be anticipated and prepared for by the EA group? What is your vision of how payments might work?
  • If you were advising the CIO of American Express, what would you suggest his group prepare for? 

Student response:

Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

Write a short essay question which could appear on an exam that covers this concept.  Think of another way to ask this question.

BUSI502 Week 3 Assignment 4 Case Study 4-1

Read the Case Study 4-1, Trash and Waste Pick Up Services, Inc. Answer the following questions:

  • What are the positive and negative aspects of Andersen's use of the GPS-based system to monitor his drivers and salespeople?
  • What advice do you have for Andersen about the use of the system for supervising, evaluating, and compensating his drivers and salespeople?
  • As more and more companies turn to IS to help them monitor their employees, what do you anticipate the impact will be on employee privacy? Can anything be done to ensure employee privacy?
  • Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

  • Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

BUSI502 Week 3 Assignment Case Study 5-1, Santa Cruz Bicycles

Read the Case Study 5-1, Santa Cruz Bicycles. Answer the following questions:

  • What, in your opinion, was the key factor in Santa Cruz Bicycles' successful process redesign? Why was that a key factor?
  • What outside factors had to come together for Santa Cruz Bicycles to be able to make the changes they did?
  • Why is this story more about change management than software implementation?

  • Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

  • Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

BUSI502 Week 2 Assignment 3 Case Study 3-2, The FBI

Read the Case Study 3-2, The FBI. Answer the following questions: 

  • What do you think were the real reasons why the VCF system failed?
  • What were the points of alignment and misalignment between the Information Systems Strategy and the FBI organization?
  • What do you think of the CIO's final comment about how to change attitudes? Do you think it will work? Why or why not?
  • If you were the CIO, what would you do to help the FBI modernize and make better use of information technology?

BUSI502 Dropbox Assignment 2.......2019

Read the Case Study 2-2, Zipcar. Respond to the following questions:

  • Analyze the business model of Zipcar using Porter's five forces model.
  • Discuss the synergy between the business strategy of Zipcar and information technology.
  • What network effects are parts of the strategy of Zipcar? How do they add value?
  • As the CEO of Zipcar, where is your most threatening competition? What would you do to sustain a competitive advantage?


CASE STUDY 2-2 Zipcar

Zipcar is an answer for customers who want to rent a car for a few hours in their home city rather than for a few days from a traditional rental agency. Car reservations are for a specific pick-up time and location around the city, often in neighborhoods so the customers need only to walk to pick up their reserved car. Customers apply for a Zipcard, which enables them to reserve a car online and unlock their car when they arrive at its location. The company operates with a very small staff compared to traditional rental agencies. Very little human interaction is required between the customer and Zipcar for a transaction. A customer reserves a car online, enters into the reserved car by waving the RFID-enabled Zipcard against the card reader mounted behind the driver's side windshield, returns the car to the same location, and is billed on the credit card already on file. The customer can check all rental records and print receipts from the online reservation system. The system also has a color-coded time chart showing the availability and location of all rental cars in the vicinity. This transparent information exchange allows a customer to pick the car he or she wants, if available, or delay the reservation until that car is returned by another customer. Zipcar also created and installed a GPS-enabled wireless device in each car, which allows members to find and reserve a vehicle nearby using a cell phone. Customers also can use an iPhone or Android app on their iPhone or Android mobile device to find and reserve a Zipcar on a 24/7 basis. Zipcar sends text alerts near the end of the rental period, and customers can text back if they want to extend their rental time. All cars were outfitted with patented wireless technology. Zipcar's proprietary IT platform carries information flow between customers, vehicles, and the company. It is used to monitor car security, fulfill reservations, record hourly usage, and maintain mileage information. The platform also relays vital technical information such as battery voltage and fuel level. It even informs the central system if a customer forgot to turn off headlights, which can quickly drain battery power. This business model provides unique advantages over traditional car rentals. Customers do not have to stand in line or fill out papers to rent a car. They know exactly which make and model they will be getting. Unlike most off-airport rental agency locations, which are open only during business hours, Zipcar locations are open 24 hours. The company's rates also include the cost of gas and insurance as well as reserved parking spots at some locations. Additionally, the company uses social networking technologies to develop an online community of Zipcar members—Zipsters. It encourages Zipsters to talk about their Ziptrips (i.e., share their personal experiences with Zipcar). Thus, information technology is not only the key enabler of this business model but also a facilitator in creating a buzz and encouraging community development around the concept. Zipcar changed the rules of the rental car industry by bringing the new Web 2.0 mind-set of focusing on automation, customer empowerment, transparency, and community. Zipcar is very successful; as of August 2015, its Website boasts over 900,000 paying members and renting over 10,000 vehicles in 30 major metro markets in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as 400 college campuses and 50 airports.



BUSI502 Dropbox Assignment 1....2019

Read the Case Study 1-1, LEGO. Respond to the following questions:

  • How did the information systems and the organization design changes supplemented by Knudstorp align with the changes in business strategy?
  • Which of the generic strategies does Lego appear to be using based on this case? Provide support for your choice.
  • Are the changes implemented by Knudstorp an indication of hyper-competition? Defend your position.
  • What advice would you give Knudstorp to keep Lego competitive, growing, and relevant?



Lego has long been an industry leader in children's toys with its simple yet unique building block-style products. A Danish carpenter whose family still owns Lego today founded the privately held company in 1932. But by 2004, the company found itself close to extinction, losing $1 million a day. A new CEO was brought in, and within five years sales were strong, profits were up, and naysayers who felt the new strategy was going to fail were proved wrong. In fact, sales, revenues and profits continued to be strong. Revenues grew from 16 billion Danish krone (DKK) in 2010 to over 28 billion DKK in 2014, and in the same period, profit almost doubled from 3.7 billion DKK to 7 billion DKK. With the advent of high-tech forms of entertainment, such as the iPod and PlayStation, Lego found itself more antique than cutting edge in the toy world. When new CEO Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, a father and former McKinsey consultant, took over, the company was struggling with poor performance, missed deadlines, long development times, and a poor delivery record. The most popular toys frequently would be out of stock, and the company was unable to ship enough products or manage the production of its more complicated sets. Retail stores were frustrated, and that translated into reduced shelf space and ultimately to business losses. Knudstorp changed all of that. He reached out to top retailers, cut costs, and added missing links to the supply chain. For example, prior to the new strategy, 90% of the components were used in just one design. Designers were encouraged to reuse components in their new products, which resulted in a reduction from about 13,000 different Lego components to 7,000. Because each component's mold could cost up to 50,000 euros on average to create, this reduction saved significant expense. Lego was known for its traditional blocks and components that would allow children to build just about anything their imagination could create. The new strategy broadened the products, targeting new customer segments. Lego managers created products based on themes of popular movies, such as Star Wars and the Indiana Jones series. The company moved into video games, which featured animated Lego characters sometimes based on movies. The company created a product strategy for adults and engaged the communities who had already set up thousands of Web sites and blogs featuring Lego creations. It embraced the community who thought of Lego as a way to create art rather than simply as a building toy. And the company designed a line of Legos aimed at girls because the majority of its products had primarily targeted boys. The culture of Lego changed to one that refused to accept nonperformance. The company's past showed a tendency to focus on innovation and creativity, often at the expense of profits. But that changed. "Knudstorp … made it clear that results, not simply feeling good about making the best toys, would be essential if Lego was to succeed… . Its business may still be fun and games, but working here isn't,"20 describes the current culture at Lego. Some of the most drastic changes came from within the Lego organization structure. After its massive losses in 2004, Lego switched its employee pay structure, offering incentives for appropriate product innovation and sales. Key performance indicators encourage product innovation that catalyzes sales while decreasing costs. Development time dropped by 50%, and some manufacturing and distribution functions were moved to less expensive locations, but the focus on quality remained. The creation of reusable parts alleviated some of the strain on Lego's supply chain, which in turn helped its bottom line. Lego also expanded into the virtual world, extending into video gaming and virtual-interaction games on the Internet. Thinking outside the company's previous product concepts cut costs while encouraging real-time feedback from customers across a global market. Additionally, Lego created brand ambassadors who organized conventions across the world to discuss product innovation and to build communities of fellow customers. With increased revenue, Lego managers considered entering the movie-making business—a risky proposition for a toy company. However, Lego's success with Hollywood-type action figures fueled its interest in a movie-making endeavor. The growth put strains on the IS supporting the business. Order management and fulfillment were particularly affected, resulting in the inability to meet customer demand. Employee management systems were stretched as new employees were added to support the growth and additional locations. Product design and development, especially the virtual and video games, required new technology, too. To solve some of these problems, Lego managers used the same approach they used for their blocks. They created a modularized and standardized architecture for their IS, making it possible to expand more quickly and add capacity and functionality as it was needed. They implemented an integrated enterprise system that gave them new applications for human capital management, operations support, product life cycle management, and data management. The new systems and services, purchased from vendors such as SAP and IBM, simplified the IT architecture and the management processes needed to oversee the IS. One manager at Lego summed it up nicely, "The toy world moves onwards constantly, and Lego needs to re-invent itself continuously. Significant corporate re-shaping introduced new energy to the company." 21 He went on to say that simplifying Lego's IT systems and implementing an efficient product development process that was able to maintain quality and cost favorably positioned Lego to respond to the fast changing pace of the toy industry.








BUS340 DISCUSSION BOARD ASSIGNMENT 3                                  

Compare and contrast the Path-Goal Theory and the Situational Leadership theory found in your text.





As a supervisor, what techniques would you use to motivate employees in your department to increase performance?  Explain how your motivational techniques will increase employee performance.





Conduct research on the topic of workforce diversity and describe what organizations are currently doing to address the issue.  Your textbook and the Penn Foster online library are good starting points.  Also the following sites are good reference sources for articles related to the topic: and  In order to use the "FindArticles" site you will need to register. You can search thousands of free articles.



What is the nature of and the need for a social media policy?



Explain the Constitutional rights of a corporation? What is the objective of piercing the corporate veil?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

BU480D Assignment 8 - 2019

Assignment 08

BU480eBusiness Strategy

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Part A       Illustrate the nine steps of the e-business strategy formulation roadmap through a real-world example that you are familiar with.


Part B       What challenges do traditional companies face when moving from bricks to clicks?

BU480D Assignment 4 - 2018

Assignment 04

BU480eBusiness Strategy

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Part A       Explain how the Internet can help a company to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace through (1) cost leadership and (2) differentiation. Illustrate each case through an actual example, other than those mentioned in the textbook.


Part B       Pick out an e-business company of your choice. Which type of competitive advantage does it pursue? What factors help this company create superior customer value? Is the strategy sustainable?


BU480 Week 5 Threaded Discussion

Describe the 3 C's-Internet resources that are used to implement marketing objectives. Cite your references in APA format.


BU480 Week 1 Threaded Discussion

The internet is just over 20 years old.  Provide a complete analysis of the impact the internet and its technological advances has had on the American and Global economic system.


BU480 Online Exam 8 SCORE 95 PERCENT......2019

Online Exam 8
Question 1
E-business managers need to determine to what extent they wish to monitor their employee's online activities. The underlying goal of these monitoring activities is to:
Question options:

eliminate waste.

identify noncompliance.

increase productivity.

ensure employees do not use the Internet.
Question 2
Technological measures to protect against security threats include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:



security codes.

Question 3
__________ refers to security threats such as viruses, worms, or Trojan horses.
Question options:




Malicious code
Question 4
There are three key areas to consider when reviewing the ethical issues, privacy concerns, and security risks related to e-business. They include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:




Question 5
Today, there are three primary revenue models for delivering content. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
Question options:


Online search

A la carte

Question 6
Typically, __________ refer to higher values such as freedom, privacy, or protection of property.
Question options:

higher order values

ethical conflicts

moral dilemmas

personal dilemmas
Question 7
Some of the various Internet-related trademark issues include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:




Question 8
To leverage __________, you need to find ways in which your product or service becomes more valuable for customers as the overall number of customers increases.
Question options:

data-mining techniques

customizable websites

network effects

revenue structure
Question 9
Your cost structure dictates the types of revenues you need to generate in order to achieve the desired:
Question options:

consumer acceptance.

product positioning.


economies of scale.
Question 10
Online newspapers have mostly relied on the __________ model, but in general, this revenue model has NOT proved sufficient to achieve stand-alone profitability.
Question options:


advertising business


mobile news
Question 11
Laws reflect __________, which in turn are based on fundamental ethical principles strongly held by individuals.
Question options:

social choices

individual interests

moral values

societal regulations
Question 12
The e-business strategy __________ provides a practical way to develop an e-business strategy.
Question options:

formulation roadmap



analysis grid
Question 13
__________ law protects the expression, not the idea.
Question options:




Question 14
In addition to a company extending product scope by itself, it can leverage __________ to establish partnerships with complementors.
Question options:

advertising campaigns

the Internet

customer relationships

supplier channels
Question 15
The three main ways society has chosen to protect __________ are with copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Question options:


intellectual property


customer data
Question 16
A __________ provides answers to "Where?" "How?" and "Why?"
Question options:

formulation roadmap

e-business strategy framework

mission statement

strategy plan
Question 17
__________ refers to deceptive attempts by third parties to obtain financial information for financial gain.
Question options:




Malicious code
Question 18
The alignment of a company's physical-world strategy and its e-strategy requires strategic decisions to be made on all of the following issues EXCEPT:
Question options:



product/service offering.

Question 19
__________ help identify and distinguish goods in the marketplace. They play an important role in branding, yet e-commerce has created opportunities for mischievous behavior by violators.
Question options:




Brand logos
Question 20
On a very broad level, this question in a mission statement addresses the areas in which a firm wants to compete.
Question options:





BU480 Online Exam 3 SCORE 100 PERCENT....2019

Online Exam 3
Question 1
__________ activities include the acceptance over the Internet of online orders (i.e. commercial transactions) and electronic payments (i.e. financial transactions).
Question options:




Question 2
The online delivery of digital goods, such as software, music, videos, films, and e-books, by letting customers download the purchased product(s), is an example of:
Question options:




customer support.
Question 3
By taking orders online, the Internet has, in many cases, drastically changed a company's __________ activities.
Question options:




Question 4
In order for a competence to be considered as core, it needs to be all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:



hard to imitate.

Question 5
__________ include wholesalers, distributors, retailers and customers.
Question options:

Strategic core value chain partners

Upstream value chain partners

Downstream value chain partners

Value chain integrators
Question 6
__________ such as strategic outsourcing partners, application service providers (ASPs) and system integrators provide the electronic infrastructure for a company.
Question options:

Strategic core value chain partners

Upstream value chain partners

Downstream value chain partners

Value chain integrators
Question 7
__________ represent the ability of a firm to use resources efficiently and effectively.
Question options:




Question 8
__________ deals with the primary inputs for different processes within the organization.
Question options:

Resource acquisition



Supply chain
Question 9
Improving supply chain coordination, functional synergies and linkages between offline and online channels are examples of:
Question options:

cooperative agreements.

organizational efficiency.


Question 10
__________ consist(s) of receiving, storing, and distributing incoming goods within the company.
Question options:

Inbound logistics

Outbound logistics


Question 11 has also extensively used information captured throughout its __________ to create value. Customers have the possibility of tracking past purchases online and checking the status of delivery.
Question options:

internal value chain

virtual value chain

value network

physical value chain
Question 12
__________ activities within a firm include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and after-sales service.
Question options:




Question 13
Communication activities include two-way communication between a company and its online visitors and customers. This can take place via Internet applications such as email and:
Question options:

social media.

YouTube videos.

real-time chat.

search engines.
Question 14
The installation of a product, supplying spare parts, and exchanging faulty products are part of the __________ process.
Question options:




Question 15
In the process of __________, the market is subdivided into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.
Question options:

market analysis

market segmentation

target marketing

environmental analysis
Question 16
The Internet and __________ are considered as strong enablers of value creation by improving the connections among the participants involved in the value creation process.
Question options:

chat rooms


online shopping

Question 17
__________ effects can be achieved through loyalty programs of online retailers, offering transaction safety and reliability guaranteed by third parties, promoting online communities, and allowing customization of products, information, and website layout and content.
Question options:




Question 18
__________ are all the tangible and intangible assets of a firm that can be used in the value-creation process.
Question options:




Question 19
The __________ describes the main features that a firm can offer to its customers.
Question options:

virtual value chain

value network

ICDT model

internal value chain
Question 20
__________ activities within a firm include firm infrastructure, human resources, technology development and procurement.
Question options:





BU480 Lesson 7 & 8 Exam SCORE 93 PERCENT....2019

Question 1
To understand whether manufacturers should fear distribution channel conflicts, they need to analyze how new online channels affect their offline channels, and whether the various channels actually:
Question options:

provide order entry on the website.

provide CD/web-based catalogues.

include database-based workflow systems.

serve the same customer segments.
Question 2
Companies moving from the physical world into the online world can leverage the brand they have established with their customers. __________ is a critical issue in e-business, and it increases when customers can resort to face-to-face interaction in case of problems.
Question options:

Brand equity



Cost leadership
Question 3
__________ entail purchasing from an external provider on a contractual basis, spanning an extended period of time.
Question options:

Market transactions


Parent/subsidiary constellations

Long-term contracts
Question 4
__________ means a buyer lacks vital information about a seller because it does not know the track record of the seller, and vice versa.
Question options:

Level of uncertainty

Information asymmetry

Differentiated awareness

Information scarcity
Question 5
The concept of __________ builds on the foundations of transaction cost theory. The fundamental idea of this concept is that traditionally integrated value chains within industries get unbundled and are reconfigured as a result of two main developments: (1) the separation of the economics of things and the economics of information; and (2) the blow-up of the trade-off between richness and reach.
Question options:

coordinated efficiencies


purchasing leverage

cost leadership
Question 6
With __________ competitive advantage, a firm picks out individual parts of the value chain and decides to compete on only one dimension through larger-scale, higher degrees of specialization, or other factors that contribute to competitive advantage, while outsourcing other activities to external providers or even to customers themselves.
Question options:



de-averaging of

a cost leadership
Question 7
Disadvantages and risks that are associated with the introduction of e-procurement systems include all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:

supplier resistance.

organizational risk.

information required to make the purchasing decision.

technology risk.
Question 8
__________ sell manufacturing inputs through a systematic sourcing system. Goods sold through these are tailored specifically to meet the individual needs of the purchasing company.
Question options:


Catalogue hubs

MRO hubs

Yield managers
Question 9
__________ are public and horizontal e-marketplaces with long-term supply relationships, usually for non-production-related products and services.
Question options:


Catalogue hubs

MRO hubs

Yield managers
Question 10
One of the classic definitions of __________ refers to "a situation in which one channel member perceives another channel member(s) to be engaged in behavior that is preventing or impeding it from achieving its goals."
Question options:


adverse impact


negative linear correlation
Question 11
Specialization effects are likely to be related to:
Question options:

high capital requirements.

specialized know-how.

economies of scale.

information scarcity.
Question 12
How __________ a product or service is determined by its degree of uniqueness vis-à-vis the competition.
Question options:




Question 13
__________ are horizontal e-marketplaces for spot procurement of usually operating, manufacturing inputs. They are most valuable for operating inputs that display high fluctuations in price and/or demand.
Question options:


Catalogue hubs

MRO hubs

Yield managers
Question 14
Established management approaches and business procedures were considered to be inadequate for the Internet world, where "everything" had been turned upside down. To accommodate this change, e-business ventures were often staffed with young individuals, having an entrepreneurial drive, strong IT know-how, and analytical capabilities, yet often:
Question options:

had a limited range of expertise.

lacked specialized know-how.

had little knowledge of the industry.

dealt with information scarcity related to the competition.
Question 15
Purchases can be categorized according to volume and:
Question options:



information required to make the purchasing decision.

intended use.
Question 16
The "unbundling" concept recognizes that a corporation consists of each of the following core businesses EXCEPT:
Question options:

product innovation.

customer relationship management.

infrastructure management.

production management.
Question 17
__________ is an e-procurement solution that allows users to buy items directly on the seller's website. However, since there is no integration with the internal accounting system, purchasing data needs to be re-keyed.
Question options:

Order entry on website

CD/web-based catalogue

Email or database-based workflow system

An accounting system
Question 18
Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits of an organizational structure that combines online and offline channels?
Question options:

Distribution efficiencies

Shared information

Purchasing leverage

Cost leadership
Question 19
__________ are e-procurement solutions designed to facilitate production-related procurement. For instance, these systems notify purchasing managers when stock levels have fallen below a certain level and items need to be reordered.
Question options:

Stock control systems

CD/web-based catalogues

Email or database-based workflow systems

Integrated e-procurement systems
Question 20
These goods are also often called MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) goods or indirect goods because they do not form part of the final products a company produces.
Question options:

Operating inputs

Production inputs

Supplier inputs

Manufacturing inputs
Online Exam 7
Question 21
While traditional e-commerce refers to transactions conducted via fixed or wired Internet terminals, __________ refers to e-commerce transactions via mobile or wireless terminals.
Question options:



the long tail

Question 22
In the unconscious scenario __________ marketing is recommended in order to create value by reducing customers' conscious need of interaction with the consumption phenomenon.
Question options:




Question 23
M-Commerce consumer services can be classified into four major categories. Which of the following is NOT one of these categories?
Question options:




Question 24
In addition to basic telephony functions, data-ready mobile phones allow for richer __________ applications. These services use the data connection of a device to offer advanced call capabilities.
Question options:




Question 25
A __________ is a user-generated website containing continuously updated entries in periodic order.
Question options:



media platform

desktop application
Question 26
Richness is defined by three dimensions. Which dimension refers to the amount of information that can be moved from sender to receiver in a given time?
Question options:




Question 27
Regarding the consciousness dimension, if customers are ultra-conscious, then __________ marketing is recommended in order to improve the conscious interaction with objects related to the consumption experience.
Question options:




Question 28
Social networks are effective because they consist of:
Question options:

consumer-to-consumer content.

media and entertainment options.

targeted advertising.

social bookmarking capabilities.
Question 29
__________ often cooperate with portal providers in order to gain access to customers and make their products (such as news, shopping, and games) available to their target audience.
Question options:

Application and content providers

Mobile network operators (MNOs)

IT enablers

Mobile device manufacturers
Question 30
__________ allow(s) their members to manage more contacts more efficiently than is possible offline; therefore, they increase personal contact reach.
Question options:


Web 2.0

Social networking sites (SNS)

Question 31
__________ represent the main source of value of mobile e-commerce, as fulfilling these needs is at the core of the value proposition that is offered.
Question options:

Mobility-related needs

Efficient needs

Entertainment needs

Time-critical needs and arrangements
Question 32
Users of these services can collect their favorite websites as bookmarks, using "tags" – i.e. short descriptive key words instead of the traditional browser-based folder taxonomy.
Question options:



Media platforms

Social bookmarking
Question 33
While every individual has a certain personality recognized by others, some like to try to control the impression(s) other people form of them. This impression management is closely related to __________, where a person tries to influence the perception of his/her image.
Question options:

consumer-to-consumer relations

image promotion


Question 34
__________ is a state-of-the-art blog publishing tool that offers powerful, yet easy-to-handle customization and administrative features.
Question options:

Google Docs

Web 2.0


Question 35
Much of what we know about products we learn through __________ communication.
Question options:



social media

Question 36
Long-term strategic positioning means that a company is able to __________ by offering customers a better price/performance ratio.
Question options:

increase sales

differentiate their brand

outperform competitors

provide added value
Question 37
Connectivity to the __________ allows users to access email accounts and is expected to become a major driver of the 'fixed–mobile convergence'.
Question options:




Question 38
__________ includes promotions and other incentives to acquire new customers and entice existing customers to use the company's Internet-based offering.
Question options:


Customer segment targeting

Social networking

Customer acquisition
Question 39
In __________, physical and informational aspects are globally integrated to provide value through amplification, attenuation, context and transcension; value is extracted from networks.
Question options:




Question 40
__________ not only determine the design and functionality of mobile phones, but also set the communication standards and take care of the pre-installation of browsers, operating systems and other applications.
Question options:

Application and content providers

Mobile network operators (MNOs)

IT enablers

Mobile device manufacturers

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...