Sunday, August 23, 2020

MGMT305 Unit-2 DB

There are multiple Internet browsers available today, and many people choose which to use without giving it consideration. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to each for your Discussion Board consider:

  • Which is the better software tool: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome?
  • Supplement your argument with evidence, and indicate whether or not you changed your position based upon the discussion. Why or why not?

MGMT305 Management Information Systems Unit-1 DB

While information systems has one meaning, it can be used in different ways for companies to keep a competitive edge on the marketplace. Compare and Contrast two distinctly different organizations on how they use information systems in their organizations.

Include in your post the following:

  • Research the 4 competitive strategies and briefly describe them.
  • From the 4 strategies, pick 2 and provide an example of a company that uses each strategy.
    • How do they implement the strategy?
    • Provide examples of how the companies use the strategy, and do not simply write the description.
    • Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.

Properly reference the companies in your post if required using APA format.


MCQ Strategic mgt Set-5

The __________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of performance.

A. portfolio analysis   

B. capabilities assessment   

C. financial analysis   

D. SWOT analysis   

Question 2 of 20

Which of the following is included under the product functional strategies?

A. Marketing   

B. Management   

C. Supervision   

D. Leadership   

Question 3 of 20

__________ strategies are the short-term goal-directed decisions and actions of the organization's various functional areas.

A. Competitive   

B. Functional   

C. Corporate   

D. Business   

Question 4 of 20

__________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing goods and services.

A. Production-operations   

B. Marketing   

C. High-performance work practices   

D. Information system   

Question 5 of 20

An organization that's first to bring a new product or innovation to the marketplace is a(n):

A. primary competitor.   

B. first mover.   

C. early adopter.   

D. innovator.   

Question 6 of 20

Which of the following is a possible production-operations management strategy?

A. Selective specialization   

B. Inventory management systems   

C. User positioning   

D. Database marketing   

Question 7 of 20

Which are the two biggest factors in marketing?

A. Competitors and pricing   

B. Product and competitors   

C. Customers and competitors   

D. Pricing and customers   

Question 8 of 20

The geographic segmentation variable for consumer markets could include factors such as:

A. region, metropolitan area, and population density.   

B. social class, lifestyle, and personality.   

C. occasions of product use, benefits, and user status.   

D. purchasing function organization, power structure, and purchasing criteria.   

Question 9 of 20

The four Ps in marketing are:

A. product, price, promotion, and place.   

B. production, placement, personnel, and place.   

C. promotion, price, positioning, and perception.   

D. perception, perspective, promotion, and price.   

Question 10 of 20

Human resource management strategies regarding employee separations include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. downsizing.   

B. hiring freezes.   

C. organizing for efficiency or innovation.   

D. preferential or nonpreferential rehiring process.   

Question 11 of 20

The strategic decisions associated with the organization are the choice of a system and the choice of type of system needed for which system type?

A. Marketing   

B. Human resources   

C. Information   

D. Financial-accounting   

Question 12 of 20

Designing which of the following systems involves making sure we have the information we need, when the information is needed, and in the form needed?

A. Marketing   

B. Human resources   

C. Information   

D. Financial-accounting   

Question 13 of 20

Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using __________ and __________ performance measures for each area.

A. functional; quantitative; qualitative   

B. marketing; quantitative; qualitative   

C. management; financial; quantitative   

D. research and development; quantitative; qualitative   

Question 14 of 20

The __________ analysis points to the strategic issues decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high performance levels.

A. functional   

B. SWOT   

C. competitive   

D. organizational   

Question 15 of 20

The process of creating goods and services in which organizational resources are transformed into outputs is called:

A. production-operations.   

B. manufacturing-operations.   

C. product-production.   

D. organizational performance.   

Question 16 of 20

Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using specific performance measures-qualitative and quantitative-for each functional area.

A. organizational   

B. operational   

C. functional   

D. production   

Question 17 of 20

When a group of individuals from various functional departments work together on product or process development, it can be in a:

A. technical environment.   

B. cross-functional team.   

C. global organization.   

D. matrix organization.   

Question 18 of 20

Which of the following is NOT one of the three functional concerns of organizations?

A. People   

B. Technology   

C. Support processes   

D. Product   

Question 19 of 20

A(n) __________ system is a system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating any and all information that managers need to operate a business.

A. database   

B. reporting   

C. support   

D. information   

Question 20 of 20

__________ at the functional level involves using specific performance measures quantitative and qualitative – for each functional area.

A. Management   

B. Reporting   

C. Performance evaluation   

D. Strategy evaluation   

MCQ Social Sc

An example of a post and lintel system is:
A. A Greek temple
B. A painting by Artemisia Genteleschi
C. The sculpture of the Seated Scribe

Pieter Breugel's, The Harvesters is unusual in what way?
A. It is a representation of a scene from the French Revolution.
B. It is made in the difficult technique of fresco.
C. It is a genre called landscape and relates to the Protestant Reformation.

The proper term for sculpture that is fully finished all around and free from a background is:
A. Relief
B. In the round
C. Ionic

Can we apply standards of beauty in art from one culture to another?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Only during Leap year

Which of the following is an art object used for funerals?
A. Bayeux Tapestry
B. El Anatsui, Sasa
C. The Greek Krater

Assyrian power was often depicted in which art form?
A. Relief sculpture
B. Oil painting
C. Life sized marble figures

Which of the following aided the illiterate to learn their religion in the Middle Ages?
A. County Fairs
B. Stained glass
C. Elementary school

What does the term historic context mean?
A. It is a term used for the understanding of objects within their time period, culture, and social conditions.
B. It is a term used for the content found in academic paintings.
C. It is a term used for the images found on Chinese and Japanese art scrolls.

Baroque art in Italy did which of the following?
A. Used Landscapes to convey religious messages
B. Was exemplified by Michelangelo's Creation of Adam
C. Used opulence and dramatic settings to bring the faithful back to the Church

A set of orders is:
A. The rules used for making an oil painting in Egypt
B. The Greek system consisting of base, column, capital, and entablature
C. A repository for Holy relics

Manuscript is a term for which of the following?
A. An early book made of animal skins and often illuminated
B. An important relief carving depicting royalty
C. The process for making bronze sculpture

Which of the following is true about academies?
A. An academy is a school that trained male artists.
B. Women artists could belong, but not take lessons.
C. It is both of the above.

Which of the following is particular to a Gothic building?
A. Pointed arches, buttresses, stained glass
B. Domes and rotundas
C. Ionic, Doric, or Corinthian columns

The word Renaissance means which of the following?
A. It means the rebirth of the piety of the Middle Ages.
B. It is the philosophy known as the Age of Enlightenment.
C. It is the rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas and culture.

Since humanism was a Renaissance focus, how might we see it represented in art?
A. Works of art may contain references to the Industrial Revolution.
B. Works of art may reflect the Philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment.
C. Works of art may have a focus on rendering the figure as individualistic.

The Death of Marat contains what references?
A. Marat has been depicted as a Christian martyr.
B. Marat is being associated with the French Revolution.
C. It is both of the above.

What change in art took place in Roman sculpture?
A. The Romans invented equestrian sculptures.
B. The Romans created Hellenistic sculpture.
C. It is both of the above.

The interior of San Vitale is decorated in which of the following?
A. Large scale Greek marbles
B. Intricate and glittering mosaics
C. Frescoes

The plan of the Romanesque church of Sainte-Foy contains a new innovation. What is it for and what is it called?
A. It is a flying buttress and it is to help stabilize the tall walls.
B. It is an octagonal central plan and it is designed to represent the cycle of life.
C. It is an ambulatory and it offers more space for pilgrims to view relics.

Which of the following ideas can be attached to Botticelli's Birth of Venus?
A. This is the first time we see an artist use his wife as a model.
B. The painting represents Neo-Platonistic thought.
C. The painting is a fresco based on work by Michelangelo.

MCQ Science-20

1. Which would contribute most to your annual radiation exposure? (Points: 5)
Living at an elevation 1,000 m above sea level
Having a dental X-ray
Living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor
Taking a coast-coast trip on a commercial flight

2. Which is a common characteristic of both nuclear and conventional electric power plants? (Points: 5)
Smoke stacks
Fuel rods
Water cooling systems

3. Which of the following is used to bathe the control rods and fuel bundles of the nuclear reactor? (Points: 5)
Primary coolant

4. The core of the nuclear reactor consists of: (Points: 5)
fuel pellet.
fuel rod.
fuel assembly.
All of the above

5. Due to the nuclear accident of the Ukraine in the 1980's, children in the nearby country of Belarus have suffered from: (Points: 5)
heart disease.
juvenile diabetes.
thyroid cancer.
ear infections.

6. Which of the following radiation is without particles, mass, or electrical charge? (Points: 5)

7. Which of the following radiation exposure is from human-related sources? (Points: 5)
Diagnostic X-rays

8. Storage or disposal of Uranium-238 waste is more difficult than other types of waste due to its toxicity and its: (Points: 5)
extreme mass.
quick decomposition into other isotopes.
long half-life.
value to smugglers.

9. All of the following are potential risks associated with nuclear-powered electricity, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
Black lung disease
Reactor meltdown like Chernobyl
Leakage of stored HLW into aquifers and soil
Enriched uranium used as weapons by terrorist organizations

10. What is a device that converts electrical energy to chemical energy? (Points: 5)
Galvanic cell
Electrolytic cell
Electrochemical cell

11. The __________ produces electricity by "burning" hydrogen with oxygen without a flame and with relatively little heat and no light being produced. (Points: 5)
storage battery
fuel cell
galvanic cell

12. What is the positive electrode of a battery where reduction takes place called? (Points: 5)
Electrochemical potential

13. The rate of electron flow is: (Points: 5)
the size of the cell.
the current.
the voltage.
electrical energy.

14. Which of the following is mainly considered for use in electric vehicles? (Points: 5)
Hydrogen fuel
Methanol fuel
Proton exchange membrane
Platinum based fuel

15. All of the following are drawbacks to hydrogen-powered vehicles, EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
cheap generation of hydrogen fuel.
toxic emissions from hydrogen combustion.
safe storage of highly reactive hydrogen gas.
cheap and effective transport of hydrogen fuel.

16. Which of the following has revolutionized communication and computing in the last 20 years? (Points: 5)
Sandwiches of n- and p-type semiconductors.
Formation of hydrogen from endothermic methane reactions.
Expanded electronic storage of data.
Privatization of telephone utilities.

17. What kind of energy is primarily used to bring electricity to remote areas that are far from power lines? (Points: 5)
Solar electric units
Electrical network

18. Whenever a substance is oxidized: (Points: 5)
it is called the oxidizing agent.
some other substance must be reduced.
it gains electrons.
hydronium ions are produced.

19. What condition must be met for a battery to be rechargeable? (Points: 5)
Either its anode or its cathode must generate a gas as a result of the electrochemical reaction.
It must generate electricity via an acid-base reaction rather than via an oxidation reduction reaction.
The battery must be open to the outside so that it can vent any internal pressure that builds up from gases within it.
The electrochemical reaction of the battery must be reversible.

20. Very small mercury batteries have been made and used in a multitude of applications. Why have they been replaced by other kinds of batteries for most applications? (Points: 5)
Mercury has become far too expensive to use in batteries.
Mercury is poisonous and difficult to dispose of.
These batteries cannot generate enough current for any modern devices.
Though they may be made very small, they are far too heavy to use in most applications.

MCQ Mngt 25

1. The approach to selection decision making that involves a qualitative review of all data on applicants is the: (Points : 4)
        clinical approach.
        qualitative approach
        subjective approach.
        statistical approach.

2. The process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization is known as: (Points : 4)
        environmental scanning.
        cultural auditing
        human resources planning.

3. Major responsibilities of HR managers include: (Points : 4)
        direction or daily supervision of employees.
        giving advice and counsel to supervisors, managers, and executives.
        making sure each employee progresses on a retirement track.
        working long hours.

4. Managing diversity means: (Points : 4)
        Recruiting and hiring more minorities
        Being aware of characteristics common to employees and managing them as individuals
        Tolerating differences
        Accommodating differences

5. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employees from discrimination against: (Points : 4)
        the chronically ill.
        compulsive gambling.
        those who use illegal drugs.

6. Offshoring is the practice of moving jobs overseas (Points : 4)

7. "Managing diversity": (Points : 4)
        is a set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and continuous improvement.
        means being aware of the characteristics common to all employees, while managing them as individuals.
        is developing an affirmative action plan.
        is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve radical improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.

8. The desired outcomes of training programs are formally stated as: (Points : 4)
        training goals.
        learning objectives.
        instructional objectives.
        learning goals

9. The term "Human Resources" implies that _________ have the capabilities that drive human performance: (Points : 4)

The various types of employment interviews differ primarily in:
(Points : 4)
        amount of structure.
        methods for establishing rapport.
        the degree to which body language is studied.

11. Professional organizations such as SHRM and HRPS conduct ongoing studies of the most pressing competitive issues facing firms. One of the issues that has been around for the last decade or so is: (Points : 4)
        family concerns.
        employee rights.
        privacy issues.

12. One of the benefits of downsizing is: (Points : 4)
        higher customer satisfaction.
        improved efficiency.
        a more loyal and productive workforce.
        that it is a recruiting edge.

13. A factor that appears to have influenced the growth of EEO legislation is: (Points : 4)
        the changing attitudes of society at large
        the postwar baby boom
        shortage of qualified labor
        an influx of illegal immigrants

14. Which of the following is the most effective source for recruitment? (Points : 4)
        executive search firms
        help-wanted advertisements
        employee referrals
        private employment agencies

15. In many fast-growing economies, it may be easier to access money and technology than to find good people. (Points : 4)

16. Effective HRM balances the competing needs of: (Points : 4)
        competitive challenges and employee concerns.
        production and marketing.
        business and government.
        rare and organized talents.

17. According to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, it is not illegal to: (Points : 4)
        require pregnant women to resign.
        deny sick-leave benefits for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        deny to all employees sick-leave benefits including those for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        provide medical benefits that do not cover pregnancy-related medical costs.

18. Disabilities that are less publicized and generally unprotected by EEO laws include: (Points : 4)

19. Strategic human resource management is the process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization. (Points : 4)

20. Technology, transportation, communication, and utilities industries tend to spend the most on ________. (Points : 4)

Which of the following is not a problem frequently associated with job descriptions?
(Points : 4)
        They tend to broaden the scope of activities of the jobholder
        They may be vague or poorly written
        They include illegal specifications
        They require frequent updating

Outsourcing refers to employing workers in their homes rather than within the traditional office environment.
(Points : 4)

23. The employment of individuals in a fair and nonbiased manner is called (Points : 4)
        affirmative action
        equal employment opportunity
        civil rights policy
        uniform guidelines

24. Around 70-85 percent of the U.S. economy today is affected by international competition. (Points : 4)

25. An employee alleging discrimination can sue both the manager (or supervisor) of a company and the company itself because: (Points : 4)
        the company provided EEO training to the manager
        the manager or supervisor perform their job as agents of the company
        EEO law provides for it
        the employee can sue the company, but not the manager or supervisor

MCQ Lifescience

1                    If one group is given some medicine that may cure a disease and the other group is given a sugar pill, the group who got the medicine is the:

a.       Hypothetical group

b.      Scientific group

c.       Control group

d.      Experimental group

2                    Which of the following is NOT true of cell membranes?

a.       They are composed of four carbohydrate layers.

b.      They contain protein molecules.

c.       They regulate movement of some substances into and out of the cell.

d.      They contain phospholipids.

3                    Aerobic cellular respiration requires the use of:

a.       N2

b.      O2

c.       H2

d.      H2O

4                                           describes how a cell makes a protein from the protein coding sequence of a gene.

a.       Transcription

b.      Gene expression

c.       Translation

d.      Gene phrasing

5                    A gene that can be masked by another gene is called:

a.       a pleiotropy

b.      dominant

c.       incompletely dominant

d.      recessive

6                    Hybrid plants are produced by:

a.       Cloning

b.      Asexual reproduction

c.       Vegetative reproduction

d.      Sexual reproduction

7                    Many kinds of disease-causing bacteria are resistant to the standard antibiotics that we use to control them. This is because:

a.       When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, they mutate.

b.      There is genetic variety within the species and those that already have genes for resistance are the ones that reproduce.

c.       New species of bacteria have evolved that are resistant to antibiotics.

d.      When the size of the population of a species of bacterium is reduced, genetic variety decreases.

8                    A food chain always begins with:

a.       Sympathetic decomposers

b.      Photosynthetic autotrophs

c.       Pathetic instructors

d.      Heterotrophic consumers

9                    Most microorganisms reproduce:

a.       Sexually

b.      By parthenogenesis

c.       Asexually

d.      By meiosis

10                The normal flow of blood would be:

a.       Heart? Capillaries? Arteries? Veins? Heart.

b.      Heart? Arteries? Capillaries? Veins? Heart.

c.       Heart? Veins? Capillaries? Arteries? Heart.

                  d.   Heart? Veins? Arteries? Capillaries? Heart.

MCQ LEadership

Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points Participation may be undesirable in all of the following situations EXCEPT when: A. follower commitment is not necessary. B. the tasks are complex and quality is important. C. time is of the essence. D. interaction between leader and followers is restricted.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points Genencor International started its employee participation program: A. when they built a new headquarters. B. after the leadership team took a trip to Japan. C. after they hired a new CEO. D. as a routine part of doing business.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points Li Wei is under pressure to make a quick decision on a project with which she has considerable expertise and experience. Her team is inexperienced and generally supportive, and she needs the members' strong commitment to implement her decision. In this situation, Li Wei should: A. make decisions by herself. B. allow for employee participation. C. seek more information. D. delegate the decision to the group.
 Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points The more __________ a culture, the less likely it is that employees will participate in decision making. A. coolectivist B. ascriptive C. power oriented D. flexible
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points Which cultural values will least likely support employee participation and empowerment? A. high power distance B. collectivist C. humane orientation D. high time (future) orientation
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points The leadership traits identified by IBM to revive the company include which of the following? A. being a visionary B. developing people and enabling growth C. being able to take charge D. having both task and people skills
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points In spite of cultural and other differences, one of the keys to successful implementation of teams is: A. follower's involvement. B. organizational policies. C. slow implementation. D. leader's belief in participation.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points Which of the following is one of the goals of delegation? A. help th eleader with excessive workload B. share power with employees C. empower employees D. increase the leader's power
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points Leaders should generally not delegate which type of tasks or decisions? A. Strategic decisions B. Personnel decisions C. Manufacturing tasks D. Quality control
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points Which underlying factor may be a contributing factor to leader's inability to delegate? A. follower's personality B. leader's personality C. organizational policies D. organizational culture
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points __________ are more likely to find it difficult to delegate task to their followers. A. Experienced managers B. Relationship-oriented leaders C. Leaders who have trouble developing positive LMX D. Type A leaders
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points In teams, members often share: A. a culture. B. norms. C. history. D. personal experiences.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points Self-managed teams use leadership based on: A. cooperation. B. consideration. C. shared responsibility D. facilitation.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points __________ is one of the key factors in effective teams. A. Building trust B. A good leader C. Clear rules D. A goal handed down from upper management
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points Robert wants to increase the trust among his team members. What should he do? A. an exchange procesCreate friendly competition among the members. B. Set up formal communication mechanisms. C. Reward cooperation. D. Assign a formal leader.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points __________ is intended to teach team members to monitor, assess and correct their behavior in the team. A. Self-guided correction B. Cross training C. Coordination training D. Assertiveness training
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points Self-leadership is similar to which of the other theories of leadership? A. Fiedler's Contingency Model B. The LMX model C. The substitutes for leadership D. Situational leadership
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points The use of teams in the U.S. was triggered by: A. globalization. B. the growth of the Chinese economy. C. failure of the U.S. management methods. D. the successful use of teams in Japan.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points Instead of team-based management, Australian researchers have proposed the concept of __________ to involve individuals in teams in Western cultures. A. collaborative individualism B. self-leadership C. participation D. transformational leadership
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points Self-leaders __________ instead of __________. A. keep information; sharing information. B. make sure everyone is on board; letting employees develop their own goals. C. provide a vision; letting the team set goals. D. encourage
creativity; conformity

Friday, August 21, 2020

Marketing Management-120

Part 1


Question 1 of 20


The Southwind Camper Co. has as its primary goal to sell 10,000 camper trailers each year. From this type of objective, you can conclude that the company:


A. has a marketing orientation.


B. does not adhere to the marketing concept.


C. has determined to satisfy existing customer needs.


D. wants to use a product development strategy.



Question 2 of 20


The implementation of the marketing concept in a company should produce company-wide managerial:


A. appreciation of the consumer's role as it is related to the firm's existence, growth, and stability.


B. effort based on participation and interaction of company officers in establishing corporate and departmental goals.


C. concern with the effect of new products on the firm's present and future profit position.


D. attentiveness to all of the above.



Question 3 of 20


Strategic planning:


A. includes all the activities that lead to the development of a clear organizational mission, organizational objectives, and appropriate strategies to achieve those objectives.


B. should emphasize current cash flows, market share gains, and earning trends.


C. cannot be used to prepare for inevitable changes in the market environment.


D. should be developed by and be the sole responsibility of the organization's top managers.



Question 4 of 20


During the 1940s, Odorono was a very popular, widely advertised antiperspirant. The product was manufactured by the Odorono Company in New York City. The product came in liquid and solid form and eliminated perspiration on hands, feet, forehead, and under arms. The most likely reason why this company no longer exists is:


A. its lack of customer orientation.


B. a poorly chosen name.


C. its failure to modify its strategy to reflect the changing environment.


D. a poor use of the promotional mix.



Question 5 of 20


Imagine a chain of steak restaurants that had as its mission statement to provide its customers with the world's best steaks. Changes in consumer tastes resulted in fewer customers for the steakhouses. In Rationale to decreased demand, the restaurant over a period of time added chicken, vegetarian lasagna, seafood, and pizzas to its menu. Now, the chain of restaurants can best be described as a(n):


A. organization that adheres to a production orientation.


B. organization without any strategy.


C. drifting organization.


D. organization that adheres to a selling orientation.



Question 6 of 20


Which of the following statements about a mission statement is true?


A. Even though no one denies the importance of the mission statement, it is the least used of all of the management tools.


B. An effective mission statement takes an internal organizational focus.


C. A generalized mission statement is more effective than one that is specific because it allows the organization to respond quickly to a changing environment.


D. It is not uncommon for an organization to spend one to two years developing a useful mission statement.



Question 7 of 20


Slatescape is a relatively new company that mines and crushes slate for use as mulch in gardens. In order to __________, the managers of the company reviewed the historical records of the mine from which it is getting the slate. Its managers also determined that slate is available in only a few areas of the world. In addition, the managers examined its acceptance within the community, federal regulations, which affect its operation, and its existing and potential competitors.


A. develop a mission statement


B. distinguish between primary and secondary objectives


C. develop an effective marketing mix


D. evaluate its marketing plan



Question 8 of 20


Belinda Nunez wants to open a gallery in which she will feature young Hispanic artists. She was unsure if the new business would succeed until she read in the local newspaper that 55 percent of the community in which she will be operating the gallery is Hispanic. Which of the following statements could describe this situation?


A. Nunez needs to realize that even the most carefully conducted research can be fraught with errors.


B. Nunez needs some primary marketing research before she invests her money and time in this project.


C. Nunez should make the decision to open the gallery based on her own experiences in the community-and not on marketing research alone.


D. All of the above statements can be used to describe this situation.



Question 9 of 20


Which of the following statements about marketing research is true?


A. Marketing research proves the old adage, "You get what you pay for."


B. Many marketing managers view marketing research as the final answer to their problems.


C. You don't need intuition or experience when you have marketing research.


D. Good marketing research considers all the factors that could influence the success of a marketing strategy.



Question 10 of 20


Reading of Toledo, Inc., makes a streaked griddle that produces char-broiled looking meat without the grease flare-ups, the smoke, or the wasted energy. Sales have been down recently for its streaked griddle. Its marketing manager wonders if the sales decrease is due to consumer health concerns that grilled meat causes cancer. The manager wants to do marketing research to see if the firm needs to modify the product or do more consumer advertising. The marketing manager:


A. is in the first stage of the market research process.


B. must realize this is a channel issue.


C. will have to rely solely on secondary data.


D. will next need to determine how the gathered data will be processed.



Question 11 of 20


The Five Ps of the research process are the purpose of the research, the plan of the research, the performance of the research, the processing of the research, and the:


A. preparation of the research.


B. predictability of the research.


C. promotion of the research results.


D. propagation of the research.



Question 12 of 20


By the end of the first stage of the marketing research process, managers and researchers should agree on:


A. whether the company will do its own research or hire a marketing research specialist.


B. whether primary or secondary data will be used.


C. the specific question or questions the research is designed to investigate.


D. the type of quantitative research to be conducted.



Question 13 of 20


A research plan:


A. explains the methodology, but does not justify its use.


B. is influenced by whether primary or secondary data are to be gathered.


C. is unaffected by who conducts the research.


D. is created as part of the research processing stage.



Question 14 of 20


When the television show ER ran its final episode for the 2001-2002 season, it showed two smallpox victims and the subsequent quarantine of everyone who had been exposed to the smallpox. The day prior to the airing of the television show, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released survey information stating that most Americans do not realize that naturally occurring smallpox has been eradicated from the world. The center's research report is an example of:


A. quantitative primary data.


B. data mining.


C. secondary data.


D. research intended for internal marketing purposes.



Question 15 of 20


In terms of consumption decisions, middle class consumers prefer to:


A. buy at a market that sells at a wholesale rates.


B. buy what is popular.


C. buy only the brands which sell at affordable prices.


D. analyze the market and select the best at the lowest prices.



Question 16 of 20


Which of the following statements about culture is true?


A. In today's society, family is the key source of culture.


B. Educational institutions do not play a role in transmitting culture.


C. One's culture is based on one's wealth, skill, and power.


D. None of the above statements about culture is true.



Question 17 of 20


One of the reasons for the popularity of the Survivor television series is the interaction of urban vs. rural dwellers, baby boomers vs. Gen Xers, and devout Christians vs. agnostics. In other words, the producers of the shows select a variety of:


A. subcultures.


B. social classes.


C. aspirational groups.


D. cultures.



Question 18 of 20


Which of the following is an example of a social influence on consumer behavior?


A. The fashion editor of Seventeen magazine writes that any teen who wants to be well-dressed for the first day of school must wear a shirt that shows her bellybutton.


B. The manufacturers of a line of aromatherapy candles markets them at very exclusive stores.


C. When Arne went to the store to buy a new dress for Easter, she decided not to buy anything because of the crowded conditions of the store.


D. Billie purchased a pair of Honey brand clogs instead of the Birkenstocks she wanted because the Birkenstocks were too expensive.



Question 19 of 20


Which of the following is the most valuable piece of information for determining the social class of your best friend's parents.


A. How many years of schooling did they have?


B. What is their ethnic background?


C. What is their combined annual income?


D. What are their occupations?



Question 20 of 20


Which of the following statements about social classes in the United States is true?


A. The middle class is the largest class.


B. Less than five percent of the population in the U.S. belongs to the upper class.


C. The working class is defined as "family folk" who depend heavily on relatives for economic and emotional support.


D. The middle class is the group most likely to demand instant gratification.



Part 2

Question 1 of 20


__________ consist of businesses that buy goods and services in order to produce other goods and services for sale.


A. Government organizations


B. Organizational buyers


C. Nonprofit associations


D. Trade associations



Question 2 of 20


__________, or resellers, purchase to resell at a profit.


A. Initiators


B. Marketing intermediaries


C. Users


D. Influencers



Question 3 of 20


Which of the following examples would most likely use straight rebuy?


A. Contractors looking for a replacement for stucco for homebuilding buy autoclaved, aerated concrete panels.


B. A physicians' office buys a $35,000 endoscope for examining their patients' lungs.


C. A manufacturer of off-the-road vehicles practices just-in-time inventory and needs to arrange for the purchase of additional electric starters.


D. A cold-storage warehouse buys a $100,000 generator to keep its 200,000 square feet of storage area cold in the event of an electric outage.



Question 4 of 20


Which of the following is the best example of a modified rebuy?


A. A contractor buys shingles for the roof of the 15th house he is building in Tara Woods subdivision.


B. The production manager for a meat processing plant is buying a $90,000 high-tech meat slicing machine that will save the company an estimated $20,000 annually in wastage.


C. The supermarket buys 24 replacement plastic pallets for storing food.


D. The purchasing department at a university makes a buying decision about its long distance telephone service provider.



Question 5 of 20


Which of the following is the best example of a new task purchase?


A. A dentist who has been in practice for 10 years buys a replacement dental chair just like the old one.


B. The office manager for several lawyers signs the firm up with an Internet service provider.


C. A Dallas-based hotel chain with 120 hotels and resorts spends $1.6 million to protect itself from computer viruses.


D. A department store upgrades its security system by installing a second video camera at the employees' entrance to the store.



Question 6 of 20


Which of the following statements correctly describes the difference between how organizational buyers make purchases and how final consumers make their purchases?


A. There is a greater emphasis on personal selling to organizational buyers than to final consumers.


B. Organizational buyers are more geographically dispersed than final consumers.


C. The buyer-seller relationships have fewer permutations in the consumer market than in business-to-business marketing.


D. The distribution channel for final consumers is shorter than for organizational buyers.



Question 7 of 20


A privately owned, small company with technology or production orientation will tend towards __________ decision making.


A. autonomous


B. joint decision


C. distributed


D. centralized



Question 8 of 20


Sole sourcing is advantageous to suppliers because it provides them with predictable and profitable demand and allows them:


A. to market the products with their brand names.


B. to build long-term relationship with organizations.


C. to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the organization.


D. to deliver the products on time.



Question 9 of 20


Organizations can be divided into three groups based on differences in degree of employee commitment. These groups include:


A. advertising, marketing, and finance.


B. HR, sales, and engineering.


C. innovative, adaptive, and lethargic firms.


D. planning, executing, and accomplishing tasks.



Question 10 of 20


__________ is the process by which buyers rate each potential supplier on various performance measures, such as product quality, on-time delivery, price, payment terms, and use of modern technology.


A. Quantity research


B. New task purchases


C. Priori segmentation


D. Vendor analysis



Question 11 of 20


Deciding how to segment a market prior to conducting marketing research is commonly referred to as __________ segmentation.


A. a priori


B. post-hoc


C. selective


D. autocratic



Question 12 of 20


Which of the following statements about market segmentation is true?


A. Market segmentation is not needed if the organization plans to adopt a mass marketing strategy.


B. Market segmentation analysis precedes product positioning, the cornerstone of sound marketing planning.


C. The logic of market segmentation is quite simple and is based on the idea that a single product item can seldom meet the needs and wants of all consumers.


D. According to the model of market segmentation analysis, the marketing process begins with the determination of consumer needs and wants.



Question 13 of 20


At a strategic level consumer needs and wants are translated into:


A. customer needs.


B. marketing needs.


C. primary data.


D. operational concepts.



Question 14 of 20


Real world segmentation has followed one of two general patterns, a priori segmentation approach and a __________ approach.


A. post hoc segmentation


B. market segmentation


C. benefit segmentation


D. psychographic segmentation



Question 15 of 20


To delineate its current situation a company should conduct a:


A. priori analysis.


B. mix contingency plans.


C. SWOT analysis.


D. marketing survey.



Question 16 of 20


What are the two most commonly used approaches for segmenting markets?


A. Benefit segmenting and psychographic segmentation


B. Advertising segmentation and financial segmentation


C. Nonprofit and profit segmentation


D. Marketing segmentation and geodemographic segmentation



Question 17 of 20


Benefit segmentation attempts to measure consumer value systems and:


A. benefits for a firm.


B. consumer loyalty.


C. consumer perceptions.


D. consumer locations.



Question 18 of 20


What does psychographic segmentation focus on?


A. Qualitative research


B. Quantitative research


C. Test market


D. Consumer lifestyles



Question 19 of 20


What does the term "horizontal dimension" refer to?


A. Cross-functional teams


B. Sales promotions


C. After-sale services


D. Primary motivations



Question 20 of 20


What does geodemographic segmentation identify?


A. Marketing ideas


B. Specific households in a market by focusing on local neighborhood geography to create classifications of actual, addressable, mapable neighborhoods where people live and shop


C. The height of mountains


D. Marketing strategies that are used to make decisions for future profits for the company



Part 3

Question 1 of 20


A product is the sum of the physical, psychological, and __________ satisfactions the buyer derives from purchase, ownership, and consumption.


A. physical


B. sociological


C. cognitive


D. personal



Question 2 of 20


Convenience goods, shopping goods, and specialty goods are the three classes of:


A. dual branding.


B. lethargic organization.


C. organizational goods.


D. consumer goods.



Question 3 of 20


For certain products there are a limited number of buyers; this is known as a(n):


A. generic product.


B. horizontal market.


C. vertical market.


D. extended product.



Question 4 of 20


Which of the following is the best example of a shopping good?


A. A home security system


B. A bottle of Snapple pink lemonade


C. A pair of fingernail clippers


D. A truckload of bricks



Question 5 of 20


What does it mean when you say the market for a box of impact eye goggles is horizontal?


A. It means the market is deep.


B. It means the market is restricted to just a few industries.


C. It means the market has numerous middlemen.


D. It means the market is anyone that needs eye products.



Question 6 of 20


In a technical sense, quality can refer to physical traits such as features, performance, reliability, durability, aesthetics, serviceability, and __________ specifications.


A. buyer derives to


B. conformance to


C. conjunction with


D. acceptance of



Question 7 of 20


__________ refers to what the customer receives in exchange for what the customer gives.


A. Quality


B. Product mix


C. Value


D. Line extension



Question 8 of 20


What is the legal term for a product or service brand?


A. Symbol


B. Style


C. Trademark


D. Quality



Question 9 of 20


What does the line extension approach use?


A. Symbol


B. Brand name to facilitate entry into a new market product


C. An expansion of business links


D. Large-volume production runs



Question 10 of 20


A product audit by a cereal manufacturer would:


A. categorize the cereals produced within its industry as to product similarities and differences.


B. determine if the company should delete its Spider-Man brand cereal.


C. analyze the sales levels of all cereals in its competitive environment.


D. determine the competitive advantage of each brand of cereal in the market.



Question 11 of 20


Marketing dimensions refer to price, promotion, strategy, and:


A. channels of distribution.


B. product features.


C. launch offers.


D. competitive environments.



Question 12 of 20


A broader approach to the new product question is the one developed by H. Igor Ansoff in the form of:


A. corporate marketing.


B. marketing mix.


C. growth vectors.


D. benchmarking.



Question 13 of 20


The primary reason for new product failure is the inability of the selling company to match its offering to the:


A. needs of the customers.


B. required competition.


C. prevailing price.


D. product development cycle.



Question 14 of 20


Products that are inventions are known as:


A. new-to-the-world products.


B. new category entry.


C. an addition to product line.


D. a product improvement.



Question 15 of 20


Avon first marketed its Skin So Soft lotion as a body lotion so it would have a product to compete with other similar body lotions. Today, Avon promotes its Skin So Soft lotion as an insect repellant that is good to your skin. In which of the new product categories would Skin So Soft lotion fall?


A. New-to-the-world product


B. New category entry


C. An addition to product line


D. Repositioning



Question 16 of 20


__________ denotes a growth direction through the increase in market share for present product markets.


A. "Market penetration"


B. "Marketing mix"


C. "Growth vectors"


D. "Market development"



Question 17 of 20


What does out-rotating involve?


A. That salesmen should be exchanged with competing firms from time to time


B. That managers and salesmen should exchange jobs periodically


C. That employees should be placed in positions that require direct contact with customers, competitors, and other key outside groups


D. That new product ideas should be brought in from outside the firm



Question 18 of 20


Strategic risk involves:


A. putting out money to advertise new ideas.


B. not matching the role or purpose of a new product with a specific strategic need or issue of the organization.


C. the use of new technology to produce the product at a profit.


D. the cost of testing concepts.



Question 19 of 20


A strategic alliance is best defined as:


A. a short-term relationship aimed at winning a market segment.


B. a relationship between a business and its customers.


C. a long-term partnership between two organizations designed to accomplish the strategic goals of both parties.


D. a relationship between a business and the community in which it is headquartered.



Question 20 of 20


Various alternatives exist for creating and managing cross-functional product development teams. Two of the better-known methods are the establishment of skunkworks and the __________ approach.


A. rugby


B. iceberg


C. idea equity


D. tag team



Part 4

Question 1 of 20


A major way marketers create positive and distinct images is through:


A. marketing plans.


B. hiring marketing personnel.


C. marketing communications.


D. funding charities.



Question 2 of 20


An important goal of marketing communications is to build a relationship with the organization's:


A. employees.


B. technological team.


C. channel members.


D. research and development channel.



Question 3 of 20


__________ is an activity or material that offers customers, sales personnel, or resellers a direct inducement for purchasing a product.


A. Sales promotion


B. Promoting a company


C. Selling goods


D. None of the above



Question 4 of 20


A nonpaid form of nonpersonal communication about the organization and its products that is transmitted through a mass medium in the form of a news story is referred to as:


A. advertising.


B. newsletters.


C. publicity.


D. None of the above



Question 5 of 20


Why would the manufacturer of a $390 video home security system be reluctant to use advertising as its sole promotional tool?


A. The manufacturer would have little control over the promotional message.


B. Advertising is an ineffective way to create a product or brand image.


C. The advertising message can be targeted to an individual.


D. Advertising reaches many people who are not potential buyers.



Question 6 of 20


The specialist viewpoint is represented by advertising experts who are primarily concerned with measuring the effects of:


A. specific ads or campaigns.


B. the economical status.


C. the research approach.


D. the percent of sales approach



Question 7 of 20


What are the objectives for advertising?


A. Specific ads or campaigns


B. Creating awareness, aiding comprehension, developing conviction, and encouraging ordering


C. Implement marketing plans


D. None of the above



Question 8 of 20


The ultimate objective of the business advertiser is to make:


A. people aware of the company.


B. sales and profit.


C. informed guesses about how to manipulate buyers.


D. None of the above



Question 9 of 20


The __________ method attempts to determine retail price by using product costs as a base.


A. per-unit expenditure


B. purchase pricing


C. percentage-of-sales


D. all-you-can-afford



Question 10 of 20


Well-planned advertising programs usually make use of the __________ approach.


A. marketing


B. financial


C. task


D. None of the above



Question 11 of 20


__________ are in the best position to act as the intermediaries through whom valuable information can be passed back and forth between buyers and producers.


A. Marketing managers


B. Customers


C. Advertisers


D. Salespeople



Question 12 of 20


The process of locating potential customers is called:


A. database building.


B. planning sales calls.


C. pre-selling.


D. prospecting.



Question 13 of 20


Which of the following is a salesperson's best source of prospects?


A. Trade shows


B. Referrals from satisfied customers


C. Canvassing


D. Centers of influence



Question 14 of 20


Which of the following statements about objections during a sales presentation is true?


A. Objections are typically trivial, and best handled by ignoring them.


B. Objections can arise at any time during the sales presentation.


C. A good salesperson allows objections to be raised only when the sales presentation is concluded.


D. In handling an objection, a salesperson should be willing to challenge the prospect's opinion and experience.



Question 15 of 20


In response to an objection, the salesperson should __________ the customer.


A. not immediately challenge


B. thank


C. listen passively to


D. actively challenge



Question 16 of 20


The concept of __________ focuses the organization's attention on providing continuing satisfaction and reinforcement to individuals or organizations that are past or current customers.


A. premarketing


B. advertising


C. aftermarketing


D. warranting



Question 17 of 20


__________ are (is) used in certain industries such as pharmaceuticals to focus solely on promotion of existing products and introduction of new products.


A. Missionary salespeople


B. Technical sales specialists


C. More flexibility in decision making


D. Information provision



Question 18 of 20


When the product is extremely high-priced and is being sold to the whole organization, __________ are often used.


A. missionary salespeople


B. technical sales specialists


C. cross-functional sales teams


D. task approaches



Question 19 of 20


Most companies organize their sales effort either by:


A. salespeople or direct selling.


B. marketers or advertisers.


C. geography, product, or customers.


D. developing convictions or innovative ideas.



Question 20 of 20


The __________ approach involves measuring the relationship between the dependent variable, sales, and one independent variable that can explain increases or decreases in sales volume.


A. jury of executive opinion method


B. sales force composite method


C. time-series analysis


D. correlation analysis



Part 5

Question 1 of 20


Major functions performed in the channels of distribution include middlemen, merchant middlemen, and:


A. employees.


B. employers.


C. agents.


D. organizations.



Question 2 of 20


Channels with one or more intermediaries are referred to as:


A. administered systems.


B. direct channels.


C. indirect channels.


D. responsive channels.



Question 3 of 20


The choice of channels can be defined in terms of intensive distribution, selective distribution, and __________ distribution.


A. marketing


B. sales


C. exclusive


D. product



Question 4 of 20


In __________ distribution, the manufacturer limits the use of intermediaries to the ones believed to be the best available in the geographic area.


A. exclusive


B. geodemographic


C. wholesale


D. selective



Question 5 of 20


The major distribution costs to be minimized are transportation, order processing, and:


A. horizontal dimension.


B. vertical dimension.


C. packaging.


D. geodemographic.



Question 6 of 20


It is well-documented in the marketing literature that __________ throughout the channel often lead to high-quality products and low price.


A. discord


B. competition


C. long-term relationships


D. collusion



Question 7 of 20


Administered vertical marketing systems are most similar to:


A. internal market mechanisms.


B. conventional channels.


C. selective distribution.


D. horizontal channels.



Question 8 of 20


__________ are merchants that are primarily engaged in buying, taking title to, usually storing and physically handling goods in large quantities.


A. Retailers


B. Logistics companies


C. Wholesalers


D. Vendors



Question 9 of 20


For which of the following products would its manufacturer be more likely to use intensive distribution?


A. Blue jeans


B. Laser printer


C. Gourmet cat food


D. Can of soda



Question 10 of 20


A contractual vertical marketing system:


A. is exemplified by a florist shop that buys a wholesale plant nursery.


B. is very similar to a conventional marketing channel of distribution.


C. operates with a channel leader.


D. is exemplified by the Subway sandwich shop franchise system.



Question 11 of 20


The __________ factors that are particularly important for pricing decisions are: expected consumption rate of potential buyers, location of potential buyers, and position of potential buyers.


A. economic


B. political


C. demographic


D. sociological



Question 12 of 20


Price elasticity is a measure of consumer's price sensitivity, which is estimated by dividing relative changes in the quantity sold by the:


A. volume consumed.


B. cost of the product or service.


C. quantity produced.


D. relative changes in price.



Question 13 of 20


Two factors that relate to the supply influences on pricing decisions are:


A. intangibility and perishability.


B. rate-of-return and inventory levels.


C. perishability and tangibility.


D. cost and nature of the product.



Question 14 of 20


The basic variations in cost-oriented pricing are mark-up pricing, cost-plus pricing, and:


A. fixed pricing.


B. demand oriented pricing.


C. rate-of-return pricing.


D. additional profits.



Question 15 of 20


The pricing strategy in which the seller charges a relatively high price on a new product is called:


A. price fixing.


B. deceptive pricing.


C. price discrimination.


D. skimming.



Question 16 of 20


The pricing strategy in which the seller charges a relatively low price on a new product is called:


A. development.


B. traditional marketing.


C. penetration.


D. skimming.



Question 17 of 20


Pricing a product at competition is called __________ pricing and is popular for homogeneous products, since this approach represents the collective wisdom of the industry and is not disruptive of industry harmony.

A. sealed-bid

B. competitor

C. open

D. going-rate

Question 18 of 20

Price-fixing is illegal per se. Sellers must not make any agreements with competitors or distributors concerning the final price of the goods. The __________ is the primary device used to outlaw horizontal price-fixing.

A. Sherman Antitrust Act

B. Robinson-Patman Act

C. Clayton Act

D. Federal Trade Commission Act

Question 19 of 20

Setting prices so that targeted customers will perceive products to offer greater value than competitive offerings is called:

A. comprehension of service marketing.

B. value pricing.

C. mass merchandising.

D. perishability pricing.

Question 20 of 20

It is not uncommon for the manufacturer of a new product to have to pay a retailer $30,000 in order to get the shelf space needed to sell its new product in a particular retail establishment. This $30,000 fee is an example of a(n):

A. slotting allowance.

B. bribe.

C. placement fee.

D. opportunity fee.

Part 6

Question 1 of 20

Which of the following statements about the service sector of the American economy is true?

A. Over the next two decades the service sector in the U.S. will decline in monetary importance.

B. The service sector accounts for fewer than 30 percent of all jobs in the U.S.

C. Spending in the service sector today captures almost 20 cents of every consumer dollar.

D. The service sector in the U.S. produces a balance-of-trade surplus annually.

Question 2 of 20

Which of the following is the BEST example of a service product?

A. Your motel stay

B. Permission from the hotel to pay for your stay with a credit card

C. The toll-free number you call to check on your motel reservation

D. The delivery of your luggage to the motel room

Question 3 of 20

Which of the following is the BEST example of a service?

A. Surgery to correct nearsightedness

B. The complementary newspaper left outside your hotel room door

C. A transcontinental airplane trip

D. Repairs made to your lawn mower

Question 4 of 20

During Jack and Leah's first visit to the marriage counselor, Jack inspected all of the diplomas and certificates the counselor had prominently displayed on her wall. The most likely reason why the counselor displayed her diplomas and certificates was to:


A. comply with government regulation.

B. provide tangible evidence of her ability to perform the service required.

C. reduce the probability of fluctuating demand.

D. differentiate her counseling service from all other services.

Question 5 of 20

The promotional element of the traditional marketing mix is more important for services than it is for goods because services are:

A. homogeneous.

B. inventoried.

C. intangible.

D. simultaneously demanded and supplied.

Question 6 of 20

Services that are __________, and markets for these services, fluctuate by season, days, or time of day.

A. tangible

B. intangible

C. perishable

D. insufficient

Question 7 of 20

Tangibles include:

A. perishable goods.

B. the physical evidence of the services.

C. cyclical stability.

D. demographic factors.

Question 8 of 20

Off-peak pricing:

A. is used to overcome problems associated with the homogeneity of services.

B. is a strategy used to deal with fluctuating demand for services.

C. creates time, place, and form utility.

D. is used to separate the service provider from the service.

Question 9 of 20

If you were asked to distinguish between a service and a good, you could correctly say:

A. the customer is the end user for services, and the co-producer for goods.

B. collaboration between buyer and seller is highest for goods.

C. a greater number of brands of services are available than brands of goods.

D. the customer owns a good, but owns the memory of a service.

Question 10 of 20

Which of the following statements about products and services is true?

A. Collaboration is higher between the buyer and seller of a product, than between the buyer and seller of a service.

B. The goal of producing a service is uniqueness; the goal of producing a product is uniformity.

C. Quality control activities for both services and products compare expectations to experience.

D. With both products and services, the consumer is the end user and not involved in the production process.

Question 11 of 20

Which of the following is an example of a defensive strategic goal that might be used to explain why MTV developed MTV European, a pan-European cable and satellite system that transmits music-based programming across the continent?

A. To maximize its total sales revenues

B. To improve its overall market position

C. To increase its long-term growth and profit prospects

D. To preempt competitors' global moves

Question 12 of 20

There is a small, but growing, market for golfing equipment in China. Which of the following is an example of a defensive strategic goal that can be used to explain why American manufacturers of golfing equipment like Wilson and Titleist are eager to export their products to the Chinese?

A. To improve overall market position

B. To increase long-term growth and profit prospects

C. To avoid being locked out of markets by arriving too late

D. To take advantage of economies of scale

Question 13 of 20

ExxonMobile opened its first On the Run store in Chile. The store combines the familiar pumping islands out front, convenience stores, and separate food courts. The success of that store led to the opening of more than 300 On the Run stores worldwide. Which of the following is an example of an offensive strategic goal that can explain why ExxonMobil developed On the Run stores?

A. To increase long-term growth and profit prospects

B. To take advantage of significant differences in operating costs between countries

C. To preempt competitors from opening similar stores

D. To avoid being locked out of markets by arriving too late

Question 14 of 20

Which of the following is an example of an offensive strategic goal that might be used to explain why Eastman Kodak is eager to expand into new international markets?

A. To preempt its competitors' global moves

B. To increase its long-term growth and profit prospects

C. To compete with foreign companies on their own turf instead of in the United States

D. To take advantage of significant differences in operating costs in other countries

Question 15 of 20

When Procter & Gamble introduced Pampers disposable diapers in Japan, it used basically the same pricing strategy as it used in the United States. P&G did not realize the typical Japanese mother changes her baby about 14 times a day - twice as often as her U.S. counterpart. Thus, Pampers were too expensive for the Japanese market. What kind of a problem did P&G experience when it introduced Pampers?

A. Cultural misunderstanding

B. Communications divergence

C. Too heavy an emphasis on penetration pricing

D. Promotional dichotomy

Question 16 of 20

Which of the following describes a problem a company can experience when entering a foreign market?

A. Cultural misunderstandings

B. Import restrictions

C. Political uncertainty

D. All of the above

Question 17 of 20

Exchange controls are usually used by:

A. companies that are intermittent exporters.

B. industries that are selling commodities.

C. nations with a strong service sector.

D. nations that are experiencing balance-of-payment problems.

Question 18 of 20

__________ companies pursue different strategies in each of their foreign markets. They could have as many different product variations, brand names, and advertising campaigns as countries in which they operate.

A. Multidomestic

B. Transnational

C. Global

D. Ethnocentric

Question 19 of 20

Breath Right nasal strips are adhesive pads with a small spring inside that, when attached to the nose, pull the nasal passages open and make it easier to breathe. Their manufacturer, CNS, Inc., sells the nasal strips to countries on four different continents by using standardized marketing activities. CNS, Inc., is an example of a(n) __________ company.

A. multidomestic

B. transnational

C. global

D. ethnocentric

Question 20 of 20

How does the multidomestic corporation differ from the global corporation?

A. The multidomestic companies rely on management teams made up of nationals; global corporations use management teams from the home office.

B. Multidomestic companies are highly centralized, while global corporations are highly decentralized.

C. Multidomestic companies use a standardized marketing strategy; globalized companies use an adaptive marketing strategy.

D. Multidomestic companies pursue different strategies in each of their foreign markets; globalized companies use the same strategy regardless of boundaries


1. Viruses that attach themselves to files with certain extensions, such as .doc or .exe., are __________ viruses.
A. boot sector
B. file infector
C. file destroyer
D. file command

2. According to the CSI/FBI Cyber Crime Survey, __________ of organizations conduct routine and ongoing security audits.
A. 25 percent or less
B. 50 percent
C. 75 percent
D. nearly 90 percent

3. __________ invented the movable-type printing press that accelerated the amount and kind of information that was available to populations.
A. Johann Gutenberg
B. Phil Zimmerman
C. William (Bill) Gates
D. Tim Burners-Lee

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a computer crime as listed in the textbook?
A. Data diddling
B. Salami slicing
C. Piggybacking
D. Cold calling

5. One common way to gain access to a password-protected system is to use a __________ approach.
A. back-door
B. "sneak peek"
C. brute-force
D. social engineering

6. Persons who plant viruses are called:
A. computer hackers.
B. cyberterrorists.
C. vandals.
D. predators.

7. A mechanism using a digital signature to prove that a message did, in fact, originate from the claimed sender is called:
A. authentication.
B. privacy/confidentiality.
C. nonrepudiation.
D. integrity.

8. The global reach of computer networks has raised concerns over:
A. copyrights.
B. privacy.
C. security.
D. All of the above

9. __________ is a type of software for securing information systems by allowing only specific users access to specific computers, applications, or data.
A. Access control software
B. Computer security software
C. Application restriction software
D. Data protection software

10. Encryption software allows users to ensure:
A. authentication.
B. privacy/confidentiality.
C. nonrepudiation.
D. All of the above

11. The slang term for stolen software is:
A. hackerware.
B. warez.
C. vaporware.
D. discountware.

12. __________ are the least used security technology.
A. Passwords
B. Biometrics
C. Encrypted files
D. Firewalls

13. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 prohibited:
A. stealing or compromising data about national defense and foreign relations.
B. breaking into any electronic communications service.
C. monitoring voice communications.
D. stealing trade secrets.

14. A(n) __________ is an ongoing planning process involving risk assessment, risk reduction planning, and plan implementation as well as ongoing monitoring.
A. information systems security plan
B. disaster recovery plan
C. infrastructure management
D. risk assessment plan

15. Crimes committed against telephone company computers are an example of:
A. phreaking.
B. spoofing.
C. social engineering.
D. data diddling.

16. ECPA is an acronym that refers to the:
A. Electronic Controls Privacy Act.
B. Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
C. E-Commerce Customer Protection Association.
D. Electric Computer Protection Agency.

17. To execute denial of service attacks, intruders often use __________ computers.
A. zombie
B. monster
C. robot
D. android

18. Examples of the ethical conundrum include all EXCEPT:
A. using computer time at work to read personal e-mail.
B. organizations compiling personal information about shopping habits.
C. the government regulating computer crimes.
D. using technology to rearrange photographs.

19. Futurist author Alvin Toffler describes three "waves of change." The third, and biggest, wave of change to occur is the:
A. Information Age.
B. Industrial Revolution.
C. Agriculture and Handwork Age.
D. Modern Age.

20. Some spam e-mail includes __________, which are attempts to trick financial account and credit card holders into giving away their authorization information.
A. freaking
B. tricking
C. phishing
D. luring

Major HR issues.

Current Issues in HRM prepare a 400-500 word response to the following:

Search credible business publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, HR Executive, HR Magazine, or Workforce Management to identify and discuss three major current issues in human resource management.

Interview at 3 companies

500–750 words w/references (APA Format) Details: You are a marketing manager interviewing for a new job at several different firms simultaneously. You expect to be asked the same questions in each interview dealing with what you think are some good new marketing opportunities for each firm to pursue. You know that being well prepared for an interview gives you a better chance of being offered the job, so you decided to study each company where you are interviewing.

Pick any 3 firms to research. Based on Internet research on these companies, write a 500–750-word research paper proposing at least 3 marketing opportunities that you would strongly suggest that each firm pursue. In your arguments, include the following: •Describe your reasoning for identifying them as worthy of pursuing. •Categorize each marketing opportunity as low-hanging fruit, home runs, or singles, and discuss why (see definitions in course materials). •Discuss the risk in pursuing each opportunity. •Without actually trying to determine each project's ROE, which would you most strongly recommend implementing, and why? •Explain how the marketing opportunity would reflect upon the firm. Would it have a positive or negative public relations effect on the firm? Would it result in great financial improvements, or only a minor improvement?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

international furniture company

You work for an international furniture company. Your company has customers in England, Mexico, Guatemala, and China. How would you evaluate the credit worthiness of firms in these countries? How does the credit risk differ between these countries? Would you sell to a company in these countries without a letter of credit? Explain why or why not. 200 to 300 words

Information System transforming business

Describe three (3) ways in which information system are transforming business. (33 points)

What is information systems literacy? How does it differ from computer literacy? (34 points)

List and describe the organizational, management, and technology dimensions of information systems.

IMC and components

"Define Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and explain the goal of IMC. Also list and describe the seven (7) different components of the communication process. Lastly, discuss at least three (3) factors firms should use as marketing metrics to plan for and measure IMC success"

Human Resources Department of Zilack Corporation

Explain Functional Area Plan: Human Resources

Zilack Corporation Human Resources Department.


1)      ____________ are internal states that focus on particular aspects of or objects in the environment. A. Concepts B. Abilities C. Attitudes D. Values 2) Inventory shrinkages and accidents pertain to which component of direct costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress? A. Communication breakdowns B. Loss of vitality C. Performance on the job D. Participation and membership 3) Distrust, disrespect, and animosity pertain to which component of indirect costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress? A. Communication breakdowns B. Performance on the job C. Participation and membership D. Quality of work relations 4) Title VII is most relevant to the employment context because it __________on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all aspects of employment. A. prevents layoffs B. eliminates nepotism C. prohibits discrimination D. encourages advancement 5) Thousands of equal-pay suits have been filed, predominantly by ___________ since the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed. A. Americans with disabilities B. the elderly C. African Americans D. women 6) The Thirteenth Amendment A. prohibits each government in the U.S. to stop a citizen from voting based on race B. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts C. prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude D. guarantees equal protection of the law for all citizens 7) Which of the following would you associate with managing diversity? A. Quantitative B. Internally focused C. Government initiated D. Assumes integration 8) _____________ is an inevitable byproduct of teamwork, especially when teams are drawn from a diverse base of employees. A. Declining productivity B. Discrimination C. Diversity D. Intolerance 9) Which of the following observations is correct? A. Diversity is quantitative and affirmative action is qualitative. B. Diversity is proactive and affirmative action is reactive. C. Diversity is problem focused and affirmative action is opportunity focused. D. Diversity is government initiated and affirmative action is voluntary. HRM/531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 10) Which of the following defines the crucial elements for a strategy's success? A. Strategy analysis B. Strategy formulation C. Strategy facilitation D. Strategy implementation 11) How does a mission statement differ from a vision statement? A. The mission statement includes the result of an analysis of the future availability of labor and also future labor requirements. B. The mission statement is an effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an organization, and to provide qualified people to fulfill that business and satisfy those demands. C. The mission statement typically includes a fairly substantial effort to establish some direct line-of-sight between individual competency requirements and the broader goals of an organization. D. The mission statement includes the purpose of the company as well as the basis of competition and competitive advantage. 12) "To be the world's best quick-service restaurant" is an example of a(n) A. vision statement B. code of ethics C. organizational charter D. mission statement 13) Which of the following statements about a company using a passive nondiscrimination posture is true? A. It systematically favors women and minorities in hiring and promotion decisions. B. No attempt is made by the company to recruit actively among prospective minority applicants. C. It is a concerted effort by the organization to actively expand the pool of applicants so that no one is excluded because of past or present discrimination. D. This posture recognizes that discriminatory practices in the past may block prospective applicants from seeking present job opportunities. 14) The step following recruitment is _____, which is basically a rapid, rough "selection" process. A. workforce planning B. orientation C. performance management D. initial screening 15) Instances where employees are selected specifically to fill certain positions are called _____ selection or placement programs. A. focused B. one-shot C. rapid D. one-chance 16) Organizations in the high-growth stage focus on A. the maintenance of market share B. extreme cost control C. cost reductions through economies of scale D. refining and extending product lines 17) Organizations that are in the embryonic stage are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A. heavy emphasis on product engineering B. high growth rates C. significant customer loyalty D. basic product lines 18) Individuals who fit best into mature organizations have a(n) _____ style of management. A. laissez-faire B. autocratic C. bureaucratic D. democratic HRM/531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 19) Increasing an individual's employability outside the company simultaneously increases his or her job security and desire to stay with the current employer is known as the A. massed practice B. training paradox C. distributed practice D. Pygmalion effect 20) At the structural level, which of the following training issues can be examined? A. Who gets training? B. How can the outcomes of training efforts be evaluated? C. How can the delivery of training programs be structured? D. What types of training seem to yield positive outcomes for organizations? 21) According to the text, the Intel example illustrates how major layoffs can be avoided through a strong in-house A. sexual harassment policy B. wage and benefits package C. worker redeployment policy D. performance management program HRM/531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 22) An exercise that is typically done once a year to identify and discuss job-relevant strengths and weaknesses of individuals or work teams is A. performance standard B. performance facilitation C. performance encouragement D. performance appraisal 23) Providing adequate resources to get a job done right and on time, and paying careful attention to selecting employees are parts of A. performance facilitation B. performance encouragement C. performance appraisal D. performance monitoring 24) When there is a clear link between organizational goals and performance standards for a particular job, the appraisal system is said to exhibit A. sensitivity B. reliability C. relevance D. acceptability 25) In managing careers, organizations should A. focus mainly on the needs of minorities and women B. focus primarily on employee needs and aspirations C. allow employees to structure work assignments D. plan for shorter employment relationships 26) The process of moving inside or becoming more involved in a particular organization is A. organizational learning B. integration C. socialization D. organizational entry 27) Traditionally, career success has been defined as A. making higher than expected income B. a satisfying job C. a good relationship with the boss D. occupational advancement HRM/531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 28) At a broad level, a(n) _____ includes anything an employee values and desires that an employer is able and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions. A. merit-pay method B. employee stock ownership plan C. organizational reward system D. competency-based pay system 29) If pay systems are to accomplish the objectives set for them, ultimately they must be perceived as A. relevant and competitive B. immediate and fair C. adequate and equitable D. generous and timely 30) Financial rewards include direct payments plus indirect payments in the form of A. employee benefits B. spot awards C. individual equity D. corporate compensation 31) The benefits of this act are based on a percentage of average weekly earnings and are available for up to 26 weeks. A. Federal Unemployment Tax Act B. Balanced Budget Act C. Administrative Procedure Act D. Social Security Act 32) Plans are known as _____ when the employees share in the cost of the premiums. A. peer participating B. distributive C. share-based D. contributory 33) Which law offers full coverage for retirees, dependent survivors, and disabled persons insured by 40 quarters of payroll taxes on their past earnings or earnings of heads of households? A. Employee Retirement Income Security Act B. Workers' compensation C. Federal Unemployment Tax Act D. Social Security Act HRM/531 Human Capital Management Final Exam Progress: (0/36) 34) _____ justice refers to the quality of interpersonal treatment that employees receive in their everyday work. A. Blind B. Distributive C. Interactional D. Informational 35) Procedural justice affects citizenship behaviors by influencing employees' perceptions of _____, the extent to which the organization values employee's general contributions and cares for their well being. A. organizational support B. nonpunitiveness C. due process D. management accessibility 36) Distributive justice focuses on the fairness of the _____ of decisions. A. responses B. content C. procedures D. outcomes


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...