Saturday, December 26, 2020

BUSI544 Week 2 Marketing Plan -SWOT and Mission Statement

Conduct a SWOT Analysis on your project business. Think about capabilities and core competencies for internal strengths and weaknesses, and consider all the factors in the broad macro-environment in your external analysis of opportunities and threats. A chart format is acceptable, however, be sure to indicate how changes in each particular external force will affect your business.

Review the video on Porter's Generic Strategies in the Instructional Materials for this week and discuss how you intend to create a sustainable competitive advantage.

Also, craft a mission statement for your business (refer to page 41 of the textbook for guidance).

Your final document should be 2 pages max and cite sources where necessary using APA style.

Friday, December 25, 2020

BUSI544 Week 2 Discussion 4

After viewing the CC library's Market Research video answer the following questions:

  1. Explore 3 examples of how companies conduct marketing research from the video clip. Connect these examples to techniques and concepts described in Chapter 4 of our textbook. Be specific with your examples.
  2. What value does the research bring to products and processes?
  3. Why does an organization measure marketing productivity?
  4. Refer to Table 4.3 on page 118. Which marketing metrics will you employ in your marketing plan?

BUSI544 Week 2 Discussion 3

Good marketing and its management is built on collecting information, forecasting demand, and getting feedback. Some of your best research may be informal; your peers may be part of your target market and/or may be able to provide valuable resources or feedback for your marketing plan. Based on the small business you selected last week for your marketing plan:

  1. State the business and outline your potential customer base (target market), and how you will go about forecasting demand.
  2. Determine what research you will need to conduct to assure that your marketing strategy is based on appropriate market segments. Search the Internet and provide an example of a marketing intelligence resource related to your marketing plan; how can it be valuable to your marketing plan?
Identify the major forces in the demographic, economic, sociocultural, natural, technological, and political-legal environment, and discuss how each one will impact your marketing strategy

BUSI544 Week 1 Marketing strategy proposal

Submit a two-page proposal for your marketing plan project by introducing your choice of small business for your marketing plan project, and the industry in which it competes. Explain why you chose it, and what your goal is for this business.

Review the Marketing Plan Expectations topic for full details. Criteria for "Selecting your Business" are provided in this topic. The topic is also located in the Start Here module in the Content area our course.

Research the industry and find 3 articles that speak to current trends in the industry; briefly summarize the main topic of each article. Define your business from both a 'product definition' and 'market definition' perspective. Refer to Table 2.2 on page 40. Essentially, this assignment will get you started with the Situation Analysis of the marketing plan.


BUSI544 Week 1 Discussion 2

Describe holistic marketing, in your own words. Think of a simile or metaphor that describes your vision of holistic marketing. In your description, make sure to address the dimensions associated with holistic marketing. Also consider the "new marketing realities," and how they relate to new consumer and company capabilities. Give an example not found in this week's readings, of a company that is leveraging new marketing realities.

In your opinion, why has holistic marketing replaced the more traditional marketing concepts of production, product, selling and marketing orientations? Give an example of how a holistic approach can inform a company's marketing strategy.


BUSI531 Week 5 Quiz 5 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 (2 points)
Which of the following statements is true of technology's influence on training and learning?
Question 1 options:

1)     New technologies have increased the administrative costs associated with delivering training to employees.

2)     New training technologies will totally replace face-to-face instruction.

3)     New technologies give employees access to and control of their own learning through relationships and collaborations with others.

4)     New technologies add to the paperwork and time needed for administrative activities.

Question 2 (2 points)
_____ allow synchronous communication in training.
Question 2 options:

1)     Live online courses

2)     Self-paced courses on CD-ROM

3)     Virtual libraries

4)     E-mails

Question 3 (2 points)
In a traditional learning environment, _____.
Question 3 options:

1)     Learning used to be a very dynamic process

2)     Communication on course content was primarily two-way

3)     Learning occurred primarily through exchanges with other learners

4)     Experts and resource materials were separate from the learning environment

Question 4 (2 points)
Which of the following is a disadvantage of online learning?
Question 4 options:

1)     Online learning lacks communication richness.

2)     Online learning is ineffective for training that emphasizes on cognitive outcomes.

3)     Online learning fails to link learners to other content, experts, and peers.

4)     Updating online learning is extremely difficult.

Question 5 (2 points)
_____ typically provides opportunities for learners to practice, ask questions, and interact with other learners and peers both face-to-face and online.
Question 5 options:

1)     Traditional classroom training

2)     Technology-based learning

3)     Blended learning

4)     Adventure learning

Question 6 (2 points)
To create a positive online learning experience, _____.
Question 6 options:

1)     Content that is unrelated to the learning objectives should also be included in e-learning

2)     The use of multiple types of media to deliver e-learning should be avoided

3)     Trainees should be allowed to skip over material that they are competent in

4)     Learning modules should be kept long and delivered continuously

Question 7 (2 points)
_____ refers to directly translating an instructor-led, face-to-face training program to an online format.
Question 7 options:

1)     Repurposing

2)     Rapid prototyping

3)     Self-directedness

4)     Webcasting

Question 8 (2 points)
In the context of maximizing the benefits of learner control, trainees should:
Question 8 options:

1)     Be allowed to practice on selected topics of their choice and not every topic covered.

2)     Be allowed to skip practice even on topics in which they are incompetent.

3)     Be allowed to control the sequence in which they receive instruction.

4)     Be allowed to control the amount of feedback they receive.

Question 9 (2 points)
_____ refers to the learner's involvement with the training material and assessing their progress toward learning.
Question 9 options:

1)     Repurposing

2)     Rapid prototyping

3)     Metacognition

4)     Self-regulation

Question 10 (2 points)
Online training is best provided:
Question 10 options:

1)     During the trainees' personal time.

2)     During breaks in the trainees' normal workday.

3)     At the employee's desktop without time away from the job.

4)     By using one- to two-hour training modules rather than a full-day training session.

Question 11 (2 points)
YouTube is a typical example for _____.
Question 11 options:

1)     Shared workspaces

2)     Shared media

3)     Microblog

4)     Online chat room

Question 12 (2 points)
The use of social media as a learning tool will be ineffective in a company that:
Question 12 options:

1)     Has a significant number of employees from the millennial generation.

2)     Requires substantial teamwork.

3)     Supports centralized decision making.

4)     Has geographically dispersed employees.

Question 13 (2 points)
In comparison to classroom delivery, blended learning has increased:
Question 13 options:

1)     Involvement of the instructors.

2)     Face-to-face interactions.

3)     Self-directedness among employees.

4)     Learner's dependency on the instructor.

Question 14 (2 points)
In _____ type of simulation, trainees are presented with a situation and asked to make a decision that enables them to progress through the simulation.
Question 14 options:

1)     Game-based

2)     Branching story

3)     Virtual lab

4)     Interactive spreadsheet

Question 15 (2 points)
In virtual lab type of simulation, trainees:
Question 15 options:

1)     Interact with a computer representation of the job for which they are being trained.

2)     Are given a set of business rules (usually finance-based).

3)     Enter their decisions into a spreadsheet that shows how the decisions affect the business.

4)     Are presented with a situation or a case and asked to make a choice or decision.

Question 16 (2 points)
What is virtual reality in training? 
Question 16 options:

Question 17 (2 points)
What are intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)?
Question 17 options:

Question 18 (2 points)
List an advantage, and disadvantage, to distance learning.
Question 18 options:

Question 19 (2 points)
What are Expert Systems used for in training?
Question 19 options:

Question 20 (2 points)
What is an LMS and how is it of benefit to training?
Question 20 options:

BUSI531 Week 3 Quiz 3 SCORE 100 PERCENT

2)    Identical elements
3)    Reinforcement
4)    David McClelland's need

Question 8 (2 points)
According to the _____ theory, models' behavior or skill that is rewarded is adopted by an observer.
Question 8 options:
1)    Information processing
2)    Social learning
3)    Expectancy
4)    Goal setting

Question 9 (2 points)
_____ is a person's judgment about whether he or she can successfully learn knowledge and skills.
Question 9 options:
1)    Self-efficacy
2)    Self-actualization
3)    Self-esteem
4)    Self-concept

Question 10 (2 points)
Logical verification to increase self-efficacy typically involves:
Question 10 options:
1)    Perceiving a relationship between a new task and a task already mastered.
2)    Trying out the observed behaviors to see if they result in the same reinforcement that a model received.
3)    Motivating trainees by having employees who have mastered the learning outcomes demonstrate them for trainees.
4)    Determining the degree of support and negative consequences in the work setting for using newly acquired capabilities.

Question 11 (2 points)
Kenneth, an operations manager has been assigned to train a group of older employees in the logistics department. He has to train them to use the new computer software which was installed recently. He does so by reminding them that they were quick in learning to use the previous software. Kenneth is typically trying to _____.
Question 11 options:
1)    Increase the employees' self-efficacy
2)    Deter expectancies of the employees
3)    Create motor reproduction
4)    Raise the valence of the behavior

Question 12 (2 points)
Which of the following creates a learning orientation in trainees?
Question 12 options:
1)    Emphasizing trained task performance
2)    Emphasizing competition among trainees
3)    Ensuring trainees completely avoid errors and mistakes
4)    Allowing trainees to experiment with new knowledge and skills

Question 13 (2 points)
In expectancy theory, a belief that performing a given behavior is associated with a particular outcome is called _____.
Question 13 options:
1)    Valence
2)    Instrumentality
3)    Maintenance
4)    Generalizing

Question 14 (2 points)
According to the _____, transfer will be maximized to the degree that the tasks, materials, equipment, and other characteristics of the learning environment are similar to those encountered in the work environment.
Question 14 options:
1)    Theory of identical elements
2)    Stimulus generalization approach
3)    Cognitive theory of transfer
4)    Information processing theory

Question 15 (2 points)
Which of the following statements is true of closed skills?
Question 15 options:
1)     They require the trainee to adapt the general principles to fit a wide range of circumstances.
2)    They refer to training objectives that are linked to general learning principles.
3)    They refer to training objectives that are linked to learning specific skills that are to be identically produced by the trainee on their job.
4)    They are more difficult to train than open skills.

Question 16 (2 points)
Please explain a Lesson Plan Overview.
Question 16 options:

Question 17 (2 points)
What is a request for proposal (RFP) and what purpose does it serve?
Question 17 options:

Question 18 (2 points)
Please describe Far Transfer and its importance in training.
Question 18 options:

Question 19 (2 points)
Please describe Near Transfer and its importance in training.
Question 19 options:

Question 20 (2 points)
What is the importance of management support to training?

BUSI531 Week 3 Dropbox Asignment 2

Write a paper on the topic described under "Application Assignments" located on page 243, and develop a design for an action planning sheet.

Design an action planning sheet that a manager and employee could use to facilitate transfer of training. Justify each category included in the action plan.


  • Your paper must be approximately 3-5 pages in length.
  • You must use APA or MLA style of writing.
  • Dropbox Assignment 2 is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. CT, of  Week 3.


BUSI526 BDE-Week 1 Case Study 1

Read the Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company (Dessler, Ch. 1). After reading the case, answer the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Make a list of five specific HR problems with which you think Carter Cleaning will have to grapple.
  2. What would you do first if you were Jennifer?

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position. See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.





BUSI526 BDE Week 6 Case Study 5


Read the Application Case: Enron, Ethics, and Organizational Culture (Dessler, Ch. 14).  After reading the case, complete the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Based on what you read in this chapter, summarize in one page or less how you would explain Enron's ethical meltdown.
  2. It is said that when one securities analyst tried to confront Enron's CEO about the firm's unusual accounting statements, the CEO publicly used vulgar language to describe the analyst, and that Enron employees subsequently thought doing so was humorous. If true, what does that say about Enron's ethical culture?
  3. This case and chapter had something to say about how organizational culture influences ethical behavior. What role do you think culture played at Enron? Give five specific examples of things Enron's CEO could have done to create a healthy ethical culture.

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

BUSI526 BDE Week 2 Case Study


Read the Application Case: Seeking Gender Equity at Starbucks (Dessler, Ch. 2). After reading the case, answer the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Do you agree that it is inequitable to offer the corporate workers better benefits than the store partners? Why? Is that what the law would seem to say?
  2. What arguments would you make as Starbucks' CEO concerning why the current policy is fair?
  3. How would you handle this situation if you were running a company that was confronted by a shareholder making these demands?

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position. See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.




BUSI526 BDE Week 7 Research Paper - The Connection of Fringe Benefits to Job Satisfaction accounting for the application of



You will write a 10 to 12 page applied research paper on a current Human Resource topic of your choice. (This page requirement does not include your title page and reference page.) See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for this paper.


Topic: The Connection of FringeBenefits toJob Satisfaction accounting for the application of Human Resource Management.




BUSI522 Week 8 Integrative Case


Read the integrative case "The Donor Services Department" beginning on page 608 of the textbook. Answer the following questions: (1) What is the main issue in this case? Defend why. (2) How can the Donor Service Department become more effective? (3) Describe intergroup conflict in the Donor Service Department. (4) How could empowerment change the situation at the Donor Service Department?

BUSI522 Week 8 Discussion 8

Consider our topics this week: Conflict, Power and Politics. Then research an industry that has had to change (examples airlines, auto industry, cable companies, telephone companies, etc.) Choose a specific company within that industry and explain what that organization did: (1) The forces of change. (2) Decision making processes and models. (3) Intergroup conflict with the change. (4) The impact of power within the organization. (5) The role of organizational politics and collaboration on the change.

BUSI522 Week 7 Case Analysis 3

Read the case analysis "Shoe Corporation of Illinois" beginning on page 456 of the textbook. Also, be sure to review the Exhibit 11.9 which is a partial Organizational Charter of Shoe Corporation of Illinois.  Conduct research beyond the textbook (at least two references are required) and then address the following: (1) Analyze the organizational structure. (2) Provide recommendations for improvement in information flow. (3) How would you characterize the current interdependence between departments?  How should it be improved?  (4) Given that the president's intent is to change shoe styles frequently, how could innovation be fostered?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

BUSI502 Week 6 Exam 3

When does cloud computing make sense for a large corporation that already has an IS organization? Give an example of when cloud computing might make sense for a start-up company

BU490 Exam 1 SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 (5 points)
Theoretical reasoning is reasoning about what we 
Question 1 options:

A)     actually do.

B)     actually believe.   

C)     should do.

D)     should believe.

Question 2 (5 points)
When making a decision, selecting the alternative that meets the minimum decision criteria is known as
Question 2 options:

A)     flipism.

B)     satisficing.

C)     normalcy bias.

D)     optimism bias.

Question 3 (5 points)
In an ethical decision-making process, moral imagination helps individuals make ethically responsible decisions. In which of the following steps is moral imagination critical?
Question 3 options:

A)     Considering the available alternatives 

B)     Identifying the ethical issues 

C)     Identifying and considering the decision's impact on stakeholders  

D)     Determining the facts 

Question 4 (5 points)
Which step follows comparing the alternatives of how a decision affects stakeholders?
Question 4 options:

A)     Making a decision 

B)     Identifying the ethical issues involved 

C)     Identifying key stakeholders

D)     Monitoring and learning from outcomes 

Question 5 (5 points)
Which of the following is a recommended approach for teaching ethics?
Question 5 options:

A)     Teachers should teach ethical dogma to a passive audience.

B)     Teachers should understand that their roles are to tell the right answers to their  students.

C)     Teachers should challenge students to think for themselves.

D)     Teachers should consider acceptance of customary norms as an adequate ethical perspective.

Question 6 (5 points)
Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are different from ethics because they're-________ in nature.
Question 6 options:

A)     clinical

B)     conjectural 

C)     descriptive 

D)     normative 

Question 7 (5 points)
Which of the following is considered a social role? 
Question 7 options:

A)     Librarian 

B)     Manager 

C)     Citizen 

D)     Student-body president 

Question 8 (5 points)
Organizational________refers to a corporation's set of identifiable values that establish the expectations for what's considered normal within the firm.
Question 8 options:

A)     code 

B)     policy 

C)     structure 

D)     culture 

Question 9 (5 points)
________establish the guidelines or standards for determining what one should do, how one should act, and what type of person one should be.
Question 9 options:

A)     Laws 

B)     Roles 

C)     Attitudes

D)     Norms 

Question 10 (5 points)
Which of the following is a power granted to the US Treasury secretary under the Grayson-Himes Pay for Performance Act?
Question 10 options:

A)     Specifying which employees are eligible to be paid bonuses 

B)     Reviewing how companies give their bonuses 

C)     Specifying what criteria must be considered when elevating people to upper-management positions

D)     Reviewing the constitution of companies' boards of directors 

Question 11 (5 points)
Within a business setting, individuals must consider the ethical implications of both personal and professional
Question 11 options:

A)     decision making.

B)     laws.

C)     self-interest.

D)     desires.

Question 12 (5 points)
No group could function if members were free at all times to decide for themselves what to do and how to act. Which of the following functions serves to organize and ease relations among individuals?
Question 12 options:

A)     Self-rule 

B)     Autocracy 

C)     Social contract 

D)     Personal norms 

Question 13 (5 points)
Free market economics is grounded in the________framework of ethics.
Question 13 options:

A)     rights-based 

B)     legal 

C)     utilitarian 

D)     principle-based 

Question 14 (5 points)
The omission known as change blindness occurs when decision makers
Question 14 options:

A)     are adamant on maintaining status quo due to a fear of change.

B)     fail to notice gradual changes over time.

C)     want to bring about a change on a whim.

D)     overlook a sudden change.

Question 15 (5 points)
Social sciences, including psychology and sociology, differ from ethics by
Question 15 options:

A)     giving directives about how people should act.

B)     being normative rather than descriptive.

C)     inquiring why people act the way they do.

D)     providing an account of how people should act.

Question 16 (5 points)
Which of the following statements is most accurate? 
Question 16 options:

A)     Ethics of principles is based on rules, whereas utilitarianism is based on consequences.

B)     Ethics of principles is based on human rights, whereas utilitarianism is based on self-interest.

C)     Ethics of principles is based on self-interest, whereas utilitarianism is based on human rights.

D)     Ethics of principles is based on consequences, whereas utilitarianism is based on rules.

Question 17 (5 points)
A rights-based framework of ethics would object to child labor because such practices
Question 17 options:

A)     violate our duty to treat children with respect.

B)     violate laws that are widely accepted in developed countries.

C)     aren't economically feasible in the modern era.

D)     run counter to the principles of most world religions.

Question 18 (5 points)
Which of the following conditions makes issue identification the first step in the ethical decision-making process?
Question 18 options:

A)     When the issue is presented from the start 

B)     When the stakeholders in the decision can't be determined 

C)     When the ethical predicament of the situation is hard to determine 

D)     When the responsibility for the decision lies with one person 

Question 19 (5 points)
________is the first step in making an ethically responsible decision.
Question 19 options:

A)     Comparing and weighing alternatives 

B)     Monitoring and learning from the outcomes 

C)     Considering the available alternatives 

D)     Determining the facts of the situation 

Question 20 (5 points)
Which of the following is considered to be an institutional role?
Question 20 options:

A)     Teacher

B)     Citizen 

C)     Sibling    

D)     Spouse 

BU490 Business Ethics- Graded Project

Graded Project


Example Selection

You should select a business ethics issue that either has occurred or might occur in a veterinary practice and write an analysis of the issue and potential decisions/solutions, using the concepts introduced in your textbook. You might pick one of the following:

  • A situation currently in the news
  • An ethics dilemma witnessed in a veterinary practice either as an employee or a client
  • A high quality hypothetical business ethics issue in a veterinary practice (either one you've seen in books or film, or one you create)

Be sure to choose an example for analysis that seems interesting, difficult, or complicated.

Project Process

Step 1: Select an example for your analysis as outlined above.

Step 2: Perform your analysis. Apply the recommended high quality, ethical decisionmaking process described in your course book. You'll want to consider the facts of the situation, the ethical lenses, legal, regulatory, and any other more specific lenses that might be applicable. Describe how the key concepts apply, and explain why the decision is difficult or complicated. Recommend the course of action you believe is 'best' taking all the relevant considerations into account.

Your textbook should be your primary reference. Your paper may also include independent and reliable sources (many of which you might access from your textbook's chapter notes). You should feel free to consult sources on the Internet. However, always make sure your work is original and well-documented. Notes from a website should include the source of the site. This is done to establish that the site is authoritative and not merely idle opinion.

Use APA style for citations and the Works Cited page. For information on APA style format see the Library.

Step 3: Write a first draft of your essay. Your paper should be written using a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program. Your analysis should be five to eight written pages. The essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs examining the key issues, your recommended course of action, and a conclusion that acknowledges arguments for and against your recommended decision. (Recommendation: Finish your first draft several days before you plan to finalize your paper. It's best to set it aside for a couple of days before moving on to the completion.)

Step 4: Complete your final draft. Carefully review your written essay, correct any errors, and submit your final draft to your instructor. (Recommendation: Read your essay out loud to yourself. Doing this will help make you aware of gaps, redundancies, and areas where the writing should be improved.) Include a title page and a bibliography of sources. The last page after the main body of the essay should provide a list of your reference sources.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

BU490 Business Ethics Exam 3 SCORE 90 PERCENT

Question 1 (1 point)
The doctrine of_______holds that employers are free to fire an employee at any time and for any reason unless a prior agreement specifies otherwise.
Question 1 options:

A)     constructive dismissal

B)     employment at will

C)     constructive notice

D)     estoppel

Question 2 (1 point)
The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) of 2008
Question 2 options:

A)     prevents employers from releasing genetic information about an employee to a public health agency.

B)     allows employers to collect genetic information from employees to monitor the biological effects of toxic substances in the workplace.

C)     excludes family medical history from one's genetic information.

D)     prevents employers from collecting genetic information in compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act.

Question 3 (1 point)
Consumer vulnerability occurs when
Question 3 options:

A)     a person has access to too much information about a product and the market exchange process.

B)     the consumer is treated as an end in itself.

C)     a person has an impaired ability to make an informed consent to the market exchange.

D)     there are too many manufacturers in the market.

Question 4 (1 point)
Marketing experts consider stealth marketing extraordinarily effective because
Question 4 options:

A)     the consumer's guard isn't down while accepting the message.

B)     consumers don't question the message as they might challenge a traditional advertising campaign.

C)     consumers seek out the communicator's vested interest.

D)     consumers don't see the communication as too personal and often tend to trust an advertisement or other marketing material much more than they would trust the communicator.

Question 5 (1 point)
Drug testing in the workplace
Question 5 options:

A)     requires employees to disclose all use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

B)     has had no legal issues relating to monitoring employees.

C)     tends to provide a productivity benefit for companies.

D)     allows employees to control their environment.

Question 6 (1 point)
The European Union's Directive on Personal Data Protection
Question 6 options:

A)     prohibits EU firms from transferring personal information to a non-EU country unless that country maintains "adequate protections" of its own.

B)     also is known as the European Union Safe Harbor Act.

C)     states that the United States is the only nonmember country that maintains "adequate protection" of personal data.

D)     encourages member countries to maintain myriad standards for information gathering and protection.

Question 7 (1 point)
In the context of the government-regulated ethics approach to health and safety, government standards
Question 7 options:

A)     prevent employees from facing the fundamentally coercive choice between job and safety.

B)     are set based on assumptions rather than best available scientific knowledge, and thus add to market failures that result from insufficient information. (Incorrect)

C)     address the "first generation" problem of the market-controlled approach to health and safety by focusing on compensation rather than prevention.

D)     favor individual bargaining between employers and employees as the approach to workplace health and safety.

Question 8 (1 point)
Critics in both industry and government argue that OSHA should aim to achieve the optimal, rather than the highest, level of safety.________analysis can be used to achieve this goal.
Question 8 options:

A)     Cost-minimization

B)     Cost-benefit

C)     Cost-utility

D)     Cost-effectiveness

Question 9 (1 point)
Which of the following is the ethical basis for implied warranty of merchantability?
Question 9 options:

A)     Consumers understand products fully, and they're free to choose not to purchase certain things.

B)     A prudent business will never seek to limit its liability by explicitly disowning any promise or warranty.

C)     Manufacturers wouldn't sell a product if they had reason to believe that their product would harm consumers during normal use.

D)     Consumers wouldn't consent to purchase a product if they had reason to believe that they would be harmed by it during normal use.

Question 10 (1 point)
Some companies have a/an________policy, under which an employer may refuse to hire a worker whose spouse already works at the same firm.
Question 10 options:

A)     conflict-of-interest (Incorrect)

B)     antinepotism

C)     antitrust

D)     antifraternization

Question 11 (1 point)
Which of the following is one of the challenges in the acceptable risk approach?
Question 11 options:

A)     It assumes an equivalency between workplace risks and other types of risks when there are significant differences between them.

B)     It treats health and safety merely as an instrumental value and denies its intrinsic value.

C)     It's a liberal approach to workplace health and safety that allows employees to recognize the risks they're likely to face.

D)     It involves the determination of relative risks, the calculation of which is a complicated process and not always reliable.

Question 12 (1 point)
When approaching an ethical issue in marketing, the utilitarian tradition would want to know
Question 12 options:

A)     the degree to which individuals freely participate in an exchange.

B)     the degree to which a transaction provided actual as opposed to apparent benefits.

C)     about the personal characters of the parties involved in the exchange.

D)     about other values that are affected by the exchange.

Question 13 (1 point)
The term "sweatshops" refers to workplaces where
Question 13 options:

A)     employee interests are protected from being subjected to utilitarian and financial calculations.

B)     employees lack even the most basic health and safety protections.

C)     employers constantly supervise and evaluate employees.

D)     employers treat employees well as a means of producing workplace harmony.

Question 14 (1 point)
Which of the following statements is true of the right to privacy?
Question 14 options:

A)     It isn't related to liberty and autonomy.

B)     It's provided only for certain sections of society.

C)     It can be legally protected by the Constitution.

D)     It isn't restricted by any social contract.

Question 15 (1 point)
The________approach holds that the only responsibility of a business is to provide a good or service at an agreed-upon price.
Question 15 options:

A)     merchantability

B)     caveat venditor

C)     implied warranty

D)     caveat emptor

Question 16 (1 point)
The issue of workplace bullying is more common in the service sector because that sector
Question 16 options:

A)     lacks the right of due process.

B)     has a strong hierarchy of authority.

C)     contains organizations that are mostly decentralized.

D)     relies significantly on interpersonal relationships and interaction.

Question 17 (1 point)
A behavioral psychologist is most likely to claim that advertising
Question 17 options:

A)     can control consumers' behavior by controlling their choices.

B)     can't create nonautonomous behavior in consumers.

C)     can't violate consumer autonomy by controlling consumer behavior.

D)     can control consumers' behavior by providing them with all the relevant information.

Question 18 (1 point)
Strict product liability laws in the United States
Question 18 options:

A)     are highly favored by the business community.

B)     hold a business responsible for any harm from product use, even if it isn't the result of business negligence.

C)     ensure that the government must pay consumers in situations where neither the producer nor the consumer is at fault.

D)     are similar to the strict liability standards adopted by the European Union.

Question 19 (1 point)
Manipulation focuses on which of the following?
Question 19 options:

A)     total control of direction or management.

B)     deceiving a person.

C)     guiding or directing behavior.

D)     taking total control over an individual's actions.

Question 20 (1 point)
Which of the following statements is true of the Hawthorne Effect?
Question 20 options:

A)     It occurs only when the mechanisms used to monitor employees are unethical.

B)     It holds that workers show poor performance when they know they're being monitored.

C)     It holds that managers shouldn't monitor their employees in any situations.

D)     It maintains that workers' productivity improves when they're singled out.

BU450 Exam

If the founder of the organization is a workaholic and control oriented, the organization is likely to be characterized as:
'the web' whereby the manager is in the center of an interconnected circle.
fast-paced decision making and centralized.

decentralized and open.

participative and supportive.

The High and Low Context model of culture addresses:
different cultural values.

differences in communication styles.

differences in leadership patterns.

the organizational cultural context.


The belief that leaders are born rather than made is part of which approach to leadership?


case study



Personality is best defined as:
a person's traits based on their genes.

a set of traits that make a person unique.

how people behave based on their values.

behaviors that make people different.

In __________ cultures, power bases are stable, and upward mobility is limited.


vertical power

high power distance

The contingency models such as Path-Goal all focus on:
how leaders use their resources.

the transaction between leaders and followers.

the relationship between leaders and followers.
behaviors that make people different.

The job of upper echelon leaders requires an equal focus on:



The concept of employee participation is party of many management and leadership theories. Which one of the following does NOT include the concept of participation?
Theory X and Theory Y
Leader behavior research
Contingency models

Trait approach

__________ refers to the process of providing support to assure the change becomes permanent.




__________ is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term change or evolution that occurs because of various learning experiences.




Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam SO24S Social Impact of Technology

SO24S : Social Impact of Technology
Question 1
If you embrace transition theory, you'd say the main factor in the reduction of death rates is:
expanded access to education.
preventive health care.
accessible pediatric care.
improved technologies in food production.

Question 2
The V-1 and V-2 rockets that rained down on London during the Blitz were first developed in:
Great Britain.
the United States.
the Soviet Union.

Question 3
In peripheral countries or regions all of the following are true EXCEPT:
they are all dependent on core countries for capital.
the term "peripheral" is necessarily synonymous with poverty.
most of the impoverished countries are in Africa.
there is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations.

Question 4
In a growing population, the rate of __________ increase equals the birth rate minus the death rate plus net migration.

Question 5
During World War II, which country sustained the highest percentage of fatalities?
Great Britain
The United States
The Soviet Union

Question 6
Four major rivers flow from the decreasing snow melt of the Himalayan mountains. If you are a resident of northern India, which of these four rivers is most likely to threaten food production?
The Indus
The Yangtze
The Mekong
The Ganges

Question 7
Four students are talking about the kind of energy that's fundamental to life on Earth. Thomas says it is electrical energy. Susan opts for solar energy. Lawrence argues in favor of chemical energy. Kimberly is sure it's mechanical energy. Who is correct?

Question 8
We find perennial grasses and flowering plants called forbs in __________ grasslands.
derived savannah

Question 9
Which of these technological advances is associated with the development of writing?
The domestication of animals
The development of agriculture
Iron smelting

Question 10
As an ecologist I've been patiently observing Grable pond and its surrounds to better understand the unique patterns of interactions between the flora and fauna that live there. In fact, I am studying a/an:

Ashworth Semester Exam SC160 Basic Biology

SC160 : Basic Biology
Question 1
Relative to prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are usually:
larger and more complex.
smaller and simpler.
larger and equally complex.
smaller and more complex.

Question 2
The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called:

Question 3
You find a cell of a type you have never seen before. The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall. Therefore, you conclude that it must be a __________ cell.

Question 4
Plants use photosynthesis to:
store chemical energy, and they use cellular respiration to harvest energy.
store as well as harvest chemical energy.
harvest energy, and they use cellular respiration to store chemical energy.
obtain carbon dioxide.

Question 5
Alleles are described as:
homologous chromosomes.
environmental factors that affect gene expression.
alternate versions of a gene.
alternate phenotypes.

Question 6
The process of making multiple copies of a gene by inserting it into a host genome and culturing the host is an example of:
gene cloning.
industrial genetic engineering.
gene amplification.
gene pharming.

Question 7
What type of reproductive isolating mechanism is described by a situation in which female fireflies only mate with males who emit light in a particular pattern?
Habitat isolation
Temporal isolation
Mechanical isolation
Behavioral isolation

Question 8
Mutualistic associations of plant roots and fungi are called:

Question 9
Ecology is the study of:
human effects on the environment.
interactions between humans and other species.
interactions between organisms and their environments.

Question 10
Populations of two coexisting species are both tertiary consumers in a community. What relationship may exist between these two organisms?

Ashworth Semester Exam SC14S Elements of Chemistry

SC14S : Elements of Chemistry
Ozone is considered an air pollutant in the __________ but is a valuable protective layer in the __________.
troposphere; stratosphere
stratosphere; mesosphere
stratosphere; troposphere
mesosphere; stratosphere

The periodicity of the properties of elements is chiefly due to the:
numbers of electrons in the atoms of the elements.
distribution of electrons in the atoms of the elements.
numbers of neutrons and electrons in the atoms of the elements.
Both the numbers of electrons in the atoms of the elements and the distribution of electrons in the atoms of the elements.

The carbon cycle refers to:
the mechanism by which carbon dioxide causes global warming.
the frequency of light energy that affects the rotational energy of carbon dioxide.
the oxidation of glucose to form carbon dioxide and water.
the movement of carbon through living organisms, the atmosphere, the sea, and the earth.

Thermal energy:
decreases as the temperature of a body increases.
is characterized by the random motion of molecules.
is the only form of energy that can be transformed into work with 100% efficiency.
causes the mass of a body to increase.

Which statement concerning groundwater is correct?
Any water found above ground that needs treatment to remove contaminants
Any water found above ground that is usually free of contaminants
Any water pumped from wells that have been drilled into underground aquifers that needs treatment to remove contaminants
Any water pumped from wells drilled into underground aquifers that is usually free from harmful contaminants

Fission is the process of creating energy by:
combining small nuclei to form a larger, more stable nucleus.
combining small nuclei to form a larger, less stable nucleus.
splitting large nuclei with bombarding protons.
splitting large nuclei with bombarding neutrons.

A polymer is a large molecule:
held together by hydrogen bonds.
made up of long chains of atoms covalently bonded together.
made up of large lattice structure held together by ionic bonds.
always made up of identical monomer units.

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, described making a "tea" that was effective against fever by boiling willow bark. Years later the active ingredient was isolated and chemically modified to produce the drug we now know as:

With respect to diet, which statement is correct?
It is possible to be overweight and malnourished.
If a person is malnourished, he/she would have to be anorexic.
It is possible to be undernourished and not anorexic.
If you meet your daily caloric intake, you can be undernourished.

The human genome is organized into:
50 chromosomes.
23 pairs of chromosomes.
1 Y chromosome and 1 X chromosome.
23 chromosomes.

Ashworth Semester Exam S06V Social Psychology

S06V : Social Psychology
Question 1
Behaviorists believe that all learning is a result of
reinforcement and punishment.
Gestalt principles.

Question 2
From across the room, J.T. sees his mother sigh, and he approaches to give her a hug in the hopes of cheering her up. In this case, J.T.'s behavior is an example of a(n) ________ social influence attempt.

Question 3
If you were to design a program using rewards to increase motivation, what type of rewards would it be the best to use, according to the authors of your text?

Question 4
Research demonstrated that physical sensation can activate metaphors that influence our judgments about unrelated topics. If you wanted students to take your petition seriously, you should present the information about it
on a piece of paper they can take with them.
on a heavy tablet.
on a light clipboard.
verbally rather than written.

Question 5
Research by Petty, Cacioppo, and Goldman (1981) found that when students are not involved in an issue, their opinions are influenced more by the ________ than by the ________.
quality of the arguments; credibility of the speaker
credibility of the speaker; quality of the arguments
quality of the arguments; surface characteristics of the message
content of the message; expertise of the speaker

Question 6
Research shows that conformity is not always required of group members. If a member of your group occasionally deviates from the group and the group doesn't impose negative consequences, the individual has used some of his or her
idiosyncrasy credits.
descriptive norms.

Question 7
Under what conditions will groups tend to make better decisions than individuals?
When the conditions are stressful
When cohesiveness is high
When they rely on the person with the most expertise
When there is a strong directive leader

Question 8
Because of the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, people who express that they are madly in love are likely to report that they feel
physically ill.
confused and dizzy.
euphoric and high.
that they cannot think.

Question 9
______ theory would be most likely to mention such factors as social approval and increased self-worth as motivations for prosocial behavior.
Social exchange
Norm activation
Question 10
Researchers use a person's reluctance to get too close to a person from another group as a measure of discrimination. This is known as
micro aggression.
social distance.
social identity.

Ashworth Semester Exam S04V Human Growth and Development II

S04V : Human Growth and Development II
Question 1
In Jamar's culture, the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, and religion is referred to as which of the following?
Marriage gradient
Cross-cultural factor
Gender replication

Question 2
When Bobby was eight years old, he was sure he wanted to grow up to be a fireman. But just a year later, Bobby told everybody that when he grew up he wanted to be an astronaut. Still, a few years passed and when he was around 11 years old he changed his mind again and wanted to be a professional basketball player. According to Ginzberg, Bobby is in the __________ period.
career consolidation

Question 3
The desire to have independence and a sense of control over one's life is called:

Question 4
Sally's adolescent classmates call her and the other 125 members of her advanced computer software group "nerds," meaning she is part of a:
peer group.

Question 5
Which body part continues to exhibit growth in both size and weight during early adulthood?
Chest and arms

Question 6
The loss of near vision in middle adulthood is referred to as:
visual acuity.

Question 7
Which of the following are most likely to experience feelings of loneliness and increased physical and mental health problems?
divorced women over the age of 40
divorced men in general
divorced women under the age of 25
divorced women in general

Question 8
During a geriatrics conference, discussion focused on internal aging, specifically, brain size and cognitive decline. Which of the following summaries is most notable for this discussion?
The brain will remain the same size and cognitive function can remain the same if the
Brain structure and cognition will decline slightly.
Brain structure will drastically be reduced and cognitive functioning will decrease.
The brain becomes smaller and lighter with age but will retain its structure and

Question 9
Amad does not need continued care. However, he does receive care during the day in the form of meals and medications. What type of facility does Amad attend?
Drop-in facility
Skilled nursing
Assisted living
Adult day-care

Question 10
According to Kübler-Ross, when people protest and have objections to either learning about their impending death or the manner of their impending death, this is called:

Ashworth Semester Exam S03V Human Growth and Development I

S03V : Human Growth and Development I
Question 1
A biological universal event that occurs at relatively the same time throughout all societies is an example of:
young adulthood.

Question 2
Genes are arranged in specific locations and in a specific order along _______ chromosomes.

Question 3
What is the term for a period of deep depression following the birth of a child that affects approximately 10 percent of all new mothers for months or even years?
Postpartum depression
Infant mortality
Crib death

Question 4
A form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its association with positive or negative consequences, is called:
operant conditioning.
classical conditioning.

Question 5
Name the principle: Simple skills typically develop separately and independently but are later integrated into more complex skills.
cephalocaudal principle
proximodistal principle
principle of the independence of systems
principle of hierarchical integration

Question 6
Baby Nicholas watches as his mother leaves the room, but he does not cry because he understands that his mother still exists even though he cannot see her. This is an example of which reaction concept?
Substage 2: First habits and primary circular reactions
Substage 1: Simple reflexes
Substage 3: Secondary circular reactions
Substage 4: Object permanence

Question 7
Mary is planning to take a year and a half leave from her job because she wants to stay home and care for the needs of her newborn. Mary believes that during the first 18 months of a child's life it is critical that she make herself available to her child to meet his needs and give him the attention he needs. What does Erikson call this stage of development?
The critical attachment stage
The trust-versus-mistrust stage
The autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt stage
The temperament behavior stage

Question 8
In its most extreme form, _________ parenting results in neglect.

Question 9
At what age can both boys and girls judge and intercept directions of small balls thrown from a distance?
7 years old
8 years old
10 years old
12 years old

Question 10
Which of the following plays a big role in how girls experience early maturation?
How the mother and daughter get along and communicate
Cultural and community norms and standards about how women should look
How the father and daughter get along and communicate
ow much attention the girl receives from boys

Ashworth Semester Exam S02V Introduction to Psychology II

S02V : Introduction to Psychology II
Question 1
Which of the following statements is true of formal reasoning?
In formal reasoning, the information needed for drawing a conclusion or reaching a solution is specified clearly.
In formal reasoning, many approaches, viewpoints, or possible solutions may compete, and you may have to decide which one is most "reasonable."
Formal reasoning involves dialectical reasoning.
Formal reasoning uses heuristics, or rules of thumb, to try to reach a solution.

Question 2
_________ is the tendency to falsely attribute human qualities to nonhuman beings.
Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking

Question 3
Casey was visiting a friend in New York City on September 11, 2001, the day of the attack on the World Trade Center. To her, that day seems frozen in time. She remembers exactly where she was, what she was doing, and what she felt as the morning transpired. This vivid recollection is known as
source misattribution.
a flashbulb memory.
a serial-position effect.
a frozen memory.

Question 4
A long-lasting increase in the strength of synaptic responsiveness is called:
deep processing.
long-term potentiation.
parallel processing.
state-dependent memory.

Question 5
What property of some brain cells led scientists to call them mirror neurons?
They only fire when a person or animal looks in a mirror.
Their cell membranes contain a protein that makes them reflect light.
Their structure perfectly mirrors the structure of a neighboring neuron.
They fire when a person or animal observes others carrying out an action.

Question 6
To psychologists, motivation refers to
a state of tension resulting from the deprivation of physical needs, such as those for food and water.
a process in which an individual sets goals to increase his or her competence and skills.
an inferred process within a person or animal that causes that organism to move toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation.
movement through a hierarchy of needs, beginning with survival needs for sleep, food, and water and reaching needs for self-actualization.

Question 7
_________ is the distress that most children develop when their primary caregivers leave them with strangers.
Insecure attachment
Separation anxiety
Contact discomfort
Avoidant attachment

Question 8
________ is a fundamental personality dimension that describes the extent to which people are anxious and impulsive.
Agreeableness versus antagonism
Extroversion versus introversion
Neuroticism versus emotional stability
Openness to experience versus resistance to new experience

Question 9
Research has indicated that
to experience a generalized anxiety disorder, a person must have lived through a specific anxiety-producing event.
It's normal for an individual to feel anxious, be in a general state of apprehension, or experience psychological tension for a period of time.
the majority of people who live through a traumatic experience continue to have posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms for many years.
if loss of interest in familiar activities and a sense of detachment from others persist for two weeks after a trauma, then posttraumatic stress disorder is diagnosed.

Question 10
Psychologists who practice behavioral therapy focus on the client's
unconscious anxieties.
relationships with parents.
methods of coping with inescapable realities of life.
current behavior and attitudes.

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Ashworth Semester Exam S01V Introduction to Psychology I

S01V : Introduction to Psychology I
Question 1
The ability to make judgments on the basis of well-supported reasons rather than emotion or anecdote is called:
applied psychology.
critical thinking.

Question 2
__________ concluded that his patients' distress was due to conflicts and emotional traumas that occurred in early childhood but were too threatening to be remembered consciously.
Wilhelm Wundt
William James
Sigmund Freud
E. B. Titchener

Question 3
An operational definition is a(n):
statement that attempts to describe or explain a given behavior.
organized system of assumptions and principles that claims to explain a specified set of phenomena and their interrelationships.
precise definition of a term, which specifies the processes required for observing and measuring the phenomenon being investigated.
statement that is accepted without proof and regarded as fundamental to a subject.

Question 4
Milton is a researcher who wants to know whether eating chocolate makes people nervous. Some participants are given two bars of chocolate to eat, while other participants are given no chocolate at all. One hour later, all participants are tested for nervousness. In this experiment, the amount of chocolate eaten:
acts as a dependent variable.
is used as a placebo.
acts as the independent variable.
may be an independent or dependent variable.

Question 5
Professor Schmidt presents her students with a quiz to determine if they know the four chemical elements that form DNA. The majority of students know that the correct answer is:
adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.
adenine, thymine, cysteine, and gametangium.
adenine, telomerase, cytosine, and guanine.
adenine, thiol, chlorine, and guanine.

Question 6
__________ is an approach used only with animals to study the brain.
Positron-emission tomography
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Transcranial direct current stimulation
Lesion method

Question 7
Hypnotic responsiveness depends upon:
the skill of the hypnotist.
the efforts and qualities of the person being hypnotized.
the gullibility of the person being hypnotized.
the hypnotist's ability to become easily absorbed in the world of imagination.

Question 8
Soo Lei is a concert violinist. Depending on the piece she's playing, she describes the music as purple or pale green with pink and orange edges. Soo Lei is displaying signs of:
functional sensation.

Question 9
The __________ effect is the existence of a greater biological readiness to associate sickness with taste than with sights or sounds.

Question 10
Tahir, an Arab, and Jan, a Swede, meet at a dinner for international students. Because the cultures of these two men differ with regard to __________, both may feel uncomfortable during their conversation.
common eating etiquette
attitudes toward higher education
explicit laws
conversational distance

Ashworth Semester Exam R04V Human Relations

R04V : Human Relations
Question 1
Pamela wants to obtain as much useful self-knowledge as she can, so she obtains a personal evaluation from a counseling psychologist. Among the findings from a personality standpoint are that Pamela scores high on (a) extraversion, (b) openness, (c) agreeableness, (d) conscientiousness, and (d) optimism. She score lows on the personality factors of (a) neuroticism, (b) self-monitoring, (c) risk taking and thrill seeking. Among the findings related to cognitive ability, Pamela scores quite high on practical intelligence and linguistic intelligence. She scores average on analytical intelligence, and quite high on emotional intelligence. Imagine yourself as Pamela's supervisor, and you want to build an effective working relationship with her. You have given Pamela a key role in a project of major significance to your team. A useful approach in dealing with Pamela would be to:
move slowly in forming a working relationship with her, follow up frequently on your requests, and impose strict deadlines.
give her a lot of freedom, do not nag, and be particularly friendly and warm toward her,
monitor her progress closely, encourage her to try far-out ideas, and focus your conversation on the task.
be careful not to express your anxiety and fears about the project, and look out for her saying things that she thinks you want to hear.

Question 2
Marketing assistant Jody has been having financial problems recently. She has been late with some bills, and has neglected other bills for months. She figures that if she can at least concentrate on her job, she will perform well enough to get a salary increase in four months. Any extra money she receives will be applied immediately toward rent reduction. During a product launch meeting, she feels a small vibration coming from her handbag, and recognizes that it is her cell phone indicating a call or text message is waiting. Jody peeks at her phone to see a text message from her landlord that states, "Pay $750 by tomorrow or be evicted." Jody feels the urgent need to reply to the message, explaining that she will have the money in five days. From the standpoint of displaying good interpersonal skill, what should Jody do about responding to the call?
Pick up her cell phone immediately and send a response explaining her plan to pay in five days.
Place her cell phone on her lap and send a text message the best she can without appearing to be sending a text message.
Begin to cough, holding up five fingers suggesting that she has to leave the room and will return in a few minutes. While out of the conference room, Jody then sends the urgent text message.
Wait for a break in the meeting, and then discretely compose a message to her landlord.

Question 3
Victoria and Ted are part of an environmental protection team for a large company that manufactures and distributes carbonated beverages, juice drinks, and snacks. A major part of their responsibilities as team members is to investigate how the company can become more environmentally friendly. Included on the eight-member team are packaging design specialists, biologists, marketing specialists, and a financial analyst. A good deal of heated discussion takes place on the team about methods of preserving the environment that would be cost effective and truly helpful to the environment. Both Victoria and Ted want to do a good job as well as be good team players. One day the team leader asks Victoria and Ted to perform an analysis of the type of trash found regularly in the company Dumpsters. In discussing the assignment with each other, the two teammates and friends agree that such an assignment is totally vile. To preserve their goal of being good team players, yet still enjoy their wo
Explain to the team leader that they both want to be good organizational citizens, but garbage analysis is too far removed from their job description.
Acquire the necessary technical expertise, get the job done as quickly as possible, and don't criticize the assignment.
Explain to the team leader that analyzing the contents of a Dumpster does not fit the big picture of preserving the environment.
Explain to the team leader that his job is so important they would like to have three other team members' help with the garbage analysis so that a

Question 4
Kathy is an office manager at a growing law firm that specializes in pursuing awards for accident victims. She is assigned as the head of a problem-solving group to decide on where to locate a new, expanded office downtown. A major decision facing the group is to rent space in a sleek, new office building or renovate space in a former factory building. The space in the old factory building would have brick walls, and resemble a large loft. During the second meeting on this topic, the discussion has become quite heated, with comments such as these: "Are we going to look like a law firm, or a wild, creative advertising gang?" "The new office building might give the impression that we are a rich law firm exploiting our poor clients. The converted office building would look like we are human and caring." The mood of the problem-solving group is turning toward negativism and disagreement. To help deal with some of the emotion that has surfaced during the second meeting, group leader Kathy
call for a standup meeting, which will probably shorten the debate.
ask that each person with a strong preference for either type of rental space fully express his or her opinion, including facts and feelings.
explain that since this is a law firm, only facts, not feelings, can be entered into debate.
explain to the group that disagreement on major issues is dysfunctional (harmful).

Question 5
Isabella is a production supervisor for an American company that manufactures high-tech equipment for the optics industry. She is sent to Beijing, China, to help troubleshoot a problem with a machine installed at a major client in Beijing. As Isabella attends the first meeting, the Chinese managers and professionals are courteous, and they smile frequently. Yet she detects a little resistance in dealing with her. One of the Chinese managers says, "When will your boss be here?" Another manager says, "You must be the secretary from America. I hope the technical details in the meeting will not bore you." To begin asserting her authority, Isabella might try which one of the following tactics?
Give the group a small lecture about gender egalitarianism, and explain that she is from the United States, not China.
Say to the group, "I understand that my job might seem a little unusual, but I am the production supervisor sent here to work with you. I want to help you because you are an honored customer."
Explain that although she is the manufacturing supervisor sent to fix the problem, she is flexible enough to carry out such roles as serving coffee and tea at the meeting.
Say to the group, "You are an honored customer and our company wants to fix your problem. But I suggest that we cancel our meeting, and I will return after your management team has completed diversity training."

Question 6
Roberto has been a hard-working and high-performing distribution specialist for a food distribution company. Based on his good performance and positive interpersonal skills, he is appointed as team leader of the group that distributes food to schools and hospitals. Several weeks into the job, Roberto notices that the team of workers is really not working much like a team. The team members each seem to do their own job acceptably, but there is not a high level of cooperation and coordination among them. Roberto has been somewhat successful in his preliminary attempt to move the group toward better teamwork. To help sustain the teamwork, Roberto is advised to use which approach to leadership?
Avoidance of all charismatic traits and behaviors
Participative or shared leadership

Question 7
Justine is the director of international marketing in her company. One of the people assigned to her team is marketing associate Sebastian. Although Sebastian is performing satisfactorily, Justine is not entirely satisfied with his performance. As Justine perceives the situation, Sebastian seems to feel that because he is a recent marketing graduate he is a highly knowledgeable marketing professional. Also, he recently gave a PowerPoint presentation to management that Justine attended. Justine observed several factual errors as well as a few embarrassing spelling errors. Justine has a coaching session this morning with Sebastian. She wants to coach him on doing a more careful job when making a PowerPoint presentation. An effective tactic for Justine would be to :
tell Sebastian to please listen for ten minutes before saying anything in the coaching session.
explain to Sebastian that his recent PowerPoint presentation was wretched, and that anybody else in the department could have done a better job.
point out a couple of specific errors Sebastian made in his recent PowerPoint presentation.
accuse Sebastian of being careless and sloppy in his PowerPoint presentation.

Question 8
Steve is the cafeteria manager at the company headquarters of a major financial services firm located in Texas. He is well prepared and well experienced for his role as cafeteria manager, and aspires toward other positions in the company. Steve says, "Some people think I have reached my ceiling as cafeteria manager. I don't think so. I can see myself someday taking on other responsibilities, including become the facilities manager. If I continue to run an outstanding cafeteria and make the right connections, I can move up." Today Steve is meeting with Clarissa, the manager of human resources, to discuss plans for expanding the cafeteria staff. Steve has heard that at his company, getting along well with coworkers is a key criterion for being promoted. Steve regards Clarissa as a coworker, but they have had only two brief contacts because Clarissa is relatively new to the company. What might Steve do to best develop a good relationship today in their meeting in her office?
Flatter Clarissa by telling her that he has heard she is one of the most outstanding human resource managers in the southern United States.
Suggest to Clarissa that he is willing to help her with some of her toughest tasks, because he has great natural talents in dealing with people.
Explain to Clarissa that he understands how important her role is in the organization, and that without the right people a business firm is destined to fail.
Brag about his skill in managing people, and how he sees his job as a stepping stone to bigger responsibility.

Question 9
Bruce is the administrative support manager at a large legal firm. His managerial duties include purchasing supplies and equipment, human resource management, and supervising the support staff. The law firm has been cited by the state bar association for engaging in several unethical practices, such as overcharging clients and advertising too aggressively. The partners at the firm have therefore decided that the law firm must reestablish its reputation by being highly ethical in dealing with the public and employees. A representative from a computer manufacturer calls on Bruce with the intent of equipping the entire legal staff, including both attorneys and paralegals, with a new model netbook computer. The rep, Samantha, explains that if the entire staff is equipped with this line of computers, productivity will increase by at least 15 percent, based on experience with other legal firms. Bruce is a little skeptical of these productivity gains, yet he is willing to listen because part
Ask if any kickback Samantha might have in mind could also be shared with his boss.
Request immediately that their conversation be kept strictly confidential.
Explain to Samantha that his law firm makes purchasing decisions strictly on the merits of the product or service.
Ask Samantha what she means by "treats decision makers very well" before discussing the possible purchase of netbook computers any further.

Question 10
At age twenty-four, DeShaun had earned a business degree and aspires to becoming a retail executive. To launch his career, he took a retailing position that would give him the biggest responsibility at an early age, the manager of a dollar store. After two years as manager, DeShaun has performed outstandingly well. Sales have exceeded quota in his store, employee turnover is well below average, and inventory shrinkage (theft) is below average. DeShaun feels that he is ready to advance his career. DeShaun decides to quietly conduct a job search in order to explore how much he might be in demand. To achieve the best results from his job search, how should DeShaun state his job objective?
State that he is searching for more responsibility in a higher-paying field.
State that it would be best for the prospective employer to decide where he best fits.
State that he is searching for a position in retail management.
State that he searching for a position as a discount-store manager.

Ashworth Semester Exam PS400 Cognitive Psychology

PS400 : Cognitive Psychology
All of the following researchers are associated with behaviorism, except

Question 2
Among the core concepts of cognitive psychology, which one provides the basis for all of our cognitive abilities?
Stages of processing
Hierarchical systems
Mental representation

Question 3
Blindsight is an important phenomenon because it demonstrates that
individuals can't identify objects not consciously seen.
visual consciousness is entirely dependent on retinal processing.
visual consciousness is partly dependent on processing in both the retina and the occipital cortex.
visual consciousness is entirely dependent on a functional optic nerve.

Question 4
When /p/ and /b/ differ continuously in voice onset time, we hear an abrupt transition; this is called
phonemic restoration.
verbal transformation.
categorical perception.
conversation implicature.

Question 5
The _______ , located in the temporal lobe of the brain, is critical in storing new information into long-term memory.
corpus callosum

Question 6
Remembering a period of time in one's life and tying it to upper-level recollections of a job or place of residence is
an autobiographical memory.
a figurative memory.
constructed recall.
dependent recall.

Question 7
WordNet is based on which of the following approaches?
Object concepts
Rule-governed concepts
Semantic networks
Feature lists

Question 8
The eye-mind assumption is most directly related to
information processing during reading fixations.
bridging inferences.
idiographic writing.

Question 9
What is one disadvantage of a heuristic approach to solving problems?
It may yield a wrong answer.
It takes sufficient time and effort to solve the problem this way.
It's too random
Remembering heuristics takes up too much working memory.

Question 10
In syllogistic reasoning, a valid conclusion is __________ true, given that the premises are true.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam PS370 Research Methods in Psychology

PS370 : Research Methods in Psychology
Question 1
Which of the following is an example of inductive thinking?
Reasoning that a man will be able to hit a golf ball further than a woman because men generally have greater muscle development than women
Assuming that the sun will rise tomorrow morning because we know that the earth will continue to rotate and the sun will not burn out for billions of years
Assuming that there is something that we name intelligence because we notice that problem solving measures show differences between people that seem to be consistent over time
None of the above

Question 2
A researcher hypothesizes that criticism and aggression increase among coworkers when frustration increases. Workers are assigned to one of three groups (no frustration, moderate frustration, high frustration). For each group, verbal criticism and aggression are measured. In this example the independent variable is:
frustration level.
verbal criticism and aggression.
number of people in a group.
amount of work completed.

Question 3
The American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human Participants:
guarantees a research participant payment for participation.
guarantees a research participant the freedom to withdraw at any time from participation.
guarantees that there will be no deception or concealment.
expressly forbids research on children or persons with impairments.

Question 4
Which of the following is an accurate statement?
The variance is a better measure of variability than the range.
The range is a better measure of variability than the variance.
The range is a better measure of central tendency than the mode.
The variance is a better measure of central tendency than the range.

Question 5
A researcher wants to measure the relationship between age and test taking enjoyment (high, extremely high, insanely high, etc.). The most appropriate statistic would be the:
chi square.
sign test.
Pearson product-moment correlation.
Spearman rank-order correlation.

Question 6
Independent variables in differential research are __________ independent variables.

Question 7
Suppose a psychoanalyst studies enuretic children seen in her private practice. She observed that each child suffers from Oedipal conflicts and thus concluded that all enuretic children suffer from such conflicts. This conclusion illustrates a problem with what type of validity?

Question 8
When would you conclude there is a causal effect in an experiment?
When the systematic variance is high and error variance is low
When both systematic and error variance are low
When the error variance is greater than the systematic variance
When the error variance has a positive effect on the mean of the experimental group

Question 9
Assume we are carrying out a study involving children between the ages of 6 months and 2-1/2 years. We are looking at the effects of sudden noise on behavioral response. The most important variable to match the groups on is:
birth order.
eye color.

Question 10
Which of the following is NOT an example of a typical dependent measure in program evaluation?
A questionnaire given to people served by the program, as well as people in the community, asking about their satisfaction with the program
A measure of politician's commitment to continued funding of the program
A measure of actual change in the community (e.g., rate of unemployment for a community with a job training program)
A measure of change in the individual (e.g., a measure of malnutrition for people who receive food stamps)

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...